
  • safety education;education in safe production methods
  1. 建筑业安全生产教育的模拟展示设计研究

    Study on the Display Design for Safety Education in Building Operation

  2. 第四十条煤矿企业应当对职工进行安全生产教育、培训;

    Article 40 Coal mining enterprises shall conduct education and training in safety in production among their employees .

  3. 未经安全生产教育、培训的,不得上岗作业。

    No one who has not received education and training in safety shall be permitted to work in a coal mine .

  4. 黄师父:约翰,高层决定我们开展安全生产教育活动。

    Master Huang : Well , John , the higher-ups have decided that we have to put on a big safety campaign .

  5. 进一步加强施工现场安全生产教育,不断提高全员安全素质,是搞好施工现场安全管理的前提。

    Further strengthening the construction site safety and constantly upgrading the security quality of staffs is a prerequisite to improve construction site safety management .

  6. 国家历来重视安全生产教育,把安全生产教育放在了法律、法规和安全生产技术规程的突出位置。

    State has always paid attention to production safety education , and put the safety education on the prominent position in laws , regulations and safety technical specification .

  7. 职业伤害的防治应从加强安全生产教育、增强职工自我保护意识和提高企业经营者生产安全意识等方面综合考虑。

    The prevention and control of occupational injuries should require a comprehensive approach , including training and education of work safety , improving workers'consciousness of self-protection , and enhancing proprietors'consciousness of work safety .

  8. 加强企业的安全生产教育,强化对生产经营单位的安全监督管理,杜绝发生重大生产安全事故;泰安市中学生体育安全能力现状及对策研究

    Education programs on safe production shall be carried out in enterprises and security supervision on enterprises and businesses strengthened to avoid major accidents in production ; Present Situation and Countermeasures of Students'Ability of Safty in High School Physical Education of Tai'an

  9. 2003安全生产宣传教育市场化研讨会

    2003 Workshop on General Adoption of the Market Principle in Work Safety Promotion and Education

  10. 态度改变三阶段理论在安全生产宣传教育工作中的运用

    The application of attitude change theory to the propaganda of the Party 's safety production policies

  11. 教育也在许多方面产生作用。2003安全生产宣传教育市场化研讨会

    Education also emits its effects in many directions . 2003 Workshop on General Adoption of the Market Principle in Work Safety Promotion and Education

  12. 我国现代先进生产力发展的层次性、阶段性与党的“三个代表”作用态度改变三阶段理论在安全生产宣传教育工作中的运用

    The Gradation and Phrase Character of the Development of Chinese Advanced Modern Productive Forces & the Effects of the " Three Representings " of the CPC ; The application of attitude change theory to the propaganda of the Party 's safety production policies

  13. 当前严峻的安全生产形势、高等教育体制的变化、人才成长环境匮乏是造成安全科技人才短缺的直接原因。

    The severe situation of work safety , the change of higher education system and the poor environment of cultivating talents are the direct causes for the lack of safety technology talents .

  14. 从安全管理、安全生产宣传教育与培训、林业标准化、森林防火等方面全面地阐述了2005年林业安全生产工作,并提出了今后林业安全生产工作要点。

    The forestry safe production work in 2005 is expounded in an all-round way in terms of safety management , safe production publication , education and training , forestry standardization , forest fire prevention with major forestry safe production work in future presented .

  15. 结论该企业今后的安全生产应以抓好青年职工的安全生产教育及重要场所的安全管理为主。

    Conclusion the main task of the safe production of the smeltery ahead are the education of young workers and the administration of the critical environment .