
  • 网络change
  1. 论晚清武汉社会文化的变迁

    On Social Culture Change of Wuhan in the Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 职场文化的变迁需要很长时间

    It takes a long time for work culture to change

  3. 文化的变迁打破了以往的静态的、封闭的乡土社会。

    Cultural changes broke the previous static , closed rural society .

  4. 中国近代政治文化的变迁

    The transition of the political culture in modern history of China

  5. 试论社会转型期体育文化的变迁

    On the Physical culture Evolution in the Period of Social Transformation

  6. 居住文化的变迁与传统伦理的嬗变

    The Transformations of Resident Culture and the Change of Traditional Ethics

  7. 作文教学转型的动因是文化的变迁。

    The motives of composition teaching transition are cultural changes .

  8. 组织文化的变迁与大学院校研究的制度设计

    Changes of the organizational culture and designing of the higher education institutions

  9. 台湾的开发与饮食文化的变迁

    On the Development of Taiwan and Its Catering Cultural Evolution

  10. 当前我国高校非主流文化的变迁与对策

    Resent Trend of College Branch Culture And It 's Countermeasures

  11. 试析伊犁地区民族饮食文化的变迁

    The Changes On the National Dietetic Culture in Yili District

  12. 辛亥革命时期学术文化的变迁

    Changes of Academic Research during the Period of the Revolution of 1911

  13. 人类学认为文化的变迁是文化的常态现象。

    Anthropologists believe that cultural change is an unending phenomenon .

  14. 浅析新时期我国居民消费文化的变迁

    Analysis on Chinese Civil Consumer Culture in New Age

  15. 这一切,都促进了中国近代文化的变迁和发展。

    All this improves the change and development of culture in modern China .

  16. 儒学在彝族地区的传播与彝族社会文化的变迁

    Confucianism in the Yi People Areas of CommuniCation and Social and Cultural Changes

  17. 从长沙地名看长沙城市文化的变迁

    Seeking the Change of Urban Culture from the Place - Name in Changsha

  18. 传承与互动:少数民族原始宗教文化的变迁

    Inheritance and Correlative Action : Evolution of Primitive Religious Culture of Ethnic Minorities

  19. 全球化背景下当代中国文化的变迁与走向

    The Change and Trend of Contemporary Chinese Culture in the Context of Globalization

  20. 中国家庭文化的变迁主要分为三个时期。

    The changes in domestic culture of China can be classified into three stages .

  21. 壮族婚姻文化的变迁:以田林那善屯为例

    Vicissitudes of Marriage Culture of the Zhuang Nationality

  22. 法国古典家具见证着法兰西历史和文化的变迁。

    French classical furniture views and represents various changes of French history and culture .

  23. 有交流,就会有文化的变迁。

    Cultural change happens with culture communication .

  24. 凉山彝族的漆作工艺凉山彝族传统漆艺文化的变迁&兼及保护与利用

    The Development of Traditional Painting Culture of Yi People in Liangshan and its Protection and Utility

  25. 近现代贵州苗族服饰文化的变迁

    Evolution of Miao Costumes in Guizhou

  26. 而中国传统农业文化的变迁和转型研究,则是一个新的课题。

    Study on the change and transition of traditional Chinese agricultural civilization is a new topic .

  27. 浅析全球化背景下民族文化的变迁与保护

    Analysis of the Changes and the Protection of Traditional culture in the Context of " Globalization "

  28. 即较深地分析了蒙古族巫术民俗的内容、种类并扼要介绍了蒙古族巫术民俗文化的变迁过程。

    That is , it deeply analyzes the content of Mongolian witchcraft folk , and its classification .

  29. 文化的变迁是为适应社会的变迁,当支撑一个文化的社会历史条件发生变化的时候,文化也会随之进行变迁。

    The culture will change subsequently while the social and historical conditions , which support it , changed .

  30. 侗族传统文化的变迁&以杂交水稻的传入所引发的文化变迁为例

    Changes of Traditional Culture of Dong Nationality & Illustrated by Cultural Changes Caused by Transmitting of Hybrid Rice