
  • 网络Culture and Technology;cultural technologies;culture technology
  1. 文化科技与河南文化事业的发展

    The culture technology and the cultural undertaking development in Henan

  2. 第一,要提高对文化科技重要性的认识。

    Firstly , the importance of culture technology is to be fully recognized .

  3. 亚马逊公司周二宣布与中国移动子公司咪咕文化科技集团有限公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,并推出了专为中国读者定制的新款Kindle,将丰富的网络文学整合到其电子阅读器中。

    Amazon.com Inc announced a strategic partnership on Tuesday with China Mobile Communications Corp 's subsidiary Migu Culture and Technology Group Co , and launched a new Kindle created exclusively for Chinese readers that integrates abundant online literature content into its e-reader .

  4. 吉林省农民文化科技素质调查报告

    Investigating on the Peasant 's Culture and Scien-tech Diathesis in Jilin Province

  5. 文化科技含量高的综合性服务中心是我国社区图书馆的发展方向

    An All-round Service Center Is the Future of Community Library

  6. 知识经济挑战与国民文化科技素质提高

    Challenge from Knowledge Economy and Improvement of Citizens'Cultural , Scientific and Technological Qualities

  7. 提供可靠的物质基础;切实提高农民的文化科技素质。

    Bring a reliable material foundation and really raise the peasants ' culture and science-technology qualities .

  8. 长期以来,丝绸一直是中国的传世之宝,它凝聚的文化科技内涵更是博大精深。

    As a great treasure created by ancient Chinese people , silk contains rich cultural and technological contents .

  9. 我国农民文化科技素质整体水平不高,还存在许多阻碍农民科技素质提高的因素。

    The overall level of cultural and scientific qualities of peasants is still low in China , with some hindering factors .

  10. 第三,大力加强文化科技管理工作,促进河南文化科技走上良性循环的轨道。

    Thirdly , further managements in culture technology is to be done to promote the positive circulations of Henan culture technology .

  11. 促进文化科技知识的传播和普及,促进文化、教育的产业化、大众化发展。

    It can also help to spread science and technology knowledge and to develop the industrialization and popularization of culture and education .

  12. 是立足于科教兴农,对农村妇女开展文化科技培训。

    Firstly , based on thriving agriculture through science and education to provide rural women trainings in education , science and technique .

  13. 乐器也是一个民族的思维方式、社会制度、文化科技的缩影。

    Instruments are the epitome of people 's way of thinking , the social systems , the culture and the scientific technology .

  14. 内因有返乡农民文化科技素质不高;小农思想影响;低收入限制下较低的发展需求;政治素质相对较低。

    Internal factors are their culture and technology is not high , petty-farmer consciousness , lower development need on low-income , comparatively low political quality .

  15. 人类社会文化科技与生活方式的发展变化是推动艺术设计发展的原动力。

    The development of human society , culture , science and technology and lifestyle change is the driving force behind the promotion of art and design development .

  16. 总体而言,两宋在经济上整体超越了前代,文化科技也一路领先;

    Generally speaking , the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties surpassed the dynasties before them in economy , and their culture , science and technology also developed quickly .

  17. 数字图书馆是21世纪全球文化科技竞争的焦点之一,发展数字图书馆对于一个国家的经济和社会发展具有重要意义。

    Digital library is one of the main focuses of the global cultural competition in the 21st century , developing digital library has important social and economic significance for a nation .

  18. 随着文化科技快速发展,各国间的交流空前深广,翻译的功能逐步扩大,翻译教学的研究更加具有重要的意义。

    Along with the rapid development of culture and technology , and the further communication among countries , the functions of translation are increasingly expanding . Therefore , the research on translation teaching is of greater significance .

  19. 这一时期出版的中小学教辅、大中专教材和工具书等方面的畅销书,极大地促进了教育的恢复与发展,广泛地传播了文化科技知识。

    Supplementary schools , published during this period , college textbooks and reference books and other aspects of best-selling book , greatly contributed to the restoration and development of education , widespread dissemination of the cultural and scientific knowledge .

  20. 二次大战以后,美国高等教育面临着政治、经济、文化科技的极大变化,美国政府以市场机制调节为主,采用财政资助和设立法律法规等手段加强对高等教育的管理。

    After World War II , facing the great changes in politics , economy , culture and science and technology , American government mostly adopts financial support and takes rule and law to enhance the management of higher education .

  21. 数字图书馆的建设已经成为当前评价一个国家信息基础水平的重要标志,它将是21世纪全球文化科技竞争的焦点之一。

    Having been the important mark estimate the level of the information industry of a state , the construction of digital library of regarded as one of the keen competitions of global cultures , science and technology in the 21 century .

  22. 我国农业和农村跨世纪的科教兴农对策一、是立足于科教兴农,对农村妇女开展文化科技培训。

    THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF CHINA AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AREA BEING CONFRONTED WITH AND COUNTERMEASURES OF SCIENCE-EDUCATION PROMOTING AGRICULTURE IN THE 21 STCENTURY ; Firstly , based on thriving agriculture through science and education to provide rural women trainings in education , science and technique .

  23. 通过通用能力培训和职业技能培训等形式,各级工会组织帮助职工树立人人可以成才的理念,提高其文化科技素质,丰富其劳动技能,有助于维护职工的合法权益,促进职工的全面发展。

    In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and promote their comprehensive development , trade union organizations at all levels should help workers to adopt the view of becoming the useful citizens , better their scientific and cultural qualities and enrich their labor skills .

  24. 数字图书馆和信息资源建设是国家重要基础设施和当今经济增长的战略资源,成为评价一个国家信息基础水平的重要标志和世界各国文化科技竞争的焦点之一。

    Digital library and information resources construction are state important basic facilities and strategy resources of economic increase nowadays , becoming an important sign of appraising a state information basic level and one of the focuses of cultural scientific and technological competition in every countries of the world .

  25. SETI的科学家不只是搜寻来自其它星球的生命迹象,还寻找智慧生命存在的证据:能发展语言、文明、文化和科技的生命。

    SETI scientists are not just searching for signs of life from other planets , but evidence of intelligent life : life capable of developing language , civilization , culture , and technology .

  26. 收藏海事历史、艺术、文化和科技。

    Collect the maritime history , art , culture and technology .

  27. 从创新文化看科技工业园文化建设

    On Cultural Construction of Scientific and Technological Parks from Innovative Culture

  28. 网络文化是科技与文化创新的产物。

    Network culture is the outcome of technique and cultural innovation .

  29. 西南地区生态文化旅游科技发展战略初探

    Scientific and Technical Strategy of Ecological-cultural Tourism in West-south Region of China

  30. 随后,网友们在德国馆讲解员的带领和细致讲解下参观了德国馆,感受了德国多样的文化与科技。

    A Germany Pavilion guide led them throughout the visit .