
xū wén
  • rules and regulations that have become a dead letter;dead letter;mere formalities;empty forms
虚文 [xū wén]
  • (1) [dead letter;rules and regulations that have become a dead letter]∶不切实际的无用文字

  • (2) [mere formalities;empty forms]∶没有意义的礼节

  • 进门便是财主娘子,故此不用虚文。--《后水浒传》

虚文[xū wén]
  1. 规章制度一经订立,不应成为一纸虚文。

    Rules and regulations , once set up , should not be turned into a dead letter .

  2. 坦直质朴的忠诚是用不着虚文浮礼的。

    There are no tricks in plain and simple faith .

  3. 规章制度一经订立,不应成为一纸虚文。与文学虚构有关,或包含文学虚构。

    Rules and regulations , once set up , should not be turned into a dead letter . related to or involving literary fiction .

  4. 历史的经验表明,如果没有一个安定的社会环境,没有清明的吏治及丰实的财力作保障,再完备的荒政制度都难以奏效,只会是徒具虚文。

    Historical experience proved , if there were not peaceful social environment , straight local administration and plentiful financial resources as guarantee , however complete the relief was , it would be difficult to prove effective only in name .