
  • 网络the bonfire of the vanities;Bonfire of the Vanities, The
  1. 关于这个题目有一些好书,比如《说谎者的扑克牌》和《虚荣的篝火》。

    There are some good books written on the topic , such as Liar 's Poker and Bonfire of the Vanities .

  2. 这也说明了,为何任凭奥巴马政府尽最大努力重燃信贷“虚荣的篝火”,但在信贷需求疲弱和信贷供应受到削弱的双重驱动下,美国人仍将回归节俭。

    This is why , despite the best efforts of the administration to set alight again the bonfire of credit vanities , there will be a return to thrift , driven as much by weak credit demand as impaired supply of it .