
  • 网络virtual teaching;Virtual Education
  1. 基于VRML和Java的远程虚拟教学系统

    Long-Distance Virtual Teaching System Based on VRML and Java

  2. 基于VB的数控车削虚拟教学系统开发

    VB-based Development of Virtual Teaching System for NC Turning Teaching

  3. 基于WEB的虚拟教学系统综述

    Web _ Based Virtual Learning Systems : An Overview

  4. 基于Web的网络化虚拟教学实验室

    A Web-based Networked Virtual Educational Laboratory

  5. 基于VRML与Java的共享虚拟教学平台的研究

    Platform of Shared Virtual Tuition Based on Java and VRML

  6. 基于VR技术的虚拟教学应用研究

    Study for Application of Virtual Teaching on the Basis of VR Technology

  7. 基于VRML架构的虚拟教学环境

    The Virtual Education Environment Created based on VRML

  8. 基于CSCW使虚拟教学环境感受到身临其境的“面对面”场景。

    With the help of CSCW , the system achieves face-to-face effect in a virtual teaching environment .

  9. 论述了基于Web的英美文学虚拟教学课堂的特点,并对照传统教学模式做了分析与比较,阐述了采用基于Web的英美文学虚拟教学课堂进行英美文学教学的意义和价值。

    The characteristics of the literature virtual classroom based on web are analyzed in comparison with the traditional model , and the significance and value of virtual classroom of British and American literature are discussed .

  10. 基于WBCL模型的交互式协同虚拟教学环境&WebClassroom

    Interactive Collaborative Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment Based on WBCL Model & Web Classroom

  11. 本文创建了一个基于VRML设计的虚拟教学环境,可应用于Web浏览器以改善网络教学。

    This paper establishes a kind of Virtual Education Environment ( VEE ) created basing on VRML , which can be used on Internet to integrate virtual net education .

  12. 这里,分析了虚拟教学实验的原理,提出了一种基于VRML的虚拟教学实验的设计方案。

    This paper presents the principle of the virtual experiment teaching , and indicates a design scheme for virtual experiment teaching system on VRML .

  13. 论文阐述了个性化虚拟教学系统相关数据库及相关技术的的设计与实现,最后对系统进行了总结,并对基于web的虚拟课堂进行了展望。

    Thesis expounds the design and realization of Virtual teaching system of individualization as well as the related database and technique . Finally , it offered a summary to the system and the prospect to the virtual classroom based on web .

  14. 介绍了共享虚拟教学平台的概念,提出了一种基于VRML与Java的共享虚拟教学平台C/S架构。

    The concept of shared virtual reality tuition stage is introduced . A C / S framework for shared virtual reality tuition stage based on VRML and Java is proposed .

  15. 基于Multi-agent技术,提出在网络环境下构建一个智能远程教育平台,为分布在不同地点的教师和学生提供协同的虚拟教学环境,实现协同远程教学。

    In this paper we present the mathod of constructing an intelligent distance education platform under the network by the technology of multi-agent . This platform can provide a collaborate virtual teaching environment for teachers and students in different sites .

  16. 根据现代雷达装备虚拟教学、训练与科研的需要,设计并实现了一种基于Visualc++和OpenGL的光栅雷达显示系统,提出了以固定扇形画线实现扫描线余辉和雷达目标模拟的新方法。

    To design and implement radar raster display system in terms of Visual C + + and OpenGL , this paper proposes a new scheme that the afterglow of scanning lines and radar target simulation can be realized by drawing lines in a fixed sector .

  17. 并以所创建的多媒体虚拟教学环境(MVEE)为背景,结合应用给出了环境中实现人机交互的具体方法及应用实例。

    In this paper , the authors also present an application example & multimedia virtual education environment ( MVEE ), discuss the interaction methods , and explain their function and significance in creating the real time interaction .

  18. 航空发动机虚拟教学实验系统研究

    Research on the Virtual Teaching Experiment System of Aero - engine

  19. 英美文学虚拟教学课堂的架构设计

    The Architecture Designing of Virtual Classroom of British and American Literature

  20. 德拉姆还表示,他享受虚拟教学的过程。

    Mr drumm also claims he enjoys the virtual teaching process .

  21. 虚拟教学环境下数字教学参考书的实现机制

    Study on the Mechanism of Digital Reserves System in Virtual Teaching Environment

  22. 利用动画技术实现工业机器人的虚拟教学环境

    Realization of Virtual Teaching Environment for Industrial Robot by Using Animation Technology

  23. 多媒体虚拟教学环境中的实时交互方法

    The Application of Interaction Technique in a Virtual Education Environment

  24. 我国远程网络虚拟教学的现状分析

    The Analysis of Our Country 's Distance Internet Teaching

  25. 人体足部虚拟教学系统的设计及实现

    Design and Realization of the Virtual Campus Navigation System

  26. 为了有效地提高教学质量,近年来各类虚拟教学实验系统如雨后春笋般出现。

    Many kinds of virtual experiment systems emerge in order to improve teaching quality .

  27. 液压传动虚拟教学实验系统的研究

    Research on Virtual CAI System for Hydraulic Experiment

  28. 虚拟教学技术教学应用分析

    An Application Analysis of Virtual Teaching Technology

  29. 一种通用性虚拟教学平台的研究

    The Study of a Virtual Teaching Platform

  30. 这项研究为该技术在共享虚拟教学平台的实践提供一个可供参考的样本。

    The study of this technique gives a sample for constructing platforms of shared virtual tuition .