
  • 网络Virtual logistics
  1. 基于ASP的虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台的结构与功能设计

    Structure and Function of Virtual Logistics Enterprise Alliance Information Platform Based on ASP

  2. 北京市发展虚拟物流SWOT分析与对策研究

    SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of Developing Virtual Logistics in Beijing

  3. 基于语义Web服务的虚拟物流企业组建关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technologies of Constructing Virtual Logistic Enterprise Based on Semantic Web Services

  4. 基于MAS理论的虚拟物流企业联盟的信息系统管理

    Information System Management of Virtual Logistics Enterprise Alliance Based on MAS Theory

  5. 随着3G技术及信息化的普及,港口发展进入了新的时代,构建“港口虚拟物流链”成为发展的必然。

    With the development of3G , it is necessary to establish the port 's virtual logistics'chain .

  6. 虚拟物流风险的RBF神经网络实证分析

    A risk analysis of virtual logistics Based on the RBF neural network : An empirical study

  7. 基于BPR的虚拟物流企业构建的探讨

    BPR-based Research on the Establishment of Virtual Logistics Enterprises

  8. 基于IEM的虚拟物流企业伙伴选择DP模型

    IEM-Based DP Model for Supporting Partner Selection in Virtual Logistics Enterprises

  9. 在基于带偏好的DEA分析基础上提出虚拟物流企业联盟建立,通过二个阶段选择确定物流联盟伙伴。

    Based a-prefer-DEA and gray relation analysis on virtual logistics enterprise alliance establishment can be divided into two process .

  10. 基于WBS-RBS和AHP方法的虚拟物流组织风险研究

    Study on Risk of Virtual Logistics Organizations Based on WBS-RBS and AHP Method

  11. 基于用技术解决商业问题的思路,对组建和运行虚拟物流企业所必需的信息系统进行了需求分析,提出了基于J2EE的虚拟物流企业信息系统的解决方案。

    Based skills and desire to identify technical solutions to business problems , requirement analysis of information system which is prerequisite to form and operate the virtual logistics enterprise is made .

  12. 同时根据本文的理论,分析了虚拟物流配送的结构形态,建立了物流网络的Petri网模型图和数学规划模型,结合了实际案例中的物流网络进行了应用验证。

    In the meantime , the paper analyzed the virtual logistic network , and built a Petri network modeling and mathematic planning model for logistic network . After applying and testing the model in real cases .

  13. 虚拟物流中心(VLC)对传统实物供应链实施了有效的变革,构建了以信息整体管理为特征的矩阵型虚拟供应链。

    The Virtual Logistics Center ( VLC ) achieves an effective reform to the traditional physical supply chain and constructs a virtual matrix supply chain featured by integrated information management .

  14. 从我国物流行业的实际出发,构建了适用于我国整个物流行业的基于ASP的虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台体系结构。从总体架构,功能设计等方面对这一体系结构进行了详细阐述。

    Starting from the present situation of China logistics line , the paper constructs an information platform architecture of virtual logistics enterprise alliance ( VLEA ), which is available for the whole logistics industry based on ASP , and describes its general frame and function design .

  15. 虚拟物流企业的组建与运行分析

    Forming of the Virtual Logistics Enterprises and Analysis of Their Operation

  16. 摘要本文首先分析了虚拟物流组织的特点。

    Firstly this paper analyses the characteristics of virtual logistics organizations .

  17. 我国虚拟物流企业的构建和管理研究

    Research in Establishment and Management of Virtual Logistics Enterprises in China

  18. 基于交易费用理论的虚拟物流企业形成机理研究

    Study on Formation Mechanism of Virtual Logistics Enterprises Based on Transaction Cost

  19. 虚拟物流企业&中小货代企业的未来之路

    Dummy Logistics & the Future Road for the Medium - Small Forwarder

  20. 我国虚拟物流企业组建问题探讨

    Discussion on Establishment of the Virtual Logistics Enterprises in China

  21. 虚拟物流企业中合作关系与业务活动相关性分析

    Analysis on Interrelation between Cooperative Relationship and Business in Virtual Logistics Enterprises

  22. 在我国构建虚拟物流企业分析

    Analysis on the establishment of virtual logistics industry in China

  23. 虚拟物流组织契约网络体系构建

    The Design of Contract Network System of Virtual Logistics Organization

  24. 供应链环境下建立虚拟物流企业的博弈研究

    Game Study on Founding Virtual Logistics Enterprise in Supply Chain

  25. 基于网格的聚类算法的虚拟物流企业伙伴选择方法研究

    Research on Virtual Logistics Enterprise Partner Selection Method of Grid-Based Clustering Algorithm

  26. 基于遗传算法的虚拟物流联合库存控制研究

    Research on the Virtual Logistics Joint Inventory Control Based on Genetic Algorithm

  27. 虚拟物流资源网格体系结构研究综述

    Summary on the Research of Virtual Logistics Resource Grid Architecture

  28. 虚拟物流企业技术框架体系的构建

    Establishment of technology frame system of virtual logistics enterprise

  29. 虚拟物流企业伙伴选择组合优化研究

    How to Select the Partners of Virtual Logistics Enterprises

  30. 基于时间-费用约束的虚拟物流企业项目分解研究

    Research on Decomposition of Virtual Logistics Enterprise Project Based on Time and Cost