
  • 网络Logistics
  1. 物流学是当代有影响的学科之一。

    Logistics is the effect of one of contemporary science .

  2. 西方物流学的研究中已经对物流园区进行了一定的理论和实证研究。

    The study on western logistics has conducted certain theoretical and actual research .

  3. 动态车辆路径问题是物流学中的一个重要研究领域。

    Dynamic vehicle routing problem is an important area in logistics .

  4. 参与式教学法在《物流学概论》双语教学中的应用

    Application of Participation Pedagogy in Bilingual Teaching for Introduction of Logistics

  5. 顾客服务思想的发展与物流学的演进

    Development of Customer Service Thought & Evolution of Logistics Science

  6. 物流学中两个概念的辨析

    Discrimination of the Two Concepts in Physical Distribution

  7. 物流学的理论与专业应用

    Theory and Application of Material Circulation Methodology

  8. 同时融入了管理学和物流学上的一些新近理念作为企业实际运行的参考。

    Its referred to some recently concepts of logistics and management for the reference of companies actual operation .

  9. 物流学是研究物料流、人员流、信息流和能量流的计划、调节和控制的科学。

    Logistics is science on the plan , regulation and control of material flow , manpower , information and energy .

  10. 第三章引用物流学有关理论,分析了转运系统的社会物流特性;

    The next chapter cites the concept of logistics system and analyses the social logistics characteristic of MSW transfer system .

  11. 储备定额方法是现代物流学库存数量控制中一个非常重要的技术,它对于物资的库存控制有着重要的理论依据。

    Storage ration method is the important technique for the control of stocks in logistics . It is the base of determining the stocks of goods .

  12. 引入物流学理论,根据土石方工程的线性规划问题特征,以单纯形法为工具解决港口工程中的土石方调运问题。

    The paper attempts to apply the simplex method of linear programming to solving the physical distribution of earthwork in port projects , for its linear characteristics .

  13. 物流学与运筹学作为科学概念在发展初期,就互相渗透,交叉发展。它们既风格迥异又相互交融、渗透,形成多元一体格局。

    Logistics and operations research infiltrate mutually and develop crosswise as scientific concept in the development initial period . They are utterly different but at the same time integrate with and penetrate into one another .

  14. 从顾客服务的内涵、功能出发,研究了在物流学演进过程中顾客服务思想的作用,进而论证了顾客服务在物流学理论中的地位,它构成了物流学学科体系的核心内容。

    Focusing on the definition and function of logistics , the paper analyzes the role of customer service played in the evolution of logistics discipline and demonstrates the core position at customer service in logistics discipline .

  15. 运用高级物流学、区域经济学、城市规划学等相关学科的理论,采用定性与定量研究方法、因子分析法、社会网络分析法、实证研究等多种方法进行研究。

    The paper makes full use of advanced logistics , regional economics , urban planning theory and some other relevant theories , uses various research methods such as qualitative and quantitative research methods , factor analysis , social network analysis and empirical Study .

  16. 第五部分引入物流运筹学理论,利用回归分析模型,在对天津市2010年物流需求量预测后,提出天津市物流产业的发展定位和具体发展目标;

    Fifthly , the paper induces the logistics operation research theory , predicts the demand in 2010 and gives forth to the specific development objectives .

  17. 该文简述高值耗材库房建立的详细步骤,并针对如何使库房的运行更加规范化,更符合物流管理学的规律进行初步的探讨。

    Describes briefly the specific steps to establish a medical high-valued disposable depot and discusses the laws how to standardize the depot management and to accord with the logistic principles .

  18. 在物流管理学中,研究物流配送路径优化问题并选取恰当的配送路径,可以加快对客户需求的响应速度,提高服务质量,增强客户对物流环节的满意度,降低服务商运作成本。

    In logistics management research , studying the vehicle routing problem can accelerate the response speed of the customer 's demand , improve the service quality , enhance customer 's satisfaction index , and reduce the business service operation cost .

  19. 本文正是从研究国内企业对人才需求入手,将物流与教育学结合,研究探讨了物流教育中如何培养包装专业人才的问题。

    This article based on the research of domestic enterprises talent needs , Research and Discussion how to cultivate the packaging professional personnel .

  20. 希望结合物流工程所学和工作积累,为规划建设一个现代化的服装配送中心提出研究思路和解决方案。

    I want to combine the study of logistics engineering and work experience to propose research ideas and solutions for the planning and construction of modern clothing distribution center .

  21. 第二章主要对模块化物流系统、协同学理论等相关理论知识进行介绍。

    Modular logistics system synergetic theory and other related theories are introduced in the second chapter .

  22. 营销学原理,营销渠道,营销渠道与物流管理,零售学,消费者行为学,电子商务,专业英语等。

    Fundamentals of Marketing , Marketing Channel , Marketing Channel and Logistics Management , Consumer Behavior , Electronic Commerce , Professional English .

  23. 海运物流企业的服务营销是物流学界研究的重要课题之一。

    Service marketing of shipping logistics enterprises is the important subject in logistics studies .

  24. 但目前物流企业研究主要集中在物流学和管理学领域,这些领域都未能对其空间组织给予关注;地理学也忽视了该研究。

    But now the study of logistics are focused in logistics and management science which could not give sufficient concerns , and geography science also neglected its study .

  25. 近几年,物流一体化的发展已经成为现代物流学中理论研究和实践探索的热点问题之一。

    In recent years , the development of logistics integration of Chinese modern logistics has become a theoretical study and practical exploration of one of the hot-spot issues .

  26. 在提出智能物流系统(ILS)概念的基础上,运用物流学及系统分析方法,分析了智能物流系统的结构;

    On the basis of bringing forward the concept of intelligent logistics system ( ILS ), we use logistics theory and system analysis method to analyze the framework of ILS .

  27. 非典过后,应急物流迅速被学术界和相关救灾部门重视,成为物流学研究的一个新领域。

    After the " Atypicalpneumonia ", the academic departments and related relief sector paid attention to " emergency logistics ", which has become a new field in the study of logistics .

  28. 从整个供应链角度来看,完整的物流系统应包括正向物流和逆向物流,逆向物流作为物流学领域中的一个新的分支,其重要性越来越被认识。

    From the perspective of the entire supply chain , logistics system should include logistics and reverse logistics process , reverse logistics as a new branch of logistics , its importance has been increasingly known .