
  1. 物流预测OLAP系统的设计研究

    Designing and Studying of OLAP System to Logistics Forecasting

  2. 针对传统物流预测方法的局限性,研究了基于BP模型神经网络的物流预测方法,即依据历史数据建立BP神经网络对其进行训练形成物流预测模型。

    This paper points out disadvantages of traditional logistics forecast methods and puts forward BP neural network based method . The new method uses historical data to establish and train BP neural network and thus obtain logistics forecast model .

  3. 广州白云机场航空物流预测与对策

    Forecast and Countermeasures of Aviation Logistics in the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  4. 物流预测技术中的移动平均线方法

    The Method of Moving Average Line in Logistics Predicting Technique

  5. 物流预测由于自身的原因,存在着非线性严重,难以精确建模等问题。

    Logistics forecasting problems always have severely non-linear property and difficultly to model them accurately .

  6. 汽车物流预测方法正成为第三方汽车物流重要的研究方向。

    Therefore , the prediction method of automobile logistics is becoming an important research direction of the third party automobile logistics .

  7. 在讨论移动平均值的基础上,提出了物流预测技术中的移动平均线方法。

    Based on discussing the moving average value , this paper suggests the method of moving average line in the logistics predicting technology .

  8. 为了考察本文提出的方法的有效性,研制了可视化的物流预测系统。

    In order to observe the validity of method that the paper puts forward , the logistics forecasting system ( LFS ) is developed with the visual technology .

  9. 本文结合广东某墙纸厂物流预测应用,根据多品种小批量产品的物流需求特征,提出了一套预测方法,较好的解决了多品种小批量产品在分销中的短期物流需求预测问题。

    A logistic requirement forecast method is proposed based on characters of logistic requirement in multi-varieties and small-batch product distribution , combining with application of a wallpaper factory .

  10. 文中在分析现有机场物流预测模型不足的基础上,利用灰色系统理论,建立了成都双流机场货、邮吞吐量的预测模型。

    On the basis of analyzing the deficiency of airport logistics prediction with the existing method , by using gray-system theory , a model is established to predicate throughput of Shuangliu airport .

  11. 在此基础上,初步建立了结合多种精度评价指标、符合现代物流预测需要的神经网络预测模型,并给出了详细的理论方法和设计步骤。

    On this basis , the paper sets up tentatively an ANN forecasting model which combining many kinds of precision-evaluations and may accord with the modern logistics , and offers the detailed theory method appears and design-steps .

  12. 对物流预测,特别是港口物流系统的特点及对预测的要求进行了深入分析,进而提出物流预测系统的功能、结构及软件实现的方法。

    The main studying contents and results of this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) It studies thoroughly the logistics forecast , especially character of port logistics and requirement of prediction ; then provides the function and structure of logistics system and method of software realizing .

  13. 基于BP神经网络的北京物流需求预测及分析

    Prediction and Analysis on Logistics Demand in Beijing Based on BP Neural Network

  14. 灰色GM(1,1)模型在区域物流规模预测中的应用

    Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model to Predict Regional Logistics Scale

  15. 研究结果表明:I.物流需求预测中周期因素和季节因素的探讨

    Research the Cyclical Variation Seasonality of Logistics Demand Forecasting

  16. 基于MLP神经网络的区域物流需求预测方法及其应用

    A Method for Forecasting Regional Logistics Demand Based on MLP Neural Network and Its Application

  17. 洛杉矶卡车模型目前在全美卡车模型中居领先地位,CubeCargo是一个日益受到重视的物流交通预测软件,在洛杉矶地区获得了初步的成功。

    At present , the Los Angeles truck model is among the leading truck models in the U.S. CUBE-CARGO is becoming an increasingly important logistics transportation forecasting software , meeting its early success in the Los Angeles area .

  18. 区域物流需求预测的COMR方法

    COMR approach to regional logistic demand forecasting

  19. 为此提出了基于MLP神经网络的区域物流需求预测模型,不仅揭示了区域经济与区域物流需求之间的非线性映射关系,同时也为区域物流需求预测提供了一种新的思路和方法。

    The regional logistics demand forecasting model based on MLP artificial neural network ( ANN ) not only explains the nonlinear relationship between regional economy and regional logistics demand but also puts forward a new idea and methodology for regional logistics demand forecasting .

  20. 计量经济模型在物流需求预测中的应用

    The Application of the Econometrics Model in Estimation of Logistics Demand

  21. 基于贝叶斯组合模型的物流需求预测及分析

    Forecasting and Analysis of Logistics Demand Based on Bayesian Combined Model

  22. 基于组合方法的港口物流需求预测研究

    Forecast Algorithmic for Port Logistic Demand Research Based on Combination Model

  23. 交通规划四阶段法在物流需求预测中的应用

    Application of Four-Step Method of Traffic Planning to Logistics Demand Forecast

  24. 灰色系统理论在上海港港口物流发展预测上的应用研究

    Application of Gray System Theory in the Logistics Forecasting of Shanghai Port

  25. 物流园区预测方法及应用研究

    The Research of Forecast Method and Application of Logistics Park

  26. 基于系统动力学的粮食物流需求预测研究

    Study on Grain Logistics Demanding Forecast Based on System Dynamics

  27. 基于马尔可夫过程的逆向物流特征预测与分析

    Forecast and Analysis of Reverse Logistics Characters based on Markov Process Method

  28. 建立定量和定性的战时物流需求预测模型。

    Established qualitative and quantitive forecast models of logistics demand .

  29. 服务于第三方汽车物流的预测分析研究

    Research Analysis of the Prediction to Serve the Third Party Automobile Logistics

  30. 物流量预测方法研究

    The Study of the Predictive Method about the Freight Volume