
  • 网络centralized transportation;shipment consolidation;Pooled
  1. 货栈容量有限且库存量影响需求的供应链协调模型VMI系统下考虑订货提前期的集中运输与库存订货问题(英文)

    Supply Chain Coordination Model with Limited Warehouse and Inventory-Dependent Demand ; Quantity-based shipment consolidation and stock replenishment policy with lead time in vendor-managed inventory system ;

  2. 矿井采区集中运输巷提升中线的放样

    The Layout of the Lift Centerline in the Concentrated Carrying Laneway of the Mine

  3. 介绍了将铁路计算机联锁软件测试技术应用于地铁的计算机集中运输控制系统第三方测试中所使用的方法和技术。

    This paper describes the technical methods to apply the technology of railway computer interlocking software test into the central transportation control system of Metro .

  4. 新集一矿混合井天轮提升中线和轴心的标定矿井采区集中运输巷提升中线的放样

    Calibration of Sheave Hoisting Center Line and Axle Center in Mixed Shaft The Layout of the Lift Centerline in the Concentrated Carrying Laneway of the Mine

  5. 应用常规体温检测方法,对2401头经基层食品经营站检疫合格的商品猪,经汽车集中运输至肉联厂后进行体温检测。

    Body temperature changes in 2041 slaughter pigs , which was quarantined by the foodstuff stations , transported to meat plants in two hours by motorcar , were measured by routine methods .

  6. 介绍了利用最小二乘法原理确定矿井采区集中运输巷提升中线方程,进而进行施工放样的方法。

    This article introduces the measures with which the surveyors can confirm the equation of the lift centerline in the concentrated carrying laneway of the mine with the least squares method and make the layout .

  7. PROMOS监控系统在煤矿集中胶带运输系统中的应用

    Application of PROMOS Monitor System to Central Belt Conveyor in Mines

  8. 特殊需求的大规模集中铁路运输的运行计划研究

    The Research of Train Operation Plan of Aggregate Transport on the Special Requirement

  9. 对于硬环境的分析主要集中于运输条件、通讯条件和口岸建设这三个主要方面。

    The analysis focuses on three main aspects . such as transportation and communications conditions as well as port construction .

  10. 研究重点集中在运输企业内部运作和管理方面,对企业的筹建、制度的建立、从业人员聘用和培训管理、船舶的检查检验都进行了详细的说明。

    Also , the study focuses on internal operation and management of transport enterprise , and gives detailed explanation on the preparation of enterprise founding , establishment of enterprise , engagement and training of employees , and ship inspection tests .

  11. 通过实例验证,制定的运行计划合理可行,还能针对突发事件进行调整,可为特殊需求的大规模集中铁路运输提供有效的决策支持。

    The paper gave an example to verify the software , and the result showed that the composed train operation plan was reasonable and it could adjust flexibly due to the emergency , so it can give effectively decision support for artsr .

  12. 本论文主要集中在港口运输设备的优化调度这一点上,GIS的发展应用及其诸多优点,使得本课题的研究具有理论上的发展和实践上的价值。

    This thesis focuses mainly on the optimized dispatch of port transport equipment . And the development and application of GIS and the many merits of it make sure that the research on this problem boasts the development in theory and value in practice .

  13. 通过生猪的集中装运降低运输成本。

    Reduce transportation costs through pooling loads of hogs .

  14. 区内铁路、公路网、电路网络纵横交错,为矿产资源的集中开采、运输、加工提供了有利条件。

    Cross railway , network of highways , network circuit in the district , offer the advantage to concentrate on exploitation and transportation and processing .

  15. 该系统集运输调度控制、监测、管理为一体,包含铁路信号计算机联锁、车号自动识别、无线机车作业、调度监督与调度集中及铁路运输物流管理。

    The system integrating transportation scheduling control , monitoring and management , including railway signal computer interlocking , automatic identification number , wireless locomotive dispatching operation , contro and monitoring railage logistics administration all together .

  16. 此外,进口集中度、运输通道可靠性、锰矿进口量的比重、国际市场可得性等问题也比较严重。

    However , the high level of Import concentration , the reliability of transport channel , the high proportion of Import manganese ore , the availability of international market and some other issues are serious too . 3 .

  17. 针对线材生产的简易在散冷辊式运输机的结构和特点,分析了传动轴承的失效原因,并进行了改进。对于集中散热的运输辊道的使用和维护有一定的参考价值。

    This paper aimed at structure and characteristic of facility scatter - cold roller style transport in the wire production , analyzed invalidation reason of transmission bearing , and carried through improving , it have stated referenced value for using and maintenance the traffic roller of concentrated scatter - hot .

  18. 我国石油进口集中化,海上运输渠道单一;

    The import is too centralized ; the means of sea transportation is unchangeable .

  19. 在发达国家,铝的增长往往集中在包装和运输行业。

    In the developed world aluminium growth tends to be more focused on packaging and transport .

  20. 柴油将更多地集中用于道路交通运输和必要的工业及建设领域;

    Diesel consumption will be more concentrated on road transportation and the necessary industrial and construction fields .

  21. 然而由于立法滞后、监管体制性矛盾突出以及监管不到位等原因,产生市场集中度低、运输市场秩序混乱、超限超载等问题。

    However , due to lagging legislative , regulatory and institutional contradiction is not in place regulatory and other reasons , have a low degree of market concentration , transport market disorder , and gauge issues such as overloading .

  22. 由于产区远离国内外主要消费市场,且哈密瓜成熟采收期集中,在贮藏运输过程中极易腐烂变质,区缺少先进的贮藏保鲜技术,极大地制约着这一特色产业的发展。

    The main domestic consumer market is far away , and the picking time is concentrated accompanied with the high rotting rate in the transportation , as well as lacking of storage and preservation technologies , which have greatly restricted the development of this characteristic industry .