
  • 网络Transportation Integration;Transportation Consolidation;shipment consolidation
  1. 基于供应链管理的钢铁企业库存与运输整合优化研究

    Study on Inventory and Transportation Integration of Iron & Steel Plants Based on SCM

  2. 基于VMI的随机需求库存-运输整合优化模型与算法

    A Model and Algorithm for Integrating Transportation and Inventory Decisions with Random Demand Based on VMI

  3. 多对一配送网络中的库存与运输整合问题

    Modeling and Algorithm for Inventory-transport Integrated Optimization Problem in Many-one Distribution Network

  4. 不确定环境下的库存与运输整合优化问题研究

    Research on the Inventory and Integrated Optimization Problem Based on Nondeterministic Environment

  5. 库存-运输整合优化问题极为复杂,目前尚缺乏系统研究。

    Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization ( ITIO ) is extremely complex , and the researches on its problems are rare .

  6. 为了降低系统总成本,全球第三方物流可以应用各种运输整合政策来大幅度降低运输成本。

    And global third party logistics companies can adopt any transportation and integration policy to reduce the cost of operation .

  7. 通过引用国外文献中响应时间与供应链竞争力的关系的数据,提出基于时间压缩的库存-运输整合策略,并分解为物流的时间压缩与信息流的时间压缩。

    Through the data of the relationship of response time and the competition ability aboard , this chapter proposes the integrating strategy based time-compressed .

  8. 接着给出了库存与运输整合问题下的信息集成与共享以及业务流程整合的具体实现,并对整合的趋势做了一个简单的介绍。

    In succession , the paper realizes one pattern about the integration and share of information and business process integration under the integration of inventory and transporting .

  9. 考虑了正向物流和逆向物流的设施集成与运输整合以及回收中心的处理技术配备问题。

    Considering the integration of facilities and combined transportation of forward logistics and reverse ( logistics ) as well as the equipment problem of processing technologies for return centers .

  10. 采用双层规划法,为现代物流配送系统中常见的多对一配送网络建立了具有随机需求的、多产品的库存与运输整合优化数学模型,并用改进启发式算法详细分析了这一模型的解法。

    The paper establishes the mathematic model on the ITIO ( Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization ) Problem of stochastic demand and many products with a bi-level programming model , and designs an improved heuristic algorithm to solve the problem .

  11. NSGAⅡ在应急物资储备库选址中的应用供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Application of NSGA ⅱ in Emergency Material Storage Layout Optimization Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System

  12. 食品企业产品分销运输资源整合研究

    Study on Food Manufacturer Integrating Transportation Resources into Its Distribution Network

  13. 物流全球化促进船公司运输链整合

    The physical distribution globalization promotion boating company conveying chain conformity

  14. 供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System

  15. 武钢十五战略规划下进口铁矿石运输系统整合的研究

    Integration Transportation System on Import Iron Ore

  16. 绵阳车务段运输资源整合及综合利用研究

    Research On Traffic Resources ' Allocation And Comprehensive Utilization Of Mianyang Railway Train Operation Depot

  17. 论退耕还林的关键环节&补供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Replenishment - Key Word in Green for Grain Project Delivery Consolidation and S to ck Replenishment in VMI System

  18. 邯郸交通运输集团资源整合方案研究

    A Study on Resource Integration Scheme for Handan Transportation Group

  19. 而最佳的营运策略则是运输服务的整合。

    In the competitive strategy , the integration of transport services is the most important .

  20. 第三方物流战略对中小型运输企业的整合

    Arrange and Combine Medium and Small Sized Transport Enterprise by Means of The Third-party Logistics Strategy

  21. 该指标评价体系有利于从系统整体角度分析交通运输系统资源整合的效果与特点。

    This index system helps analyze the effects and characteristics of resources integration of the transportation system from a comprehensive perspective .

  22. 通过研究现有企业资源整合的方式,结合虚拟物流的概念、特点及组织运作模式等,本文分析了运用虚拟物流的相关理念和方法来解决交通运输集团资源整合问题的方式和优势。

    After studying the mode of enterprise resources integration in existence , and the concept , characteristics and organizational mode of operation of virtual logistics , this paper analyzed the mode and advantages for Handan Transportation Group to integrate the enterprise resources through applying the theoretics of virtual logistics .

  23. 二级分销系统的运输与库存控制整合优化研究

    Integrating Transportation and Inventory Decisions in a Two-echelon Distribution System

  24. 在城市规划制度面的执行机制,可以应用重叠分区、开展权转移、生态廊道与公共运输廊道的整合性规划等。

    The institutional operational mechanism in urban planning may include the applications of overlay zoning , transfer development right ( TDR ) and the integration of greenways and guideways planning and so on .

  25. 再次,本文构造了粮食物流两级供应链库存优化系统,对库存控制和配送运输进行了优化整合,构建了改进的经济批量订货模型,通过实例的对比分析证明了该模型的有效性。

    Thirdly , this article also built two-tier supply chain system of grain logistics to optimize inventory , the optimization of inventory control and distribution were integrated , and then found the improved economic order quantities model , which was proved the validity by the comparative analysis of examples .

  26. 因此根据非集计理论,从运输方式使用者自身属性出发对运输方式资源整合进行了分析。

    So the paper studies the transportation resource integration among the different transportation modes from the user properties according to the disaggregate theory .

  27. 第一部份运用运输管理的概念,供应链设计与管理的基本思想,着重对物流环境下对运输链整合的必要性进行了分析;

    Describe the conception of transportation management , basic idea in design and management of supply chain , the position , function and importance of transportation in all supply chain of Wu Steel .

  28. 本文运用现代综合运输观念,并不仅将某一方式线路视为通道,而将运输通道界定为各种运输方式线路的整合。

    Firstly , based on the idea of comprehensive transportation , this thesis does not just realize one transport mode line as corridor , but define corridor as integration or framework composed by five modes of transport line .