
  • Transportation benefits;【法】transportation efficiency
  1. 货车自重偏差及其对运输效益和安全的影响

    Wagon Tare Weight Deviation and its Implications on the Transportation Benefits and Safety

  2. 运用二次放行提高航班运输效益

    Improving Transport Efficiency with Second Dispatch

  3. 提高驻长地矿单位汽车运输效益的途径

    Ways of Raising Automobile Transport Benefit of Geology and Mineral Resources Units Being Stationed at Changsha

  4. 从经济学的角度来讲,对运输效益的追求可以说是铁路局作为运输企业的最终目的。

    From economic point , the pursuit to the efficiency of rail transport is the ultimate goal for an enterprise .

  5. 研究适用的站型对于方便乘客、提高运输效益有重要作用。

    The studies on the suitable metro station models pay animportant role in passenger 's convenience and for raising the transport efficiecey .

  6. 开发一种便携式智能轨道检测系统对于促进我国铁路运输效益具有很重要的意义。

    To develop a set of convenient and intelligent rail inspection scheme of has very important meaningful on promoting the benefits of rail transportation .

  7. 分析影响干散货船运输效益的两个主要随机变量:非生产停泊时间、燃油价格。

    This paper analyzes two major random variables affecting apparently economics of the bulk car - riers transporting : non-production waiting time and fuel price .

  8. 证明了车种代用能够增加铁路运输效益,缓解运能紧张。

    The result proves that that the substitution of empty wagon types can improve the benefit of railway enterprise and relieve the pressure of transport capacity .

  9. 激光自适应控制是目前先进的交通指挥方式,它可以合理地分配错车时间,提高车辆的疏导能力,增强运输效益。

    Self-adaptive control system by laser is an advanced traffic control system by which the vehicular time can be distributed reasonably , the transportability can bs improved .

  10. 压缩货车的转停时间,对于加快货物的送达速度,提高铁路运输效益,增强市场竞争能力,有着极为重要的意义。

    Reducing wagon 's transfer time is very important , for it would accelerate goods convey speed and improve efficiency and market competition capacity of railway transportation .

  11. 依据铁路局货运效益的计算理论,对铁路局货运单车效益进行测算,并分析相关因素对运输效益的影响。

    According to the calculation theory , this paper calculates the transportation benefit of single wagon of railway bureau , and then analyzes the effect of related factors . 3 .

  12. 铁路局日装车计划的审批是铁路局的一项重要工作,同时与铁路局的货物运输效益密切相关。

    The approval of railway bureaus daily loading plan is a very important work of railway bureaus , it also has a closely relation to the freight transport benefits of railway bureaus .

  13. 道路线形是道路环境的一个重要的组成部分,道路线形直接影响到道路的景观环境、行车速度、舒适性、运输效益和交通安全等方面。

    Highway alignment is an important part of road conditions , it directly impacts on the road landscape environment 、 vehicle speed 、 comfort 、 transport efficiency and traffic safety and so on .

  14. 同时提出了军用集装箱运输效益评价指标,应用层次化理论,建立了军用集装箱运输资金分配的两层优化模型;

    Meanwhile , the military container transportation benefit evaluation indexes are put forward , and two-layer optimal model of military container transport allocation of fund is established by means of administrative levels theory .

  15. 优化装车组织,提高直通发送货物的平均运距是提高装车效益的关键,也是提高运输效益的重要途径。

    To improve loading benefits , it is pivotal to optimize the loading organization to increase the average transport distance of the dispatched through cargo . This is also an important way to improve the transport benefits .

  16. 铁路运输经济效益审计的若干问题

    Some Issues about Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit for Railway Transportation in China

  17. 可持续发展的公路运输费用效益分析

    Cost and profit analysis on the sustainable development of the highway transportation

  18. 森工企业木材运输经济效益评估

    The evaluation of economic efficiencies of wood transportation

  19. 它是一种以实现货物整体运输最优化效益为目标的运输组织形式。

    It is a transportation mode for the target of highest benefits of goods transportation .

  20. 汽车维修质量是保证汽车运输企业效益的基础。

    The quality of automobile maintenance is the bese to guarantee the benefit of conveyance enterprise .

  21. 运输经济效益的评价

    Transport economic benefit evaluation

  22. 近年来远东铁路运输经济效益较低,面临着许多困难。

    In recent years , the Far East railway transportation has remained a lower economic benefit and faced many difficulties .

  23. 进入十一五,面临新形势,提出铁路财务工作的总体思路,其目标是在资金筹措、运输经营效益、运输财务体制改革、加强财会管理和提高财会人员素质方面有新的突破。

    Facing the new situation of the Eleventh Five-Year , the speech put forward the overall vision and goals of railway accounting work .

  24. 第四章到第六章分别论述了含有不确定性因素的船舶运输经济效益评估方法与应用。

    For the fourth to the sixth chapter , the evaluation methods and applications of ship transport economic benefits that have uncertain factors are debated .

  25. 然而,由于调机运用过程中存在的问题,导致列车旅行时间延长,使得铁路运输经济效益降低的情况仍然存在,因此有必要对调机运用组织方式进行一定的研究,以期提出改进优化建议。

    However , due to the problem in the shunting locomotive using process , railway transport economic benefit reduction still exists because of the prolonging of train travel .

  26. 在货车轴重不断增大的条件下,展开车轮磨耗的研究工作对于如何减轻轮轨磨耗和提高运输经济效益具有重要的指导意义。

    With the increasing axle load of freight car , the researches on how to decrease wheel / rail wear and increase transportation economic benefits have important guiding significance .

  27. 十五以来,全路财会工作在提高运输经营效益、保证铁路建设生产发展资金、深化财务管理体制改革、规范资金管理和加强财会信息化建设等方面取得了良好的成绩。

    Since the Tenth Five-Year , railway accounting work has made great achievements on aspects of increasing transport benefit , ensuring construction fund , deepening reform of accounting management system , etc.

  28. 做好道路横向空间使用权的合理分析与管理是提高城市道路交通运输系统效益的重要措施。

    To do well the reasonable analysis and management of the right of use for the transverse space of roads is an important measure for improving the benefit of urban road transportation system .

  29. 在这样的背景下,铁路部门如何根据旅客的需求合理确定不同等级列车的客流分担率是实现铁路运输社会效益和经济效益的关键。

    Under such circumstances , how to manage a reasonable railway passenger flow partaking rates of different train classes is the key point for railway department to achieve the social and economic benefits of railway transportation .

  30. 基于AHP模型交通运输方式的效益与代价分析

    An analysis of the benefit and cost of traffic and transportation waps based on the AHP model