
  • 网络transportation resource
  1. 重点构建了基于黑板机制的多Agent的刀具调度系统的模型,分别建立了管理Agent,刀具资源Agent和运输资源Agent。

    Multi-Agent tool scheduling system model based on the blackboard mechanism was constructed , at the same time management Agent , tool resources Agent and transportation resources Agent were established separately .

  2. 通过对供应商送货到WP集团公司车辆资源以及WP集团公司到销售商及配套汽车厂的物流资源进行整合,实现运输资源的优化。

    Realize the optimization of transport resources through the supplier delivery to WP group company vehicles resources and WP group company to vendors as well as the supporting automobile factory logistics resources integration .

  3. 食品企业产品分销运输资源整合研究

    Study on Food Manufacturer Integrating Transportation Resources into Its Distribution Network

  4. 建筑工程施工中的运输资源最佳配置研究

    Research on Optimum Mating of the Transportation Equipments for Building Construction RESOURCE

  5. 绵阳车务段运输资源整合及综合利用研究

    Research On Traffic Resources ' Allocation And Comprehensive Utilization Of Mianyang Railway Train Operation Depot

  6. 对交通运输资源问题进行深入研究对运输经济学科有着重要意义。

    So in-depth research on transport resources is of great significance for the development of Transport Economics .

  7. 从而我们可以利用丰富的技术资源、制造资源和运输资源。

    This central location provides us with extensive access to technical , manufacturing , and transportation resources .

  8. 需求变动环境下商品车物流企业运输资源优化配置研究

    The Research on Optimization and Disposition of Transportation Resources of Vehicle Physical Distribution Enterprise under Demand Change Environment

  9. 对铁路线路运输资源进行分析,建立铁路运输资源的概念模型和物理模型;

    Through the analysis of the railway resources , this paper founds the conceptual model and physical model .

  10. 提出了基于仿真优化的集装箱港口多式运输资源配置协调优化方法。

    A simulation-based optimization approach was proposed for coordination of resource allocation of multimodal transport system on container terminals .

  11. 浅析我国产业结构变化对运输资源配置和运输化的影响

    An Impact on the Allocation of Transportation Tools and Services Due to the Change of the Industrial Structure in China

  12. 优化运输资源配置完善铁路枢纽功能适应天津跨越式发展

    Optimize the Configuration of Transportation Resources , Consummate the Function of Railway Joint Terminal , Adapt to Jumping Development of Tianjin

  13. 但是,这些掌握着宝贵的仓储运输资源的企业,在建设现代物流体系中仍具有一定的潜在优势。

    But in fact , those enterprises have a lot of valuable resources , which can be superiority in establishing modern logistic system .

  14. 分析了我国民航系统航空货运销售代理的市场运营情况,并就民航系统内航空运输资源浪费等问题进行了归因,提出了解决的措施。

    Analysis is made on the actual market management and development of aviation freight marketing agent in CAAC , explained the reasons of the related resource squander , and given the countermeasures .

  15. 在此背景下,机场运输资源尤其是枢纽机场,出现了运输资源紧缺的现象。其中,机场近机位资源的紧张问题近几年日益突出。

    Under this circumstance , there are shortage transport resources in airports , especially hub airports , among which , the shortage of airport gates becoming even more obvious in recent years .

  16. 如何配置运输资源、优化生产流程、为油田生产提供可靠保障,已成为一项亟待解决的课题。

    How to allocate the transportation resources and optimize the productive process , as well as to provide reliable support for productive system of the whole Oil Field have become an urgent issue to be established .

  17. 当今时代,将需求作为主要驱动力,以客户需求为导向,快速整合运输资源,通过联合运输模式满足运输需求已经成为主流的运输组织方式。

    At the present stage , the mainstream of transport management is to regard demand as the main driving force and guideline , integrate transport resources quickly , and meet the transport demand by mode of intermodal transportation .

  18. 伴随公路网建设所取得的成就,一些公路并没有真正实现其功能定位,公路网系统功能体现并不明显,造成了交通运输资源的浪费和配置的不合理。

    Along with these achievements , however , some roads fail to achieve their functions , and the road network system is unable to reflect its functions obviously , leading to waste and irrational allocation of transport resources .

  19. 因此,应采取措施优化配置运输资源,使各种运输方式在优势距离内提供服务满足消费者的细分运输需求。

    Therefore , measures should be taken to optimize the allocation of transportation resources , so that the various modes of transport to the advantage of distance to provide services to meet consumer demand for the breakdown of transport .

  20. 这虽然可以独自完成回收逆向物流任务,但这种只关注企业内部回收逆向物流资源应用的做法,会造成大量外部社会资源没有得到充分利用,如运输资源、仓储资源、分拣资源等。

    They can complete the recovery reverse logistics tasks by themselves . But it will make lots of external social resources , such as transportation resources , storage resources , sorting source and so on , not to be used fully .

  21. 在客运市场竞争日趋激烈和铁路跨越式发展的背景下,如何根据市场的要求,合理配置运输资源,科学设计运输产品,不断提高铁路运输企业经营效益,已成为迫切需要解决的问题。

    Under the background of increasingly fierce competition in passenger traffic market and the railways developing by leaps and bounds , how to distribute resources rationally and design products scientifically and improve the management efficiency of the railway passenger traffic enterprises , has become urgent problems .

  22. 交通运输资源是从事运输活动的条件和手段,包括固定交通资源和可移动交通资源这两类硬资源,以及由运输系统中的人力、信息、组织与管理制度等构成的软资源。

    Transport resources are precondition and means to carry out the transport activities . They are divided into two types : hard resources comprised by fixed transport resources and removable transport resources , and soft resources comprised by manpower , information , organization , management institution , etc.

  23. 基于DEA的交通运输系统资源配置效果评价

    Evaluation on the Resource Allocation of the Transportation System Based on DEA

  24. 中部线在一个半月内向平顶山市的baiguishan水库运输水资源超过5000万立方米,新华网写道:“其有效缓解了平顶山市一百多万居民的水资源匮乏问题”。

    The middle line delivered more than 50m cubic metres of water to the city 's Baiguishan reservoir over a month and a half , it said , " effectively relieving the scarce water supply of Pingdingshan city 's one million-plus residents . "

  25. 邯郸交通运输集团资源整合方案研究

    A Study on Resource Integration Scheme for Handan Transportation Group

  26. 铁路运输人力资源结构与需求预测

    Forecasting Demand and Structure for Manpower in Railway Transportation

  27. 集装箱运输技术资源管理。

    Container transportation technology resource management .

  28. 努力构建航空运输人力资源竞争优势

    Build Airline Human Resource Competitive Advantages

  29. 铁路运输网络资源配置与组织模式研究

    Study on the modes of the resource allocation and the arrangement of the railway transportation network

  30. 因特网上的交通运输信息资源

    Transportation Information Resources on Internet