
  1. 浅谈仓储自动化管理系统在化学试剂销售中的应用

    Warehouse management systems application for the sales of chemical reagents

  2. 经过多年的发展,虽然大部分国内制药企业已经实现了生产系统的自动化,但实现仓储物流自动化的却不多。

    In recent years , most domestic pharmaceutical enterprises have achieved modernization and automatization in production . But only a few of them have achieved that in warehouse .

  3. 自动化立体仓库是当代物流技术、仓储技术、自动化技术发展的产物,它集存储、输送、配送于一体,应用越来越广泛。

    The warehouse with As / Rs is the outstanding result of the development of such modern logistics technology , storage technology and automation technology , which is the integration of storage , transportation and distribution and is being applied more and more widely .

  4. 在现代的物流仓储系统中,自动化立体仓库应用日益广泛。

    In modern logistics warehousing systems , automated storage is increasingly widespread .

  5. 它是把计算机与信息管理和设备控制集成起来,能按照控制指令要求自动完成货物的存取作业,并能对库存的货物进行自动管理,达到仓储技术的全面自动化。

    It integrates computers , information management system and control devices , which can conduct storing and retrieving under the order of control instruct and management goods automatically .

  6. 仓储控制系统作为自动化仓储物流系统软件的两个重要组成部分之一,集现代物流装备、计算机及其网络系统、信息识别和信息管理系统、控制系统于一身。

    Warehouse control system is one of the two most essential parts of automatic storage system applications , a combination of modern logistical equipments , computer network , information identification and information management system .

  7. 随着邮政业务速度的不断增长,很多中小型的邮局出现了仓库占地面积不够大,人力资源匮乏等现象,避免这种现象出现的方法就是建立立体式的仓储,来实现自动化的改造方法。

    With the growing speed of the postal business , many small and medium-sized post office , the warehouse area is not big enough , the lack of human resources , to avoid this phenomenon is to build three-dimensional storage , automated transformation method .

  8. 这种仓储模式实现了仓储管理的自动化、信息化、储位精确化、低成本及高效率。

    This model achieves management automation , information technology , storage spaces accurate , low cost and high efficiency .

  9. 由于各省电力管理仓储的模式与本文研究对象大致相同,该系统对电力企业仓储自动化与信息化建设,具有很强的工程应用与推广价值。

    Because of the warehouse management patterns of most provincial electricity enterprises are similar with that of the system studied in this thesis , the system also has the engineering application and promotion value in warehouse atomization and informationization in electricity enterprises .