
  1. 物流要求以平衡的方式处理二律背反现象等。

    Logistics needs the method of balance to deal with the " law of antinomy " .

  2. 论治学求真与政治间的背反现象&以历史学为例

    On the Antinomy between Seeking the Truth in Academic Learning and Politics & A Case from Historiography

  3. 但就其现实性上,历史尺度和道德尺度却常呈现出二律背反现象。这种辩证关系要求人们运用时必须具备辩证思维。

    In the sense of reality , they are paradoxes , the dialectical relation demands people 's dialectical thoughts .

  4. 也指出,在相声小品的地方特色和影响范围之间,存在着二律背反现象。

    The article also points out that there is the phenomenon of antinomies between the crosstalk 's local characteristics and the impacts .

  5. 而其中的“相敌对”的命题则对转型后的“艺术生产”阶段所特有的二律背反现象作出了深刻和精彩的揭示。

    The proposition of antagonism between art and material production included in the theory reveals the antinomies of art production in modern period of transformation .

  6. 中国古代文学中的乐极生悲模式&一种情感与理性间奇特的二律背反现象

    The Mode of " Joy at Its Height Engenders Sorrow " in Ancient Chinese Literature & A Queer " Antinomy " between Sentiment and Reason

  7. 论述沈从文的现代性反思:上述两组二元张力关系的构成,揭示出人性与现代文明的二律背反现象,通过湘西理想家园的构建,激励人们寻求生命诗意的栖息地。

    Modern Reflections : The binary tension relationship between the two groups reveals antinomy phenomenon of the humanity and modern civilization . It encourages people to seek poetic life habitat through the construction of Western ideal home .

  8. 库存成本和运输成本之间存在效益背反现象,这使得供应链各方分散决策难以作出对整体最优的决策,造成个体最优和供应链整体最优的偏离。

    There is " Trade-off " phenomenon between inventory and transportation costs , which makes it difficult for decision-makers to make optimal decision for the whole supply chain , and leads to deviation between individual and overall optimization .

  9. 家庭联产承包责任制曾极大地促进了农业生产的发展,但随着我国经济环境的变化,该制度出现了合理性与不合理性并存的背反现象。

    The Family Unity Contracted Responsible System used to promote the development of agricultural production . But , with the alteration of the economic environment in China , there appeared the antinomy of the coexistence of rationality and irrationality .

  10. 只有认真地反思这样的“背反”现象,我们对自己的文化传统的分析才可能是全面的。

    Thud , we can have a whole analysis of Chinese cultural tradition only if we have a serious reconsideration of this kind of odd phenomenon .

  11. 通过对翻译理论中几个典型的“二律背反”现象进行分析,得出结论:翻译理论中“二律背反”现象的出现是翻译领域的某一方面出现转机的前奏。

    This paper makes an analysis of some typical ones of them and reaches a conclusion that the dual law of contradiction usually means a potential leap forward in translation .

  12. 在竞争和垄断双双被强化的态势的作用下,竞争和垄断这种二律背反的共生现象竟然演化出一种新的市场结构&竞争性垄断。

    From this situation , the new market framework-competitive monopolization is evolved .