
  • 网络piggyback liver transplantation;polt;PBLT;PBOLT
  1. 方法建立兔原位背驮式肝移植模型30例,受体兔被随机均分为SDD组、SDD+Gln组及对照组。

    Methods Thirty rabbits received orthotopic piggyback liver transplantation and were randomly divided into three groups ( SDD group , SDD + Gln group and control group ) .

  2. 通过促进ALR的表达可延缓或减轻肝硬化的发生。目的总结分析改良背驮式肝移植供肝修整与手术后并发症的关系。

    Conclusion : ALR was involved in liver repair when hepatic fibrosis occurred , and Chinese herbs could prevent hepatic fibrosis by promoting ALR gene expression . Objective To study donor liver repair in modified piggyback liver transplantation and its ~ relationship to postoperative complications .

  3. 同种原位背驮式肝移植治疗Wilson病

    Treatment of Wilson disease by piggy - back orthotopic liver transplantation

  4. 结论背驮式肝移植术无肝期MAP能相对稳定,但其他血液动力学指标的变化仍较明显,应加强此术式中血液动力学的监测和管理。

    Conclusion Although MAP was relatively stable during POLT , the changes of hemodynamics were still significant , and closely monitoring and management are needed .

  5. 背驮式肝移植治疗Wilson′s病:附29例报告

    Piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation in the treatment of Wilson ′ s disease : a report of 29 cases

  6. 1例肝豆状核变性(Wilson)患者,行背驮式肝移植成功,随访7个月,肝功能及血铜蓝蛋白正常。

    The piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation successed on a patient of Wilson ′ s disease . Liver function and blood copper protein were normal during 7 months after transplantation .

  7. SDD联合GLN预防兔背驮式肝移植肠道细菌移位

    Experiment on the Effects of SDD and GLN to Prevent Intestinal Bacterial Translocation in the Model of Rabbit Piggyback Liver Transplantation

  8. 目的:评估腔静脉成形术在背驮式肝移植(POLT)中的应用效果。

    To investigate the effect of venacavaplasty in piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation ( POLT ) .

  9. 目的:总结开展肝移植最初阶段连续10例背驮式肝移植(POLT)的经验。

    Objective : To summarize the experiences in piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation ( POLT ) in 10 successfully performed consecutive cases .

  10. 目的:观察选择性消化道去污(SDD)联合谷氨酰胺(GLN)对兔原位背驮式肝移植肠道细菌移位及术后肺部感染的预防作用。

    Objective : To observe the effects of selective digestive decontamination ( SDD ) and glutamine ( GLN ) to prevent intestinal bacterial translocation in the model of rabbit orthotopic piggyback liver transplantation and to lower the incidence of postoperative pneumonia .

  11. 成人原位背驮式肝移植&附8例报告

    Piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation in adults-a clinical report of 8 cases

  12. 五例背驮式肝移植术后彩色多普勒超声监测的意义

    Significance of Observing Five Patients After Liver-transplantation with Color Doppler Ultrasound

  13. 背驮式肝移植行肝上下腔静脉-心房重建术后的观察特点

    Piggyback liver transplantation by IVC-bridge - to Atrium-Observations after IVC-atrium Anatomosis

  14. 背驮式肝移植无肝期的细分与容量管理对策

    Subdivision and capacity management of anhepatic phase in Piggy-back liver transplantation

  15. 背驮式肝移植肝脏流出道重建方法探讨肝血流出道阻断后腹腔镜肝切除术

    A modified technique for performing hepatic outflow tract reconstruction during liver transplantation

  16. 肝移植的解剖学基础及临床应用&背驮式肝移植1例

    Anatomy and clinical application of liver transplantation-A case of piggyback liver transplantation

  17. 应用背驮式肝移植治疗终末期肝病

    The Application of Piggyback Orthotopic Liver Transplantation End-Stage Liver Disease

  18. 目的探讨背驮式肝移植的改良技术。

    Objective To investigate the new technique of modified piggyback liver transplantation .

  19. 50例次背驮式肝移植技术回顾分析

    The retrospective study on 50 cases of piggyback liver transplantations

  20. 肝静脉在背驮式肝移植术中的局部解剖学研究及应用

    Topography of hepatic veins for piggyback operation in liver transplantation and Practice

  21. 改良犬原位背驮式肝移植模型的建立

    A revised orthotopic piggyback liver transplantation in a canine model

  22. 背驮式肝移植术中再灌注综合征的预防策略

    Strategies for Prevention of Post-reperfusion Syndrome in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

  23. 猪同种原位背驮式肝移植术的麻醉

    Anesthesia of isotype orthotopic piggyback liver transplantation of pig

  24. 猪背驮式肝移植术中血清电解质的变化及其处理

    Changes and management of plasma electrolytes during piggy-back orthotopic liver transplantation in pigs

  25. 背驮式肝移植术及其并发症的预防

    Piggyback Technique and Prevention of Its ' Complications

  26. 为探讨肝移植治疗肝脏终末期病变的方法,采用改良的背驮式肝移植技术即保留肝后下腔静脉的全病肝切除。

    Piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in three patients with terminal liver disease .

  27. 背驮式肝移植手术方法的改进

    Innovation of operative methods in piggyback liver transplantation

  28. 腔静脉成形背驮式肝移植治疗原发性肝癌

    Modified piggyback liver transplantation for primary hepatocellular carcinoma

  29. 背驮式肝移植技术改良(附41例次临床病例分析)

    The Ameliorations of the Technique of Piggyback Liver Transplantation ( Analysis of 41 Cases )

  30. 方法2004年11月和2005年7月对终末期肝病患者行改良背驮式肝移植术2例。

    Methods 2 patients with end stage liver diseases were performed modified piggyback liver transplantation .