
  • 网络background fluctuation;background clutter
  1. 但当背景起伏较大时,基于背景预测的弱小目标检测方法的检测性能会受到影响。

    But the performance of background prediction is influenced with the background fluctuation .

  2. 可见光图像背景起伏的平稳性和相关性分析

    Stationary characterization and correlation of visible image background clutter

  3. 空间相关长度分析证实了背景起伏具有强的空域相关性。

    The spatial correlative length analysis proves the clutter highly spatial correlative .

  4. 一维指数模型的时间相关长度分析表明背景起伏具有强时相关性。

    The temporal correlative length is proposed based on 1D exponent model and it shows that the clutter is highly temporal correlative .

  5. 在平稳的基础上,使用相关长度刻划背景起伏的时空域相关性,得到两个结论。

    Based on the stationary , the correlative length was applied to describe its temporal-spatial correlation , and then two conclusions were made .

  6. 首先用康斯坦尼兹法设计了低通滤波器,并根据地杂波等效速度的不同,得到一组不同的滤波器响应,进而实现了背景RCS起伏程度不同的地杂波的模拟。

    First , designing the filter with Constantinides approach , the paper obtains different respondences of filter for different scatter equivalent velocities , and then performs ground clutter simulation with different fluctuation degrees .

  7. 最后得到结论:用基于ATI方法进行动目标检测时,若不考虑雷达接收机噪声,则地面背景RCS起伏特性是影响最小径向可检测速度的主要因素。

    The conclusion is drawn that applying the ATI method to GMTI , without consideration of the radar system noise , the major factor influencing on the detectable minimum radial velocity is the ground background RCS fluctuation .

  8. 强背景大起伏条件下点目标双尺度滤波检测算法

    A Method and Hardware Realization of Detecting Point Target in Strong Background

  9. 被动信号检测的最佳检测器是能量检测器,但是能量检测器往往因为背景干扰的起伏和信噪比的劣化导致检测性能的下降。

    The optimum detector for passive detection is energy detector . Yet energy detector usually deteriorates due to fluctuation of background interference and a decrease in SNR .

  10. 传统的形态学算法采用单一结构元素对红外图像进行处理,当背景存在强起伏时,残差图像存在大量的背景泄漏,导致大量虚假目标点的出现。

    Traditional morphology-based algorithms processed the image using a fixed structuring element . However , when the background is heavy cluttered , the residual image contains much background leak , which leads to false point targets .

  11. 由于雷达检测背景的复杂和起伏,经典CFAR检测不能保持稳定的检测性能。

    Because of the complex and fluctuant background in radar , classical CFAR detection technology lose its stability .

  12. 信号和背景噪声的幅度起伏对线谱检测器性能的影响

    Effects of amplitude fluctuations of signal and background noise on line spectrum detector performance

  13. 红外图像预处理是红外小目标检测中的重要组成部分,其基本思想是通过背景估计实现对起伏背景的抑制,提高信噪比。

    IR image preprocessing is an important part of small targets detection , its basic thinking is to suppress the clutter of background through background estimation .

  14. 该算法以低通滤波算法估计背景中的低频成分,及图像局部方差估计背景起伏,来计算出局部自适应的目标检测判决门限。

    The algorithm adopts low pass filter to estimate the background and calculates the standard deviation to estimate the fluctuation of background to get the local adaptive detection threshold .

  15. 然后以该地杂波为背景,采用ATI方法进行动目标检测,分析了地面背景RCS起伏特性对动目标检测性能的影响。

    Secondly , using the ground clutter as background , it conducts the GMTI with ATI approach , and then analyses the influence of the background RCS fluctuation characteristic on the performance of ATI-GMTI .