
  • background wall;Backdrop
  1. 背景墙厚度必须介于0与100之间。

    Wall thickness must be between0and100 .

  2. 入口区是一个纯净而光亮的收银台。背景墙为白色布艺配以柔和灯光。

    The entrance area is occupied by a counter , pure and glossy colour volume , placed in front of a background wall of white fabric and light .

  3. 适合环保及消防要求,适用于∶电视背景墙、KTV、DISCO、酒店、办公室会所、走廊、门框、天花、房地产装饰的首选产品。

    Suitable for environmental protection , fire controling : TV background , KTV , DISCO , hotel , office , slype , doorcase , variola , building material decorate .

  4. 时尚装修背景墙,用色彩装出你的个性。

    The fashion repairs a background brattishing and embark a proptosis with the hue you of individualism .

  5. 石灰或大理石墙面这类的背景墙适合面积较大的房间,家具要以简单设计为主。

    Lime or marble wall kind of backdrop for larger rooms , furniture should be a simple design based .

  6. 不过要是房间空间较小,用布料做背景墙则面积不宜过大。

    But if the room less space , while an area with the cloth backdrop do not be too big .

  7. 想给自己的新居添点彩,那么你可以考虑居室的装修背景墙。

    Want to add stippling for own new residence , so you can consider the repairing of living quarters background brattishing .

  8. 近日,我司为三至喜来登酒店标准间设计制作的床头背景墙真丝手绣加手绘软包顺利完成。

    Recently our company completed successfully the design for the Sheraton Hotel the backdrop of the bedside hand-painted silk embroidery plus software package .

  9. 用布料做背景墙可以随季节和心情选择自己喜欢的颜色和图案,让整个房间变样。

    Fabric backdrop can be used to do with the seasons and the mood to choose their own favorite colors and patterns , so that the whole room changed appearance .

  10. 一面制作得当的背景墙,不仅能令居室亮点突出,还可以帮助划分功能区域,并营造出不同的风格和氛围。

    Side produced properly backdrop , not only will enable room bright highlights , but also helps the creation of functional areas , and create a different style and atmosphere .

  11. 石灰质很有颗粒感的石灰背景墙,会把整个空间包括大电视衬托得很酷,粗糙的纹理和斑驳的水泥补丁让墙面富于变化。

    Calcareous very grainy backdrop of lime makes the whole space including large TV set off a very cool , rough texture and mottled patches of cement to the wall varied .

  12. 会议厅主席台背景墙、会议厅装饰壁画;酒店内宴会厅、中西餐厅、酒吧、休闲会所等场所的墙面及天花装饰。

    Conference hall , a conference hall rostrum setting wall mural , Hotel ballroom , Chinese and western restaurants , bars , leisure clubs of the place such as metope and smallpox decoration .

  13. 可制作电视背景墙、沙发背景墙、床头背景、卧室艺术墙、书房文化墙、玄关图案、天花装饰、家具表面装饰等。

    Can produce TV setting wall , sofa setting wall , the head of a bed , wall art background , bedroom wall study culture , porch design , smallpox decoration , furniture surface decoration etc.