
yuán zhǐ
  • former address
原址 [yuán zhǐ]
  • [former address] 原先的地址

原址[yuán zhǐ]
  1. 美国圣道大学(TheUniversityoftheIncarnateWord)租用的是圣安东尼奥市的另一座购物中心原址;

    The University of the Incarnate Word has leased part of another mall in San Antonio .

  2. 甚至还在建设一座新的花园广场,位置就在阿森纳(arsenal)老球场原址。

    There is even the construction of a new one , at the site of the old Arsenal Football Stadium .

  3. 2001年的今天,美国总统乔治·W·华盛顿在恐怖袭击摧毁了世贸双塔三天后,参观了位于纽约的世界贸易中心的原址。

    2001-U.S.President George W.Bush visits the site of the World Trade Center in New York three days after the terrorist attacks that destroyed the Twin Towers .

  4. 瑞典时装零售商HM关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    HM , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .

  5. 瑞典时装零售商H&M关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    H & M , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .

  6. 到2011年8月,公园大道432号大厦的惊人计划——此项目将在拆毁的麦克洛名下德雷克酒店(DrakeHotel)原址上建造——开始在Curbed和《纽约观察家》(TheNewYorkObserver)等房地产新闻网站上出现。

    By August 2011 , their incredible plans for the tower - which would occupy the land where the Macklowe-owned Drake Hotel had been demolished - began to leak onto real estate news sites like Curbed and The New York Observer .

  7. 拥有水晶宫原址土地控制权的布罗姆利区地方议会(BromleyCouncil)表示,仍在继续与中融集团开展保密磋商。不过,如今“如果有人提出”对该地段的任何其他开发方案,他们也会“认真听取”。

    Bromley council , which controls the land , said that confidential discussions with the Zhongrong group were continuing but they would now " listen if approached " to any other development proposals for the site .

  8. 一个由哈齐姆Azmy,埃及,原址按类型划分与很多有趣的链接。

    An original site by Hazem Azmy , Egypt , with lots of interesting links classified by type .

  9. 在原先实在却又可人的LeChercheMidi咖啡屋原址上,CaféTrama咖啡屋创建出成功模式——用仿古瓷砖与瑞典式家具打造出传统与现代合二为一的装修风格,而它的饮食也体现了同样风格。

    Where the down-to-earth yet charming caf é Le Cherche Midi once stood , Caf é Trama has created a winning formula with its old-meets-new decor of vintage tiles and Swedish furniture - and food that reflects the same spirit .

  10. 如今这些秘而不宣的做法仅仅过去了一代人(30年)时间,Foyles就在离老店原址几步之遥的新大楼里重新开张。

    Today , a generation away from those arcane practices , the bookshop is reopening in a huge new building a couple of doors away from its historic home .

  11. 元月1日后,我公司解散。在原址成立O&S商社继续营业,由H.O.和J.S.二人主持业务。

    After January1st , our partnership will be dissolved and the business will be carried on at the same address , by H.O.and J.S.under the firm-name of O & S.

  12. 罗马马克罗当代艺术博物馆(Macro)坐落在佩罗尼啤酒厂(Peroni)原址之上,它经常被该市的另一个当代艺术博物馆Maxxi盖过风头。Maxxi的场馆是建筑师扎哈·哈迪德(ZahaHadid)设计的,现代感十足,令人难忘。

    Macro Arts | 3 p.m. The Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma , or Macro , housed in a former Peroni brewery , is often overshadowed by the city 's other contemporary art museum , the Maxxi - an impressive , modern structure designed by the architect Zaha Hadid .

  13. 灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。

    The Greyhound Bus Origin Museum is located in Hibbing Minnesota .

  14. 深圳国际会议展览中心原址软基处理

    On soft foundation treatment of Shenzhen International Conference and Exhibition Centre

  15. 它就坐落在世界贸易中心的原址。

    It sits in the precise footprint of the World Trade Center .

  16. 把人们从外包中心带到原址是必要的。

    Bringing people to the home location from the outsourced centre is necessary .

  17. 我们会推平这里并在原址铺路

    We will bulldoze it collapse it pave it .

  18. 从此,本是这村子原址的陷口便一直注满着沥青。

    The crater where the village stood has been filled wish asphalt ever since .

  19. 这块石头被称做惠汀顿石,至今还留在原址。

    This stone is called @ Whittington Stone @ and still remains there today .

  20. 很多国家拥有「非原址换地保育方案」的成功例子。

    Non in-situ land exchange is successfully used in many countries to resolve such issues .

  21. 他在世贸中心原址灾难现场敬献了花圈。

    He laid a wreath at Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood .

  22. 武则天长安年间开始在原址重建大雁塔,在规格上有所改变。

    At that time the Empress ordered to rebuild the tower on the former address .

  23. 中环街市重置及原址重新发展工作小组

    Working Group on the Reprovisioning of Central Market and the Redevelopment of the Central Market Site

  24. 工人们拆毁旧屋,并在原址上另盖新屋。

    The workers torn down the old house and built a new one in its place .

  25. 他在双子座大楼倒塌原址开了家餐厅,供应过100万名救难人员的餐点。

    He set Up a restaurantat Ground Zero , and he fed over one million relief workers .

  26. 清乾隆二十六年(1761年)复建于原址,四面塑佛像。

    Twenty-six years the Qing Emperor Qianlong ( 1761 ) re-built in situ , four figurines statues .

  27. 被拆迁户希望能在原址附近重建,便于耕作。

    For the cultivation , the households hope that the reconstruction can be implemented around the original site .

  28. 首先,他提出能否在911原址献个花环,以示敬意。

    He started by asking whether he could lay a wreath at Ground Zero as a show of respect .

  29. 从原址搬离后大都会博物馆于1872年2月20日正式开放。

    It was officially opened on February 20 , 1872 and has since moved locations from its original site .

  30. 新景点:国家当代艺术博物馆春天开馆,它的原址是一座酒厂。

    And the new : The National Museum of Contemporary Art opens this spring in a former brewery complex .