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yuán jí
  • Origin;ancestral home;native place;domicile of origin;native home
原籍 [yuán jí]
  • [native place;ancestral home] 本籍,祖居的地方

  • 他原籍广东

原籍[yuán jí]
  1. 原籍襄阳(今湖北襄阳),生于河南巩县。

    His ancestral home town was located in Xiangyang ( now Xiangyang , Hubei Province ) .

  2. 他的原籍是布拉,管它在什么地方呢。

    He comes from Boula , wherever that may be .

  3. 他原籍法国。

    He is a Frenchman by origin . ; His ancestral home is in France .

  4. 他原籍不在这儿。

    He has no real roots in this area .

  5. 然后再以B乡同乡会为例,展示该会的发展状况、运行机制以及该会参与原籍地农村公共服务的实践。

    After that , taking B township fellow villager association as an example , describe the development , operating mechanism , and the practice in rural public service of this fellow villager association .

  6. 我出生的时候,种族隔离在美国部份地区仍属当地合法的行为。我父亲的原籍肯尼亚(Kenya)还是别国的殖民地。

    When I was born , segregation was still the law of the land in parts of America , and my father 's Kenya was still a colony .

  7. 纳耶尼亚教授原籍伊朗,最早是在德国哥廷根大学(georg-augustuniversity),利用老鼠和成人干细胞进行人造精子的研究。

    Prof Nayernia , originally from Iran , started his synthetic sperm research at georg-august University in G ttingen using mouse stem cells and adult human stem cells .

  8. 经济学家MartinHalla的一项研究显示,美国第二代移民的税德可反映出其原籍。

    One fascinating study , by the economist Martin Halla , showed that tax morale among second-generation American immigrants reflected their country of origin .

  9. 弗吉尼亚大学的经济学家莎拉·特纳(SarahTurner)和凯利·伯德(KelliBird)发现,大学本科外国学生的录取数量随着学生原籍国家的经济增长和汇率的变化而出现波动。

    Sarah Turner and Kelli Bird , University of Virginia economists , have found that the enrollment of undergraduate foreign students fluctuates with the economic growth and exchange rates of those students ' countries of origin .

  10. 过去两年以来,原籍白俄罗斯的anastasia作为一个此类合作组织的区域协调员在俄罗斯联邦工作。

    For the last two years , anastasia-originally from belarus-has been working in the Russian federation , as the Regional Coordinator in one such collaborative organization .

  11. 我有位新朋友,名叫“Yudhi”,念作“尤弟”。他是印尼人,原籍爪哇。

    I have a new friend . His name is Yudhi , which is pronounced " You-Day . " He 's Indonesian , originally from Java .

  12. 文章对同一批平原籍新兵60人进驻海拔4700m高原暴露3月时甲襞微循环与血液动力学进行了观测。

    The author observed the changes of the nail fold microcirculation and hemodynamics of 60 soldiers exposed for three months at high altitude .

  13. 我有个想法认为她的原籍是波兰。

    I had a notion that she originally came from Poland .

  14. A:我的原籍也是南京。

    A : My domicile place is Nanjing , too .

  15. 他虽然生在法国,原籍却是英国。

    He is English by birth although he was born in France .

  16. 她是意大利人(她的原籍是意大利)。

    She 's from italy , ie her native country is italy .

  17. 盖尔•凯利原籍南非,1997年她来到了澳大利亚。

    Originally from South Africa , Gail Kelly headed to Australia in1997 .

  18. 罗贯中原籍东平,对水浒故事特别熟悉;

    He was very familiar with the Water Margin story .

  19. 钱小纯,1947年出生于浙江玉环,原籍杭州。

    Qian Xiaochun was born in Yuhuan , Zhejiang in1947 .

  20. 在原籍有婚姻史或未婚同居史的占20.3%;

    20.3 % of them were married or lived together with men without marriage ;

  21. 他原先的意图是把那些外来移民送回原籍。

    His intention had been to shunt the immigrants back where they came from .

  22. 我原籍是上海,不过我已走遍全世界。

    I am originally from Shanghai , but I have traveled all over the world .

  23. A你的原籍在哪里?

    A Where are you from originally ?

  24. 线路那一头讲话人是一个原籍依阿华州名叫迈可约翰逊的人。

    On the other end of the wire is a former Iowan named Michael johnson .

  25. 那你的原籍是哪里?

    Where is your domicile place then ?

  26. 她家人原籍为苏格兰。

    Her people come from Scotland originally .

  27. 你原籍属哪个国家?

    What is your country of origin ?

  28. 你的原籍是哪里呢?

    A where are you from originally .

  29. 我原籍苏州,现任华府伴读小书僮。

    I came from Soochow , I am a little servant in Wah 's family .

  30. 卡恩原籍所在地法国政府表示,在被证明有罪之前,他们都认为卡恩是清白的。

    The government in his native France said it considered Mr Strauss-Kahn innocent until proven guilty .