首页 / 词典 / good

  • fair-skinned;light-complexioned
  • 皮肤白:“其民~而瘠。”

  • 泛指白色:“~帻而衣狸制。”

  • 一种只开花,不结果的枣树。


[书] (人的皮肤白) fair-skinned; light-complexioned:

  • 白皙的肤色

    a fair complexion

  1. 我望着她,看到了娇嫩而皙白的脸。

    Looking at her , I noticed the delicate fairness of her face .

  2. “那么,咱们一块儿走走吧。”我望着她,看到了娇嫩而皙白的脸。

    " Then let 's just walk . " Looking at her , I noticed the delicate fairness of her face .

  3. 原来这双眼睛的化妆分阶段取消洗剂立即删除所有类型睫毛膏,防水柔皙紧致甚至在一个迅速采取行动。

    This original bi-phased eye makeup removing lotion immediately removes all mascara types , even waterproof mascaras in one swift action .

  4. 融合多重维他命、矿物质和高效果实萃取精华,皙白肌肤,深层保养易逝容颜,让肌肤绽放天然光泽,塑造动人俏脸。

    Combing multi-vitamin , mineral matter and high-effective fruit essence , whiten skin and and deeply care the aged face , emanate natural gloss , remould moving face .

  5. 功效:新护肤体验,持续维护肌肤弹力,滋润调养干性肌肤,使肌肤呈现水润健康,越来越年轻,让肌肤在熟睡中完美回复珍皙珠白。

    Function : give skin new experience and maintain skin'elasticity , moisten and nurse dry skin , let skin be aqua-healthy and look more young and resume pearl white perfectly in the sleeping .

  6. 功效:赋予肌肤美白和保湿双重滋润体验,缓解肌肤压力和紧绷感,长期使用可改善干性肌肤,令肌肤瞬透保湿,活力倍加,营造肌肤珍皙珠白。

    Function : Give skin dual-experience of whitening and hydrating , sooth pressure and tight , could improve dry skin for long-lasting using , make skin moist and dual-active , remould pearl white skin .

  7. “我不知道那是什么,”她说着,又发出一阵银铃般的笑声。“那么,咱们一块儿走走吧。”我望着她,看到了娇嫩而皙白的脸色。

    The tinkling laughter burst forth again . " I don 't know what that is . " " Then let 's just walk . " Looking at her , I noticed the delicate fairness of her face .