首页 / 词典 / good

  • mistake;wrong;errors;short for Africa
  • object to;oppose;blame;censure
  • un-;non-;in-;il-
  • 不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。

  • 不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。

  • 与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。

  • 责怪,反对:~难(nàn )。~议。无可厚~。

  • 指“阿非利加洲”(位于东半球的西南部。简称“非洲”):东~。西~。


(错误) mistake; wrong; errors:

  • 明辨是非

    make a clear distinction between right and wrong;

  • 痛改前非

    thoroughly rectify one's errors;

  • 文过饰非

    try to cover up one's mistakes


(指非洲) short for Africa:

  • 南非

    South Africa


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 非调

    Fei Tiao


(不以为然; 反对; 责备) object to; oppose; blame; censure:

  • 不可厚非

    excusable; not altogether inexcusable


(不合于) not conform to; run counter to:

  • 非礼

    a breach of etiquette; impolite


(不是) be not:

  • 答非所问

    give an irrelevant answer;

  • 非笔墨所能形容

    no words can adequately describe; beggar description


[口] (必须) have got to; simply must:

  • 不行, 我非得去。

    No, I simply must go.


(跟“不”呼应, 表示必须):

  • 非下苦功不可

    require painstaking effort; must work even harder;

  • 非她不娶

    will take no one but her to wife


[前缀] (表示否定或不属于某种范围) un-; non-; in-; il-; ir-; im-:

  • 非金属


  • 非正义


  1. 该软件的出现对于不同结构的(?)圈电感的准确计算、为线圈电感的企业非标设计和分析提供了有利工作。

    The birth of the software achieves the best and most accurate coil inductance calculation of various structures which has provided the supportive work for the enterprise of the mistake bid designs and analyses of the coil inductance .

  2. 必须教儿童分清是非。

    Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong .

  3. 要按时做好准备确非易事。

    It was a real struggle to be ready on time .

  4. 告示上写着:“非请莫入,违者必究”。

    The notice read : ‘ Trespassers will be prosecuted ’ .

  5. 在我非做不可的事情当中,那事较不重要。

    That comes a long way down my list of priorities .

  6. 要是你老爸知道了,你非挨骂不可!

    If your dad finds out you 'll really catch it !

  7. 欢迎非旅馆住客使用本旅馆的游泳池。

    Non-resident guests are welcome to use the hotel swimming pool .

  8. 让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。

    Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster .

  9. 你为什么非要老提我离婚的事呢?

    Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce ?

  10. 我并不一定非要去,对吧?

    I don 't really need to go , do I ?

  11. 该课程全日制学习一年,非全日制学习两年。

    The course is 1 year FT , 2 years PT .

  12. 这场比赛我们非赢不可。

    We badly need to get a result from this match .

  13. 她认为,是与非是道德上的绝对准则。

    Right and wrong are , for her , moral absolutes .

  14. 如果再等下去,我非发疯不可。

    I 'll go bonkers if I have to wait any longer .

  15. 非官方的估计数字为200万以上。

    Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million .

  16. 我发觉她在楼梯上迎面过来非要与我说话。

    I found myself cornered by her on the stairs .

  17. 为什么他们总是非要诉诸暴力不可呢?

    Why do they always have to resort to violence ?

  18. 我烦透了,非大喊大叫不可!

    I 'm so fed up I could scream !

  19. 那孩子非捣蛋不可。

    That child can 't keep out of mischief .

  20. 他的行为是出于权宜之计而非原则。

    He acted out of expediency , not principle .

  21. 我希望我们教给了孩子分辨是非的能力。

    I hope we have taught our children to know right from wrong .

  22. 体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。

    It remains true that sport is about competing well , not winning .

  23. 我们非要看这种烂节目吗?

    Do we have to watch this pants programme ?

  24. 这项研究的根据是传闻而非事实。

    This research is based on anecdote not fact .

  25. 这份手册对非专业人员来说太专业化了。

    The guide is too technical for a non-specialist .

  26. 你能确定这是真爱,而非一时痴迷?

    Are you sure it 's the real thing , not just infatuation ?

  27. 儿童并非生来就会分辨是非。

    Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong .

  28. 在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。

    Within French-speaking Quebec , anglophone , allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist .

  29. 我赞赏她非把事情弄清楚的决心。

    I admire her determination to get it right .

  30. 任何人都不可能让非正义从世界上消失。

    You cannot erase injustice from the world .