
  • 网络non-standard model;nonstandard model
  1. 其次,讨论了非标准模型的简单性质,如传递性,布尔代数运算性质等。

    Secondly , some properties of nonstandard model are discussed , such as transitivity , Boolean properties , etc.

  2. 在κ-饱和的非标准模型中,首先推广了内函数逼近定理,并用这一推广定理证明了著名的Ascoli定理;

    In the κ - saturated nonstandard model , the internal function approximation theorem was extended at first . By this theorem , the famous Ascoli theorem was proved .

  3. 本文证明了在扩大的非标准模型中S-空间可完全表示Radon空间。

    In paper [ 2 ] , R. M. Anderson proved that , with k-saturated model , Loeb spaces can completely represent Radon spaces .

  4. 利用素理想给出了构造非标准模型的一种直观方法。

    A new intuitive method of constructing non-standard model is given by using primeideal .

  5. 共点关系与非标准模型

    Concurrent Relations aud Non-standard Models

  6. 方法拟合超额相对危险度模型,绝对超额危险度模型,非标准模型等分析云锡现场队列研究资料。

    Methods Fitting Excessive Relative Risk Models , Absolutive Excessive Risk Model , and so on to the YTC cohort data .

  7. 理想单子在非标准饱和模型下的若干应用

    The ideal monad under the application of nonstandard model saturation

  8. 非标准宇宙模型新动向

    Recent Developments in Non-standard Cosmological Models

  9. 在非标准扩大模型下,利用转换原理,通过定义局部线性函数给出向量函数微分的定义。

    In the enlargement model used transfer principle , the differential of vector-valued function is defined by locally liner map .

  10. μClinux内存管理采用非标准Linux内存模型。

    Management of μ Clinux adopted the nonstandard model of Linux memory .

  11. 然而,非标准计算的模型越来越受到人们的关注,特别是量子计算和DNA计算。

    Recently , however , there has been an increasing awareness of the need for alternative model of computation , quantum computation and DNA computing being two notable examples .

  12. 因为它正式获得W3C推荐(与基于非标准的Java模型相对),所以在某些类型的项目中可能也需要它。

    Because it 's an official W3C recommendation ( as opposed to the non-standards-based Java models ) it may also be required in certain types of projects .

  13. 用力迫法构造的一个非标准的算术模型

    A Nonstandard Model of Arithmetic Constructed by means of Forcing Method

  14. C程序设计非标准化试题CAT模型的建立

    Establishment of Non-standardized Test Model CAT for C Programming

  15. 根据CAD系统和DIVISIONMockUp系统之间的图形交换机制,分析了数据储存的核心系统,成功解决了非标准格式三维实体模型的数据传递问题。

    According to graphical exchange between CAD and DIVISION MockUp system , data storage kernel system was analyzed and thus data conversion of substandard three dimension model was solved successfully .

  16. 论非标准时空连续统模型及其对Zeno悖论分析的应用

    On the Non-standard Model for the Time and Space with an Application to Resolving Zeno s Paradoxes

  17. 创建非标准化多维逻辑模型的过程现在已经完成。

    The process of creating a de-normalized dimensional logical model is now complete .

  18. 我们将在此刻把这个属性添加到我们的非标准化逻辑维度模型。

    We will add this to our de-normalized logical dimensional model at this point of time .

  19. 所提出的伪状态变量法,可较为有效地解决制约计算机建模过程自动化的非标准结点结构数学模型的自动建立问题,此种建模方法具有实用性好,效率高和便于计算机实现等特点。

    As a result , a method named pseudo state variable is put forward , which overcomes efficiently the difficulty in automatic modeling of non standard junction structures on computer . This modeling technique has several remarkable characteristics such as high efficiency , good utility and easy realization on computer .