
  1. 非传统家庭从电视连续剧到邻居那里,无处不在地获得认同。

    Nontraditional families are gaining acceptance everywhere , from TV sitcoms to our own neighborhoods .

  2. 研究发现,学生的看法有明显的性别区分,而他们对残疾和非传统家庭的看法亦缺乏平衡。

    The studies found that gender division in student perceptions is distinct and perceptions regarding disability and non-traditional families lack balance .

  3. 虽然你可能会认为大部分动物尊崇非传统的家庭结构,但还是有很多可爱的动物愿意将他们的一生奉献给他们的伴侣的。

    Though you may think most critters follow more unconventional family structures , plenty of adorable creatures are made even cuter by their dedication to their life partners .

  4. 现代女性也因此被赋予新的角色、身份和责任,以便纳入民族国家的想象建构的体系中,作为国家而非传统中的家庭的资源而被随机使用。

    Therefore , modern women were given new roles , identities and responsibilities so that they were incorporated into the imaginative construction system on nation-state . As national resources rather than traditional family resources , women were used randomly .