
  1. 紧随交火,直升机被引爆后非作战人员被移到了安全地带。

    Following the firefight , the noncombatants were moved to a safe location as the damaged helicopter was detonated .

  2. 它导致敌人使用非作战人员将自己围起来作为政治盾牌以抵御我们的火力打击。

    It leads the enemy to surround himself with noncombatants to be used as a political shield against our fires .

  3. 不过,他后来在伦敦的一次会议上披露了自己的个人生活,谈到自己在1983年退伍后前往深圳创业的历程。任正非是在中国军队裁减非作战人员时期被迫离开部队的。

    However , he then opened up about his personal life at a meeting in London , describing how after leaving the Chinese army in 1983 , he headed to Shenzhen to start his own business .

  4. 他们声称非正规作战人员摧毁了村庄里的房屋。

    They claimed that irregulars had destuoyed the houses in the village .