
  1. CO2超临界萃取技术富集微生物油脂中花生四烯酸的研究

    Study on Arachidonic Acid Richness from Microbial Oil by Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Technology

  2. CO2超临界萃取技术提取被孢霉菌丝体油脂的研究

    Study on the Mortierella Mycelium Oil Extraction by Supercritical CO 2 Fluid Technology

  3. CO2超临界萃取技术提取刺玫果籽油及其抗氧化性的研究

    Extraction of Rosa Davurica Pall Seed Oil by Supercritical CO_2 and Study on its Anti-oxidation

  4. 目的利用二氧化碳(CO2)超临界萃取技术萃取香附有效成分并进行工艺优化;研究萃取物镇痛活性。

    Objective To extract the effective component of rhizoma cyperi with the technique of supercritical CO_ ( 2 ) extraction and study on its optimum extracting conditions , the best prescription , and its analgesic activity .

  5. 超临界萃取技术在林副产品加工中的应用

    Application of Supercritical CO_2 Extraction Technology in forest products processing

  6. 结果:超临界萃取技术提出率明显高于乙醇提取法。

    Results : Ultra-critical point extraction rate is much higher than alcohol common extraction .

  7. 个人护理品的配方策略超临界萃取技术及其在日用化工中的应用

    Formulation strategies for personal care Supercritical extraction technology and its applications in personal care product industry

  8. 超临界萃取技术在生物资源开发和有机废水处理中的应用研究

    Application of Supercritical CO_2 Extraction technique in Exploring Biotic Resources and Treating of Organic Waste Water

  9. 精细有机化学品开发:环保型润滑添加剂,天然有效物质的超临界萃取技术;

    Fine organic chemicals development : environment-friendly lubricating additives , supercritical extraction technology for natural active components ;

  10. 超临界萃取技术在泥炭纤维素提纯中的应用与萃取组分特征

    Application of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method for the Purification of Peat Cellulose and Compositional Features of the Extracts

  11. 其中柱层析技术和超临界萃取技术是海洋生物活性物质分离提取技术中的主要部分。

    Among them , the key process of column chromatography and supercritical extraction will be widely applied in the development of marine resource .

  12. 方法:采用系统法及超临界萃取技术,以萃取物中鸢尾酮的含量为考察指标,对鸢尾酮的提取工艺因素进行研究。

    Method : Conditions for the extraction were studied by a systematic method as guided by the content of irone presented in the extract .

  13. 主要论述了二氧化碳、干冰、二氧化碳合成化工产品以及二氧化碳的超临界萃取技术等方面的应用。

    This article primarily discusses applications of carbon dioxide , dry ice and synthesis of chemical products , carbon dioxide supercritical carbon dioxide extraction technology .

  14. 超临界萃取技术及其在日用化工中的应用我国日化产品包装的现状及未来发展趋势

    Supercritical extraction technology and its applications in personal care product industry Current status and developing trend of packaging for China 's cosmetic & personal care product

  15. 本文介绍了三项高新分离技术:分子蒸馏技术、超临界萃取技术及高效离心传质技术。

    Three high and new separation technologies are introduced in this article : molecular distillation technology , supercritical extraction technology , high efficiency centrifugal mass transfer technology .

  16. 萃取釜是超临界萃取技术的核心设备,它必须耐高压、耐腐蚀、密封可靠、操作安全。

    Autoclave extraction supercritical fluid extraction technology are the core of equipment , it must be resistant to high pressure , corrosion-resistant , sealed reliable and safe operation .

  17. 介绍了六种食品分析中样品制备新技术:超临界萃取技术,微波协助萃取技术,固相萃取技术,固相微萃取技术,顶空技术和流动注射分析技术。

    In this review , six latest analytical techniques that are being used for sample preparation are examined : SFE , MAE , SPE , SPME , HS , FIA .

  18. 利用超临界萃取技术提取分析基体中痕量目的组分时,常需加入适宜的改性剂以提高萃取效率。

    Supercritical fluid extraction ( SFE ) is a new promising chemical separation technology , one of its main application fields is for sample purification to extract and detect the aim analyte .

  19. 采用二氧化碳超临界萃取技术、β-环糊精包合技术、喷雾干燥等技术对金枳黄利胆排石片制备工艺进行系统研究,确定了稳定制备工艺;

    To adopt the technique of carbon dioxide supercritical Fluid , β - cyclodextrin pack , spray the dry to study the Craft of the Jin Zhi Huang benefit Gall bladder Expel stone slice , making sure the stable craft .

  20. 介绍了国内外已开始使用的膜分离技术、超临界萃取技术、冷杀菌技术、特殊冷冻技术、生物工程技术等,提出了食品工业发展过程中这些技术应用的前景。

    Introducing the membrane separation technique , supercritical extraction technique . Chilled sterilization technique , special freezing process and biological engineering , Which have started being used at home and abroad . The prospect of the application of these techniques during the development is also discussed .

  21. 超临界萃取技术是一种新型的分离技术,具有高效、快速、方便、安全、低能耗、环保、选择性好的特点,用它萃取天然产物中的有效成分已越来越引起人们的注意。

    Supercritical liquid extraction technique is a new separation technique , possessing the characteristics of high efficiency , speediness , low expenditure of energy , conservation and good selectivity . It is used to extract valid elements in natural products , which have attracted people 's attention more and more .

  22. 采用超临界CO2萃取技术对螺旋藻的化学成分进行了研究,并测定了螺旋藻粉萃取前后营养成分的变化。

    The chemical component of spirulina was determined by supercritical CO 2 extraction .

  23. 本研究以小麦胚芽为原料,利用超临界流体萃取技术从麦胚中提取天然维生素E。

    Using wheat germ as material , this paper extracted natural vitamin E by supercritical fluid extracting technology .

  24. 超声联合超临界CO2萃取技术;

    Ultrasound combined with supercritical CO2 extraction technology ;

  25. 采用超临界CO2萃取技术从整粒花生仁中萃取部分油脂。

    Peanut oil extraction from whole peanut kernel by supercritical CO2 extraction was studied .

  26. 近年来新兴的超临界CO2萃取技术被认为是提取高附加值的天然产物的高效洁净工艺。

    Supercritical CO2 extraction is considered as a new and green process for value-added natural products .

  27. 目的应用超临界CO2萃取技术提取薏苡仁中的薏苡仁油,优化工艺条件。

    OBJECTIVE Using CO_2 supercritical technology to extract Coix Seed Oil and optimizing its process conditions .

  28. 对超临界CO2萃取技术在天然药物提取及药物质量控制中的应用进展作了综述。

    This paper summarized the progression of supercritical CO 2 extraction technique in natural medicine research and quality control .

  29. 应用超临界CO2萃取技术研究云南松花粉脱脂的工艺。

    The productive technology of derosination of Yunnan pine pollen was developed using the supercritical CO 2 extraction technique .

  30. 目的:综述了超临界CO2萃取技术的原理、影响因素及应用。

    Objective : To review the principle and influencing factors of the supercritical CO2 extraction technology and its application .