
  • 网络critical load;critical loading
  1. 多层U形波纹管轴向刚度及临界载荷的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis to the Multilayer U-shaped bellows ' axial stiffness and critical load

  2. 选取最大载荷为岩石K(IC)测试中临界载荷的合理性研究

    A Study of Selecting Maximum Load as Critical Load in Measuring K_ ( IC ) of Rock

  3. 用KR-曲线法确定含Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹的金属薄板在静拉力作用下的临界载荷

    Determining the Critical Stress of a Metalic Thin Plate Containing a I-II Mixed Mode Crack under Static Tension by the KR-Curve Method

  4. 划痕试验表明临界载荷Lc随电压的升高而降低。

    The scratch test indicated that the critical load ( Lc ) decreased with the increase of voltage .

  5. 最后分析了拟合计算结果与Euler公式计算临界载荷的相对误差。

    At last , the relative error between the imitation algorithm and Euler formula has been analyzed .

  6. 用FORTRAN语言编制了复合材料加筋层合板的稳定性程序,求解层合板屈曲临界载荷;

    Compile FORTRAN procedure of buckling of composite stiffened plane to solve critical buckling load of laminate ;

  7. 结果表明,各准则在预测裂纹起裂角方面,与实验结果比较吻合:但在预测临界载荷方面,除σ(θmax)。

    The results show that the directions of crack orientation predicted by the above criterions coincide with the experiment results . angle .

  8. 本文利用解析法求得的钢制圆锥壳受均匀外压时的失稳临界载荷计算公式,导出了圆锥壳的A、B系数计算公式(1),并绘制成A、B系数计算曲线族。

    In this paper , the formulas of factors A and B for steel conical shell under external pressure are derived from that of critical load , which is already offered by use of analytical method .

  9. 结果EmpressⅡ热压铸造陶瓷复合结构试件经105次循环后的临界载荷与未经循环加载组的临界载荷差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Results For Empress ⅱ glass ceramic , critical load had significantly difference between specimens after 105 cycles loading .

  10. 在几类边界条件下,具体求解了线性弹性Timoshenko梁的临界载荷,并与Euler梁的结果进行比较。

    In cases of several boundary conditions , the critical loads of Timoshenko beam are given and compared with the results of Euler beam .

  11. 对于临界载荷附近的迭代应用了Lanczos法求解方程及相应变载技巧。

    In iterations near the limit points , Lanczos method is used as well as load changing technigue .

  12. 根据响应情况,由B-R准则判定屈曲,确定屈曲临界载荷。

    The buckling is judged from responses by B-R criterion and critical loads are determined .

  13. 根据维氏压痕的断面轮廓、径向裂纹尺寸和相关的计算表达式,测试了显微硬度Hv和裂纹萌生的临界载荷值,评估了该准晶材料的杨氏弹性模量E和断裂韧性。

    According to the profiles of the indentation , radial crack size and related equations , the microhardness Hv , Young 's modulus E , cracking threshold , and fracture toughness hade been evaluated .

  14. 在球盘式摩擦磨损试验机上,采用阶梯加载方式,测定了润滑条件下钢/钢滑动摩擦副的临界载荷-速度(P-V)图,分析了P-V图各区域的摩擦磨损特性。

    This paper investigated the P-V digram for steel / steel rubbing pair under lubrication on a " ball-on-disc " testing machine , using the stepwise loading method , and analysed the behavior or friction and wear in various regions of the diagram .

  15. 弹性柱体临界载荷的Euler公式是熟知的,但只适用于仅在柱体端部受载的情形。

    The Euler formula of the flexible pillar is well known , but it can be only applicable to one situation - the loading is carried in the end of the pillar .

  16. 结果表明:UZ和εx急剧变化的突发点为起皱的失稳点,拉伸失稳的临界载荷为7780牛顿。

    The results showed that the sharply changed point of U-Z and ε x was the instability point of the sheet , and the instability load was 7780N .

  17. 分别采用类似B-R准则和Southwell方法来确定结构动力屈曲临界载荷。

    The similar B_R criterion and the Southwell method are applied to determinate the emergence of buckling .

  18. ger柱以发散型失稳之后,指出采用通常的瑞利商迭代技术便可简单地获得临界载荷。

    After proving that Pfluger 's rod becomes unstable by divergence , it is shown that the critical load can be obtained by adopting conventional iterative technigue for Rayleigh quotient .

  19. 对扰动状态的非轴对称变形,位移函数采用复Fourier级数形式,得到了Mathieu形的扰动方程,由此给出了静态临界载荷和固有频率。

    By taking the displacement functions as complex Fourier series at the perturbed state , the perturbed motion equations were deduced to a set of Mathieu equations . Then the critical load and natural frequencies were calculated .

  20. 212m烟囱临界载荷的简化计算

    A Simplified Method of Critical Loading for the Chimney With 212 m

  21. 简要介绍了划痕试验法测量表面薄膜与基体结合力的测试原理和实验方法,讨论了影响临界载荷Lc测量值准确性的主要因素。

    The measuring principle and procedure of coalescent force between thin solid films and substrates by scratching method were briefly introduced . Some important factors influencing the final experimental result , the accuracy of measured critical load ( Lc ) were discussed .

  22. 结果指出,临界载荷LC、平均应力σA用于评定Ni-P镀层的结合力是有条件的,而B-W公式存在的问题更多。

    The results indicated that the critical load stress σ _A remain explanatory difficulties in assessment of binding force of Ni-P plating , and they have certain limitations . And the formula B-W hes much problems .

  23. 对于Vickers压痕,载荷达到临界载荷时涂层会产生环状开裂或者剥落,当载荷较大时,还会产生径向裂纹。

    For Vickers indentation , a circular damage was initiated on the surface of the coatings when the applied load was higher than the critical load . When the applied load was further increased , radial cracks would appear in the coating .

  24. 对涂层进行的测试表明:多元多层纳米膜与基体之间的破裂临界载荷大于30N,与基体之间的结合力较高;

    Tests for the coating indicates that the critical crack load between the multi-element multi-layer coating and the base is more than 30 N , whose binding force is higher ;

  25. 结果表明;随N2流量增大,膜层沉积速率及膜层中Si含量减少,薄膜组织趋于致密,膜层颗粒尺寸明显减小,划痕法临界载荷和显微硬度显著增加,硬度最高可达50GPa以上。

    The results show that the deposition rate and contents of Si in Ti-Si-N coating decrease with increasing N2 flow , and the film structure tends to dense , but the critical load of scratch method and the microhardness of coating increase obviously when higher N2 flow was used .

  26. 根据能量原理,引入大挠度Von-Karman方程,求解了应力不连续简支板的屈曲问题,得到了临界载荷和临界应力计算系数。

    In this paper , according to the energy principle , the critical loads and critical stress coefficients are obtained by introducing Von-Karman equations of large deformation , which have dealt with the partial stability problems of uncontinuous stresses of simply supported plates .

  27. 在滑动线速度0.84m/s的条件下,摩擦系数随着载荷的增加而降低,随着滑动距离的增加先增加后减小至一恒定值;陶瓷磨损机制转变的临界载荷为160N-200N。

    Under the sliding velocity of 0.84m/s condition , friction coefficient increases with decreasing of the load . With increasing of the sliding distance , friction coefficient shows an earlier raised and later decreased to a constant value .

  28. 以正交铺设层合板为面板的夹层板的临界载荷

    Buckling loads of sandwich plates with laminated cross & ply faces

  29. 一种液压缸稳定性临界载荷求法及安全性分析

    An new calculation method about critical load of hydraulic cylinder stability

  30. 钻井隔水导管临界载荷及弹性稳定性研究

    Study on critical load and elastic stability of drilling riser