
lín chǎnɡ
  • sit an examination;participate in a contest;be personally present ;be on the spot
  • take an examination in the examination hall;go to the site or spot
临场 [lín chǎng]
  • (1) [take an examination in the examination hall]∶在考场参加考试;在竞赛场地参加竞赛

  • 缺乏临场经验

  • (2) [go to the site or spot]∶亲自到现场

  • 临场指导

  1. 有时,我临场发挥改了词,因为我把原来的词给忘了。

    Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them

  2. 她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。

    In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy

  3. 他因为在几个关键问题上临场变卦而备受批评。

    He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues

  4. 每次我台词出错时,伦尼都通过机智的临场发挥帮我解围。

    Every time I fluffed a line Lenny got me out of trouble with a brilliant ad-lib .

  5. 临场要沉着,不要慌。

    Keep calm during the exam ( or competition ) . don 't panic .

  6. 这真是多亏干部们的临场冷静与机智。

    That all thanks to our leaders ' calmness and wittiness .

  7. 一种基于Internet力觉临场感遥操作无源控制算法

    Passive Control Algorithm for Internet Based Force Telepresence Teleoperation

  8. Internet网络通信时延的特点造成了基于Internet力觉临场感机器人系统的不稳定性和透明性降低。

    Internet communication delay reduces the stability and transparency of the force tele-presence robot system .

  9. 在PC平台上设计一个临场感遥控系统

    Design a telepresence system for controlling an automobile on a PC platform

  10. CUBA临场技术统计软件的研制和应用

    Development and application of the basketball live technique statistical software for CUBA

  11. STANFORD型手控器的力觉临场感系统研究

    Study on force sensing telepresence system of Stanford master manipulator

  12. 对三届CUBA临场技术统计和运动员年龄、身高、体重的比较研究

    Compare Study on the Living Situation Technical Analysis and Players ' Age , Stature and Weight of the Last Three CUBA

  13. 立体视频蕴含了景物的深度信息,在自然场景的表征上更具有真实感,在3D电视、具有临场感的可视会议及虚拟现实等领域展现了广阔的应用前景。

    Stereoscopic video includes the depth information of scenes , which is more realistic in the characterization of natural scenes , and has unfolded the broad application prospect in the 3D television , 3D video conference with sound-surround ambiance and virtual reality .

  14. 对参加1998年U23全国足球锦标赛的26支队伍作临场技术统计,分析我国U23足球运动员在进攻方面的特点和现状。

    The characteristics of Chinese football players under 23 in the offense play were analyzed through studying the statistic data collected on spot from the 26 teams which took part in the 1998 Chinese Football Championships under 23 .

  15. 建议,裁判员应加强三人制裁判法和规则的钻研学习,加强体能锻炼,加强临场心理素质的培养,不断积累比赛临场经验,以促进和维护CBA的健康发展。

    It suggests that judges should learn the judging regulation of three-man mechanics manual , strengthens the body exercise , improves the mental quality , accumulates the experience in order to promote the well development of CBA .

  16. 对第四届CBA-CUBA对抗赛中女运动员焦虑程度与临场技术间的相关性研究

    Relevance between anxiety level and on-the-spot technical performances of the female athletes in the fourth session of CBA-CUBA tournament

  17. 以2003~2004赛季NBA总决赛底特律活塞队与洛杉矶湖人队五场比赛技术统计资料为依据,结合双方临场表现,进行对比与研究,分析了双方胜败的原因以及总决赛后的发展趋势。

    According to the statistic data from 5 rounds of 2003-2004 NBA finals , Detroit Piston versus Los Angeles Lakers , in combination with their performance , this paper makes some comparison and analyzes the reasons for their victory and defeat as well as the development trend .

  18. CBAS评价制实际上仅仅概括了教练临场行为的一部分,要全面评价教练行为还需要态度引导及目标管理等必不可少的重要内容。

    The paper points out that the CBAS just summarizes parts of coaches ' behavior , and the attitude guidance and aim management are necessary contents to assess coaching behavior thoroughly .

  19. 采用文献资料、对比分析和数据统计等方法,对2006年WCBA联赛辽宁衡业队与沈阳三洋电梯队决赛临场技术运用指标进行分析与研究。

    This article uses literature method contrast analytic method and data statistics . WCBA league tournament Liaoning weighs industry the team and the Shenyang three ocean elevator team finals being on site technology to 2006 carries n the analysis and the research using the target .

  20. 通过文献资料法和临场技术统计法,对2003年全国青少年网球排名赛第三、四站U-12女子单打比赛,分别从发球情况、得分方式、相持能力三方面进行临场统计。

    The author investigated the technical situation of serve , score means , stalemate capability on live indexes of U-12 female singles in nation wide young boys and girls competition put in order by tennis .

  21. 采用临场观察与数理统计方法,对第15界世界女子手球锦标赛中国队与亚洲劲旅韩国队和本界冠军俄罗斯队攻防技术进行比较分析。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    By using the method of observation on spot and mathematical statistics , the author makes comparison analysis on attack and defense technique among China , Korea ( strongest team in Asian ) and Russia ( world championship of 15 th world women handball championship ) .

  22. 篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控

    Basketball players ' on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches ' psychological control

  23. 运动员临场应激应付方式量表的介绍与检验

    An Introduce and Test of Coping Style Inventory of Acute Stress

  24. 优秀篮球裁判员的临场风度、能力及其培养

    Training of an Excellent Basketball Official in Live Demeanour and Ability

  25. 力觉临场感机器人系统中环境动力学模型的研究

    Research of the Dynamic Model of Environment in Force Telepresence System

  26. 基于逆系统理论的力觉临场感机器人系统控制

    Control of Force Telepresence Robot System Based on Inverse System Theory

  27. 临场感遥控作业机器人的力觉虚拟现实建模研究

    Modeling of Force Sense Virtual Reality in Telerobot System With Telepresence

  28. 新软阈值去噪方法在临场感中的应用

    A New Image De-noising Method Based on Soft-threshold for Tele-presence System

  29. 单自由度力觉临场感比率遥操作实验系统研制

    Development of Experimental System for 1-DOF Scaled Telemanipulator with Force Telepresence

  30. 浅析足球教练员在临场指挥中的替换队员

    On the replacement made by the football coach on the spot