
  1. 这匹马因伤被取消了比赛资格。

    The horse was scratched from the race because of injury .

  2. 他因使用违禁药被取消比赛资格。

    He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs .

  3. 在激烈的竞赛中,缺乏体育道德的选手会被警告、罚款乃至撤销比赛资格。

    Players are warned , fined and can even be disqualified for unsporting actions in the heat of contest .

  4. 人们发现那位骑手让马服用兴奋剂,因而取消其比赛资格一年以示惩罚。

    The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs , and was warned off for a year .

  5. 任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀。

    Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces intercollegiate eligibility .

  6. 如果巴西队没有取得比赛资格,那可太不可思议了。

    It would BW incredible if Brazil failed to qualify .

  7. 你没听见吗?他被取消比赛资格了!

    Didn 't you hear ? He was disqualified .

  8. 延误启动时间的队伍,取消其本轮比赛资格。

    Teams that are late for their starting time will forfeit the round .

  9. 他因作弊被取消比赛资格。

    He was disqualified from the competition for cheating .

  10. 英格兰队有失去比赛资格的危险。

    England are in danger of failing to qualify .

  11. 人道对待动物协会要求美国国家足球联盟吊销猎鹰队四分卫米高维克的比赛资格。

    PETA is calling on the NFL to suspend Falcons quarterback Michael Vick .

  12. 如果我们现在停止,就会被剥夺比赛资格!

    If we stop now , we 'll have to forfeit the match !

  13. 奥马尔:没问题,但是有取消比赛资格的规定吗?

    Omar : Okay , but are there reasons for disqualifying an entry ?

  14. 因此,他们应该被取消比赛资格。

    Therefore , they should have been disqualified .

  15. 运动员的比赛资格检查已经完成。

    Athletes'enrollment and qualification examination have been completed .

  16. 很遗憾你被取消比赛资格了。

    It 's a pity you were disqualified .

  17. 但这会导致被取消比赛资格。

    This will result in becoming disqualified .

  18. 犯规的运动员会被罚扣一分甚至取消比赛资格。

    A wrestler is penalized one point or even be disqualified for committing a foul .

  19. 教练干扰机械人或裁判的决定,大会可取消该队比赛资格。

    Mentor interference with robots or referee decisions will result in disqualification of the whole team .

  20. 2004年的雅典奥运会,黄金宝是唯一获得自行车比赛资格的男性华人。

    Wong is the only Chinese man who was qualified for cycling in the 2004 Athens Olympics .

  21. 对犯规运动员的处罚可以罚1分甚至取消比赛资格。

    For committing a foul , a wrestler is penalized one point , or may even be disqualified .

  22. 上超咬合超过3/16英寸和下超咬合超过1/8英寸要被取消比赛资格。

    Overshot more than 3 / 16 inch and undershot more than 1 / 8 inch are disqualifications .

  23. 我已经抢跑了一次,所以我不想因为再次抢跑而被取消比赛资格。

    There had already been one so I didn 't want to be disqualified for doing the second one .

  24. 澳大利亚,中国以及委内瑞拉分别通过拿下了他们所在地区的冠军从而获得比赛资格,这几支球队的排名都在前十名开外。

    Australia , China and Venezuela , which qualified by winning their regional zone championships , are all outside the top 10 .

  25. 几周以前,一名俄罗斯滑雪射击运动员因药检不合格被取消比赛资格,而那时比赛还没有开始。

    A few weeks ago , a Russian biathlete withdrew from the games before they even start it after she failed the drug test .

  26. 一旦违反这个声明将被立即取消比赛资格并被追究违约责任。

    Failure to abide by this declaration shall bring immediate disqualification from the competition and render the competitor liable to legal action for breach of contract .

  27. 如果运动员违反竞走定义受到3名不同裁判员的严重警告,将被取消比赛资格,因此竞走定义成为竞走的关键技术。

    If an athlete was warned seriously by 3 different referees because of offending walking race definition , his ( her ) competition qualification would be canceled .

  28. 参赛者号码布必须扣于胸前当眼处,以便工作人员辨认,否则大会有权取消其比赛资格。

    Participants must wear the numbered cloth in front , so the officials can identify their numbers easily ; otherwise , the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify their results .

  29. 如果教练过多协助,或者机器人的制作并非主要由学生完成,取消该队比赛资格。

    If there is excessive mentor assistance or the work on the robots is not substantially original work by the students , then the team will be disqualified from the tournament .

  30. 今年的北京马拉松赛参赛选手有尿将不得不憋着,或者找个私密点的地方解决,否则将被取消比赛资格。

    This year 's Beijing Marathon runners who need to take a leak will have to hold it or find somewhere private to go -- unless they want to be disqualified .