
  1. 路加福音第18个比喻说明人的生命不在乎世上的财富。

    The18th parable in Luke illustrating that life does not consist of earthly possessions .

  2. 我英俊的爱人,第一,我比任何戒指都有魅力;第二,你的这个比喻说明你真的想要抗拒我。

    First , my beautiful man , I am much more attractive than any ring . Second , you are making a very convincing semblance of resisting me .

  3. 我们用一个非物理学的比喻来说明守恒定律的性质。

    A nonphysics analogy illustrates the nature of conservation law .

  4. 老师用汽车引擎作比喻还说明人类心脏的运作。

    2 the teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and car engine .

  5. 耶稣用撒种的比喻来说明一个重点。

    Jesus used a parable of a farmer sowing his fields to illustrate a point .

  6. 蔑视逻辑和抽象比喻的说明,这也成为他作品一种有趣的优势。

    The defying of logic and the introduction of absurd allegories give an interesting edge to his works .

  7. 如此比喻也不能说明他的身份。

    So there 's no way ofproving his identity at all .