
  • 网络alternative line;comparison line
  1. 通过比较线弹性断裂力学中的两种计算应力强度因子的方法:外推法和奇异单元法,得到相应的结论;

    In this paper according to comparing extrapolate method with singularity element method which are the methods of calculating the stress density factor in linear elastic fracture mechanism field , Thus gets corresponding conclusion .

  2. 频谱仪噪声检定比较谱线校准观测;

    Comparation of the Noise Calibration in Spectrum Analyzer Spectral calibration ;

  3. 分析比较锚泊线应用的具体成分及其特性。

    Firstly , analyze and compare the material and character of mooring line .

  4. 虚构的衡量或者比较的线或者标准。

    An imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared .

  5. 该算法和已有算法相比较,线网数和布线通道数都减少约30%。

    Both number of nets and routing tracks have been improved about 30 % when compared with previous algorithms .

  6. 数据显示,分析谱线和比较谱线的强度比值与镁元素含量呈正比。

    The results indicate a proportionality relationship between the content of magnesium and the intensity ratio of the analytic and comparative spectrum lines .

  7. 针对此问题笔者提出两种方案,方案一:变点的比较为线的比较。

    To solve this problem I propose two kinds of ways . The first one is changing comparison of points into comparison of lines .

  8. 比较来自放线菌4个属的oriC,发现以oriC序列和以16Srdna序列构建的进化树十分相似,进一步支持了前人的推测。

    Phylogenetic trees based on the oriC sequences of four genera actinomycetes and of 16S rDNA were similar , supporting the previous hypothesis .

  9. 对于凸函数,采用两种比较广泛的线搜索技术,在适当的假设条件下,我们得到了BFGS算法的全局收敛性。

    The convergent properties of variable-metric algorithm . For convex func-tions , the global convergence of BFGS algorithm is obtained with two kinds of extensive line - search techniques under suitable assumptions .

  10. 比较分析了线阵分裂波束相关与直接相关法的测向性能。

    We analyze and compare the performance of bearing estimation with split beam correlation and direction correlation respectively .

  11. 而基本上你钓卡罗莱纳的时候,主要靠慢拖的手法让饵离底,所以这时候不如使用可视性低一些并且比较耐磨的线。

    You 're generally dragging your baits on the bottom either way , so might as well go with line that is less visible and more abrasion-resistant .

  12. 通过综合比较,北线各项指标均优于南线,故本文推荐北线方案。

    Through comparing synthetically , every index of the north line scheme is superior to the south line scheme , so this paper recommends the north line scheme .

  13. 通过对测试点理论运动轨迹与实测运动轨迹特征参数的比较,表明线接触高副机构能够很好地反映实际模型变长连杆的特点,且实际模型比传统铰链四杆机构更为接近。

    Compared the characteristic parameters of the track of the test-points between the actual track and the theory tracks , the line-contact surfaces mechanism can reflect well the actual model 's characteristic that the actual model has a changed link-bar in length .

  14. 此外,借鉴用于工业通风的吹吸式排风罩,分析了二维吹吸气流特性和流场数值模拟,比较等速度线图,指出了二维吹吸气流在厨房通风中的可行性。

    In addition , by contrast to the exhaust hood for industrial ventilation , this paper analyze the characteristic of two-dimension puff and suck airflow and the flow-field simulation of numerical value , compare the constant-speed line chart , and indicate the available two-dimension airflow in kitchen ventilation .

  15. 长期单施化肥与不施肥(CK)比较,土壤放线菌数量增加,细菌和真菌数量略有增加或与之相当。

    Combined applying chemical fertilizers only had higher amount of actinomycetes and similar amount of bacteria and fungi compared with the soil without fertilizer-applied .

  16. 运用现代比较通用的没有线定位设备的进展情况和位置检测技术的新进研究优秀技术,确定了用RSSI频率测定技术来完成对井下操作人员的大致位置的设计理念。

    Positioning system to track the use of domestic and international development and positioning technology , the latest research , designed to RSSI-based location technology to track underground personnel positioning system overall program .

  17. 目的:比较切除缝合挂线引流术和切除挂线引流术治疗复杂性肛瘘的效果。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect between modified loose seton therapy and incision-thread-drawing procedure .

  18. 通过实验,比较了紧密纺纱线与普通环锭纺纱线的性能。

    The performances of compact spun yarn and ring spun yarn are compared through experiments .

  19. 本论文比较了研究场线耦合问题的时域近场方法和远场方法。

    In this paper , near-field method and far-field method for investigating the field-to-wire coupling are compared .

  20. 看到一个比较顺畅的图线,让我觉得比较舒服,而且我们取得了合适的答案。

    Seeing a relatively smooth trend makes me feel somewhat comfortable that we 're actually getting an appropriate answer .

  21. 装置算法基于自适应捕捉特征频带内的暂态零序电流幅值与零序电流低频有功分量幅值比较的综合选线原理。

    Its algorithm integrates two comparing criteria : the amplitude of transient zero sequence current within the feature band and that of lower-frequency active components .

  22. 奖励、认可以及针对比较差的生产线的惩罚措施应该明确定义出来,并且保持整个精益实施过程的执行。

    Rewards and recognition as well as the punishment ( for the worse line ) should be clearly define and keep consistence for the entire campaign periods .

  23. 在空间格局研究的基础上提出了理论抽样数,并通过不同抽样方式的精度比较,得出平行线抽样方式最佳。

    The theory sampling number was presented on the base of the spatial pattern . Several sampling methods were compared and the results showed that the parallel sampling method is the best .

  24. 顺着这一思路,本文构建一个基于比较优势的产品线选择模型,分析跨国企业与东道国企业市场竞争的产品线选择。

    Following this idea , the paper sets up a product line chosen model on basis of comparative advantages to analyze what kind of strategies the corporations will take to compete in the market .

  25. 比较适合的风格包括腰际线比较高的帝国线连衣裙和V领裙,这两种裙子都让你的下半身看上去更修长。

    Flattering styles include Empire dresses and V-neck wrap dresses with a high waist ; both lengthen your bottom half .