
  • 网络bit per second;Bps
  1. 在水下通信的初期,扩频和多进制频率调制(MFSK)是主要的调制方式,很适合几比特每秒和几百比特每秒的低、中速中远距离水下通信。

    Spread spectrum and MFSK modulation is primary modulation modes in beginning of underwater communication . They suit underwater communication of middle-long distance with transmission rate of several bps and several hundred bps .

  2. 网络的速度已经从M比特每秒提高到G比特每秒,在未来几年T比特将成为主流。

    The network speed has already been upgraded from megabits to gigabits per second .

  3. 今年,德国弗朗霍夫海因里希赫兹研究所科学家称,在实验室的数据连接中,一个LED灯泡已经可以实现1兆比特每秒的速度,这样一个三色的灯泡传达数据的速度将可以达到3兆比特每秒。

    This year , the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute claimed that data rates of up to 1Gbit / s per LED light frequency were possible in laboratory conditions , making one bulb with three colours potentially capable of transmitting data at up to 3Gbit / s.

  4. 上面这幅地图根据内容分发网络(CDN)服务商Akamai记录,以兆比特每秒为单位,展示了世界各国的网络连接速度,Akamai目前的服务范围涵盖了全球15%-30%的互联网流量。

    The map above shows the world according to average connection speed in Mbits / s , as recorded by Akamai - the content delivery network ( CDN ) responsible for serving between 15 and 30 percent of all web traffic .

  5. 按每个国家或地区的宽带每秒的平均网速排名(单位是兆比特每秒Mbps),美国排在第17位,上榜国家或地区的网速都比美国的网速快。

    Each of these countries is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second ( Mbps ) . And they are all faster than the United States , which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed , according the list .

  6. 本榜单按每个地区宽带每秒的平均网速排名(单位是兆比特每秒,Mbps),上榜地区的网速都比美国的网速快,美国排在第17位。

    Each of these countries or regions is ranked by the average speed of their broadband internet connection in megabits per second ( Mbps ) . And they are all faster than the United States , which ranks 17th in the world in internet connection speed , according the list .

  7. 他们提供安全的,128位加密的数据传输,以高达54兆比特每秒的速度传输达2英里。

    They offer secure , 128-bit encrypted data transmission of up to two miles at54 Mbps .

  8. 亚州欧州接入家庭的传输速率在25-100兆比特每秒(不够快流高清晰度电视)。

    Asian and European customers get home connections of25 to100 megabits per second ( fast enough to stream high-definition video ) .

  9. 通过使用免许可证信息基础频段,无线局域网可以提供高达几十兆比特每秒的速率。

    Using the unlicensed national information infrastructure ( U-NII ) band , WLAN systems can provide data rates up to several tens of megabits per second .

  10. 实践十三号卫星传送量达20千兆比特每秒,轨道寿命为15年,比中国之前所有通讯卫星的总通信容量还大。

    Shijian-13 , with a transfer capacity of 20 Gbps and a designed orbital life of 15 years , has a higher message capacity than all of China 's previous communications satellites combined .

  11. 第一版的HDBaseT标准支持10兆比特(Mbit)每秒的数据传输,相当于目前普通中低端电脑“快速以太网”的标准。

    The first version of the cable will have a data throughput of100 megabits a second , the " Fast Ethernet " standard that is now common on low-and mid-range computers .