
  • 网络Mesh;Mesh Topology;Full-Mesh
  1. 本文主要是介绍了对大功率风电齿轮箱的无线监控系统的研究。首先,从整体结构上介绍了大功率风电齿轮箱的无线监控的总体构架和该系统采取网状拓扑结构的优点。

    This paper is to introduce a wind power gear box for high-power wireless monitoring systems . First , the overall structure of the introduced high-power wind power gear box of the wireless monitoring and control system to take the overall architecture and the advantages of mesh topology .

  2. 在分析了交换技术和经典路由算法之后,针对簇网状拓扑结构,结合码分多址技术和确定性XY路由技术,提出了一种路由算法,并给出了该算法的详细流程。

    After studying the switch technique and classic routing algorithms , we combine CDMA technique with deterministic XY routing technique , then design a new routing algorithm for the cluster mesh topology , and describe the algorithm in detail .

  3. 该系统中传感器和执行器通过无线远程IO组成网状拓扑的无线自组织网络,并通过无线网关与传统的现场总线和Internet相连,实现现场控制和远程监控。

    The sensors and actuators in this system constitute a self-organizing wireless network by wireless remote IOs , which has the mesh topology . The system is able to be connected with the traditional field bus and Internet , thus to realize control and remote monitoring .

  4. 物理层采用网状拓扑优化设计,将作战区域内各武器装备有机整合。

    The reticular topology optimization design was adopted for physics layer to integrate military facility in combat zone .

  5. 如果在企业或政府应用系统较多而且复杂的情况下,就会形成复杂的点对点的网状拓扑结构。

    If the number of application systems of enterprise and government is too large and the application systems are complex , it causes a complex point-to-point netlike structure .

  6. 在无线多跳网络中,由于动态变化的网状拓扑结构和不稳定的节点连通性,要建立任意两个通信节点间直接的信任关系会比较困难。

    There are many difficulties to establish the direct trust relation between any random nodes because of dynamical network topology structure and unstable node connectivity in wireless multi-hop network .

  7. 在此基础上讨论了模型下的缓存和调度策略等应用关键技术,结合树状拓扑和网状拓扑的优点提高了数据服务质量。

    Based on all above , it discusses key technology such as buffer and schedule mechanism and unifies the advantages of the tree and the net topology so as to improve Qos .

  8. 本文将重合于多个站点的2条公交线路,抽象成相交于1点的2条直线,从而形成基于线的城市公交线路网状拓扑结构。

    It can be generalized to two straights intersecting at one point for two bus lines that intersect at more than one station , and the network topology of city-bus line based on straights can be constructed .

  9. 其次,基于现有的树型,星型或是P2P网状同步拓扑系统的研究基础,提出环状同步拓扑下的同步系统设计。

    Secondly , the synchronization based on ringed topology is designed , which is totually different from the present meathod based on the tree , star or P2P model .

  10. 模拟仿真结果表明,该算法有效地提高了设计满足业务需求PTN网状网拓扑的计算效率。

    The simulation results show it can improve the computational efficiency of PTN mesh topology design .

  11. 该系统以渗压监测为例,采用无线传感器网络技术,建立网状网络拓扑结构,结合GPRS技术实现数据的远传。

    Taking seepage pressure monitoring for instance , the sensor network technology is selected to establish a net network topological structure and with GPRS technique , to realize the remote data transmission .

  12. 在这个定位系统中,每个搜救机器人都携带有FFD设备,采用点对点的通信方式组成多跳网状网拓扑结构。

    In this positioning system , every robot has a FFD device , construct a MESH network with peer to peer topology .

  13. 然而,网状的拓扑结构、多接口多信道的节点配置以及复杂的无线环境,使得无线网状网所能达到的传输性能还远不能满足用户的需求。

    However , the mesh network topology , multi-radio multi-channel configuration , and the complexity of wireless environment make the system performance unfit for the requirement of users .

  14. 其基本思想是对复杂轮廓环经原始等距和过渡后形成的复杂网状环进行拓扑关系的规整和判断,从而生成正确的等距结果环。

    Its key idea is to analyze and regulate the topology relationship of the complex net loops generated from the first offset and transition of the complex profile loops , with the result of the correct offset loops .

  15. 由于网络技术发展以及新型网络设备的不断出现,使得在网络主干网太多数采用网状或星型拓扑结构,接入网的用户采用星状拓扑结构。

    Because network technique development and new network equipmentses appear continuously , make fuck in the campus net lord net too many numbers adoption net or star type rush toward the construction , connect into , the customer of the net adopts the star form rushes toward the construction .

  16. 无线网状网是一种具有网状拓扑结构的分布式网络,其通信依靠节点之间的相互协作,以无线多跳的方式为终端用户提供因特网的接入服务。

    A Wireless Mesh Network ( WMN ) is a distribution network of mesh topology , in which the communications between nodes rely on mutual collaboration in wireless multi-hop manner , to provide Internet access for End-Users .

  17. 由于无线网状网的自组织特性以及网状的拓扑,使得路由协议成为无线网状网的核心技术,路由协议所选择的路径好坏将直接影响网络性能。

    The mesh topology and self-organization characteristics make routing protocol become a key technology for WMNs . Routes which selected by routing protocols would directly affect the performance of network .

  18. 无线网状网中,Mesh路由器自组织成网状拓扑结构的无线骨干网,为Mesh客户端提供稳定、快速的无线接入服务。

    In WMNs , mesh routers self-organize to a mesh backbone to provide stable , fast wireless access to Internet for mesh Clients .

  19. WMN即无线网状网络,也被称为无线多跳网络,是一种多跳无线网状拓扑网络,属于无线宽带接入网络领域的范畴。

    Wireless mesh network , also known as multi-hop wireless network , which is a wireless multi-hop mesh network topology , and belongs to broadband wireless access areas .