
  • 网络Network Security Service
  1. 访问控制作为五大网络安全服务之一,在解决网络安全问题的工作中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    As one of the five network security services , access control plays an important role in solving network security problems .

  2. 不可抵赖作为基本的网络安全服务之一,必须提供不可抵赖证据的产生、收集和维护机制以防止交易的任何一方试图对交易中已发生的特定事件或行为的欺诈性抵赖。

    Non repudiation , as one of the basic network security services , must provide mechanisms in which evidence will be generated , collected and maintained to protect the transacting parties against any false denial in which a particular event or action has taken place .

  3. 基于P2P和SSL的网络安全服务的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Network Security Service Based on P2P and SSL

  4. 最后,本文在CA电子认证应用保障方面做了细致说明,致力于向用户提供安全、优质、全方位的网络安全服务。

    The Certificate Authority of China unicom is committed to provide safe , high quality , full range of network security service .

  5. 为实现网络安全服务的目标,模型采用了安全路由、VPN、防火墙、入侵检测等安全技术并介绍了其原理。

    In order to achieve the goal of safe service for web , some security techniques , such as secure routing , and soon are adopted in the model , and their theory are discussed .

  6. 计算机网络安全服务及保障技术

    The security services and defend measures of computer network

  7. 大型动态组播系统网络安全服务的若干问题研究

    Researches on Some Problems of Network Security Service in Large Dynamic Multicast System

  8. PKI是为网络提供安全服务的基本框架;

    PKI is to offer the basic frame of safe service for network ;

  9. 但是安全问题是其中一个至关重要的环节,如果解决不了安全问题将会极大地阻碍IPv6的商业应用。虚拟专用网(VPN,virtualprivatenetwork)是针对网络安全通信服务的一项重要热门应用。

    But safety is one of the vital links . It must be solved , or the security problem will be greatly hindered the commercial application of IPv6.Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is becoming the most popular network security applications at the new generation of communications services .

  10. 网络安全企业服务营销问题研究

    The Research on the Service Marketing of Network Security Enterprise

  11. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)以及分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)是目前严重影响网络安全和网上服务质量的一种常用攻击手段。

    Currently , DoS and DDoS attack , common attacks at network , are great threat to security and QoS of network .

  12. 不久前,网络安全软件即服务公司Purewire对数百万Twitter用户档案进行了分析,并展示了一个叫做Tweet评级(TweetGrade)的工具。

    Web security SaaS company Purewire evaluated the profiles of millions of Twitter users to show the depth of a new tool it has created called Tweet Grade .

  13. 本文的网站或商家诚信因素从网络安全、售后服务、虚报信息三个方面来阐述。4.物流配送因素对网络团购有显著影响。

    This website or business honesty factor from network security , service , and false information three aspects to elaborate . ( 4 ) Logistics factors have a significant effect of network group buying .

  14. 随着Internet高速发展,VPN作为一种利用公共网络提供数据安全传输服务的技术得到了广泛使用。

    With the rapid development of Internet , VPN has been widely used as a kind of technology using public network to provide secure transmission of data services .

  15. 本文通过对网络安全及分布式拒绝服务攻击进行研究,提出了一种新的基于流量的SYNFlooding攻击定位及防御算法。

    We study the network security and Distributed Denial of Service and proposed a novel algorithm of SYN Flooding attack source orientation & defense based on network traffic in this paper .

  16. 这宗交易消除了关于EMC的很多不确定性。该公司有36年的历史,最初是一家数据存储厂商,后来拓展了多种业务,包括为企业客户提供网络安全和内容管理服务。

    The deal resolves much of the uncertainty about EMC , which over its 36-year history has grown from data storage into a collection of businesses , including network security and content management for corporate clients .

  17. 本文简要介绍了用于对用户及网络连接进行安全认证服务的Kerberos协议基本原理,并结合实例给予具体说明。

    The basic principle of the Kerberos protocol , which is used in the security authentication service for users and network connection , is briefly introduced in the paper . An example is given to provide a specific explanation .

  18. 在如此一个无固定基础设施的网络中,提供安全服务是比较困难的。

    The major problem in providing security services in such infrastructure less networks is how to manage the cryptographic keys that are needed .

  19. 加密卡可以为个人计算机系统、网络安全设备提供密码服务,以实现数据的安全存储和网络信息的保密通信。

    Cipher Card can offer cryptogram service to PC system and network security device to realize safe storage for files and secure communication for information on network .

  20. 这些公司所面临的主要问题是如何保障无线保真热区的网络安全,如何收取服务费,以及如何确保使用者缴费。

    The main hurdles for companies are assuring the security of Wi-Fi hotspots , how to charge for such a service and how to make sure people don 't use it without paying .

  21. 但它的发展也不可避免地遇到了诸多制约因素,比如阅读习惯、版权保护、电子商务环境、格式标准不统一、阅读成本、网络安全以及其它配套服务等。

    However , it meets inevitably with a lot of restricting factors such as reading custom , copyright protection , electronic commerce environment , various form standards , reading cost , Internet security and other supporting services .

  22. 本文介绍了用于对用户及网络连接进行安全认证服务的Kerberos5的基本结构以及认证过程,并说明Kerberos5在Windows2000中的实际应用。

    This paper introduced the basic structure and authentication process of Kerberos 5 , which is used in the security authentication service for users and network connection . Application in Windows 2000 is given to provide an explanation .

  23. 另一方面,日益膨胀的网络数量使网络安全等一系列服务质量问题备受关注,QoS(QualityOfService)保障的Web服务发现成为另一研究热点。

    On the other hand , with the expanding of networks , network security and other service quality comes to be concerned . QoS ( Quality of Service ) protection for Web Service discovery becomes another research hotspot .

  24. 新架构旨在让智能卡成为安全的网络结点,要么为网络提供安全服务,要么请求访问网络资源。

    The new architecture is designed to allow a smart card to act as a secure network node , either providing security services to a network or requesting access to network resources .

  25. 在索尼影视娱乐(SonyPictures)和家得宝(HomeDepot)等大企业近期遭遇网络攻击,并被舆论高调曝光后,对网络安全服务的需求预计会出现激增。

    Demand for these services are expected to soar after high levels of publicity for recent attacks on big companies from Sony Pictures to Home Depot .

  26. 文章在分析通信网络不安全因素的基础上,对网络安全中的安全服务、安全机制和安全管理几个方面进行了详细的描述,并给出了具体的网络安全措施和安全策略。

    Based on the analysis of the threatening elements to communication network security , the security services , security schemes and security management of network security are described in detail . Then the concrete network security measures and strategies are presented in this paper .

  27. 网络上的负载逐渐加重,导致网络性能下降等网络安全和服务质量问题。

    The complication of network topology and network environment and the aggravation of network workload lead to problems of network security and the quality of service , such as the decline of network performance .

  28. 经过对安全漏洞扫描器原理的深入分析,以及对现有网络漏洞扫描工具的研究和一些实际的扫描经验,设计和实现了以网络安全管理人员为服务对象的基于端口扫描的安全漏洞检测系统。

    Through studying the security vulnerability scanning principle and the existing network vulnerability scanner and learning from some actual scanning experiences , a security vulnerability scanner is designed and realized . It is based on port scanning for the network security administrators .