
  • 网络Mobile Station;MS-MS
  1. 差分GPS定位技术是通过基站与移动站之间的空间相关性,来消除公共误差部分,以提高定位精度。

    Differential GPS can eliminate the common error to improve the positioning precision by a spatial correlation between the base station and the mobile station .

  2. 移动站GNSS软件对外弹道测量的优化方案

    Optimization for GNSS Software of Exterior Ballistic Measurement in the Mobile Station

  3. 移动站程序包括坐标系实验模块、GPS定位模块。

    Rover Station is made up of coordinate module and positioning module .

  4. 移动站主要由差分GPS接收机、接口模块、语音模块、液晶显示器、A/D信号采集模块组成。

    Moving station consists of DGPS receiver , interface module , sound module , Liquid crystal display and A / D signal collection module .

  5. 将移动站GPS天线装在飞行目标上可完成自行火炮综合试验中目标真值的测量;

    If the antenna of movable station GPS is fixed on the flying target , measurement of target true value in synthetic test of SP gun can be accomplished .

  6. 移动站主要由GPS接收机、单片机、计价器、IC卡管理器、液晶显示器、报警开关和串行口数据发送接收部分组成。

    Moving station consists of GPS receiver , Single processor , taximeters , IC card manager , Liquid crystal display , warning switch and serial port for receiving and transmitting .

  7. 其中系统硬件由中心监测系统、DGPS基准站、DGPS移动站、GPS移动手持机组成。

    The system hardware structure consists of center monitoring system , DGPS base station , DGPS mobile station and GPS mobile handset .

  8. 讨论了IEEE802.11无线局域网的安全问题,简要描述了IEEE802.11i草案中的密钥管理方法,提出了移动站实现在AP间漫游的密钥管理方案。

    After the descriptions of security issues in IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN and of key management methods in IEEE 802.111 draft , a new solution of key management is proposed to enable STAs to roam between APs .

  9. RTK进行定位时,安装在参考站上的GPS接收机对所有可见的GPS卫星进行连续的观测,并将其观测到的数据,通过无线数据链路实时地发送给移动站。

    While the RTK system is working , the GPS receiver fixed on the base station is taking a continuous observation for all visible GPS satellites , and sending the real time observation data to the moving station over the wireless data link .

  10. 为了适应诸如压缩视频流等实时VBR业务的动态特性和严格的QoS要求,定义了移动站用于通知基站其源帧率变化及队列情况的紧急消息。

    In order to deal with dynamic nature and stringent QoS requirement of rt VBR such as compressed video , emergency message is defined to inform the base station of the source 's rate variation and buffer status .

  11. 车辆自动识别系统(AVI)移动站具有机动、快速和自动识别车辆的特点,适合于在城市监管中广泛应用。

    The mobile station of automatic vehicle identification ( AVI ) system features its mobility and quick automatic identification of vehicles . It suits to be exploited in many applications in monitoring and management of city traffic .

  12. 介绍网络RTK技术的基本原理,分析基于GPRS的RTK差分数据传输技术系统构成,并对移动站软件设计进行了探讨。

    This article introduces the basic principle of RTK technic , and gives the analysis of the system structure and main functions of RTK differential data transmission technic which is based on GPRS . Further more , it discusses design of mobile station software .

  13. 首先介绍VRS系统的工作原理,应用VRS网络改正GPS的轨道误差、电离层、对流层和大气折射引起的误差,将高精度的差分信息通过GPRS发给移动站来提高接收机的定位精度;

    Firstly DGPS positioning principle is explained , application of VRS NET corrects GPS orbit error and ionosphere 、 troposphere 、 atmosphere 、 refraction error , high positioning precision difference information is transmitted by GPRS to mobile machine in order to improve receiving machine positioning precision ;

  14. 移动站部分文章集中在移动站定位技术;

    In mobile station section , it concentrates on mobile position technology ;

  15. 移动站的运动对轨道确定影响的分析

    The Analysis for the Effect of Motion of Observation Station on Orbit Determination

  16. 另外,可利用移动站的特点实现简单多功能定位。

    It can realize simple and multi function location .

  17. 系统分为移动站和监控中心站两大部分。

    The system consists of two parts : moving station and monitor center .

  18. 提出了一种基于样条曲线的移动站行驶仿真方法。

    Vehicle trail simulation method based on spline curves .

  19. 海上移动站精密测轨方法

    Precise Orbit Determination Method for Maritime Floating Observation Station The Mobile Computing and the Future Education

  20. 系统主要由三个部分组成:车载移动站、无线数据传输网络、地面监控中心。

    The system consists of three parts : moving station and wireless date communication networks and monitor station .

  21. 监控中心的主要功能是:接收各移动站的数据,进行集中差分修正得出车辆的位置坐标,在电子地图上显示该车的位置;

    Monitor center receives the data from moving stations , analyses them , locates the vehicle , and displays it on screen .

  22. 在空中接口的物理层部分,移动站和基站间的通信必须有基站天线的配合才能完成。

    In the physical parts of the air interface , a communication between BS and MS has to be equipped with BS antenna to do .

  23. 由于高频多基雷达系统各基站的距离较远,且可能包含舰载移动站,所以各基站必须使用独立的基准源。

    As base stations can be apart from a long distance , and may include mobile stations , every base station must use its own reference source .

  24. 即移动站根据自己的移动行为和移动位置产生移动概率预测参数,并将该参数发送给移动锚点。

    It can make mobile host calculates moving probability parameter basing on its moving action and moving position which sending it to the Mobility Anchor Point ( MAP ) .

  25. 去年,在推出了被他们称为构建教育的移动站之后进行为期两个月的全国旅行,为沿途的近3000儿童提供创作室。

    Last year , they launched what they call an educational build-mobile and took it on a two-month trip across the country , offering workshops to nearly 3000 children along the way .

  26. GPS准动态测量在地表移动观测站中的应用

    Application of GPS Quasi-kinetic Surveying in Observation Station of Surface Movement

  27. 基于GPS技术的首采面地表移动观测站数据处理

    Data processing of land surface movement observation station of first mining face based on GPS

  28. 求解移动基准站GPS整周模糊度的一种方法

    Ambiguity Solution to DGPS Moving Base Station

  29. GPS技术在矿区地表移动观测站建立中的应用甚高频空间对地球遥测技术

    GPS Technology in Mining Area of Surface Observation Stations Set up Mobile Application vehicle-to-ground VHF telemetry

  30. 基于移动基准站DGPS整周模糊度快速求解的研究

    A fast ambiguity resolution based on DGPS moving base station