
  • 网络mobile intelligent network;min;CAMEL
  1. 论文对移动智能网(MIN)的负荷状态检测方法进行了深入研究。

    Some thoroughly research on the basic method for load state detection in MIN is introduced .

  2. 基于XML的移动智能网业务管理系统的设计

    XML Based Mobile Intelligent Network Service Management System

  3. GPRS移动智能网控制关系的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Controlling Relation in GPRS Mobile IN

  4. 论文通过对现有移动智能网业务管理系统的分析,提出了一种基于XML的移动智能网业务管理系统的方案。

    In this paper , after an analysis of now mobile intelligent network management system , an XML-based ap-proach is put forward .

  5. 基于移动智能网平台实现铁路GPRS数据业务的研究

    The Research on Realizing Railway GPRS Data Service Based on Mobile Intelligent Network

  6. 移动智能网预付费业务中GPRS业务属性的实现方案研究

    Research of Implementation Schemes of GPRS Service Feature of Pre-Paid Service in Mobile Intelligent Network

  7. 移动智能网多业务环境下SCP过载控制研究

    On SCP Overload Control of Mobile Intelligent Network in Multi-service Environment

  8. 移动智能网中SCP硬件配置方法的建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of SCP Hardware Configuration Method in Mobile Intelligent Network

  9. 基于通用消息的移动智能网SCP的设计

    Mobile Intelligent Network SCP Design Based on General Message

  10. 一种通用的移动智能网SCF排队网络模型

    General Queueing Network Model of SCF in Mobile Intelligent Network

  11. SCE研究进展及其在移动智能网中的实现

    Progress of SCE and Its Implementation in Mobile Intelligent Network

  12. 移动智能网中SCP的性能测试

    Performance Test of SCP in Mobile Intelligent Network

  13. 在移动智能网中,SCP实现业务控制功能,是整个移动智能网系统的核心。

    SCP providing service control function is the core of whole mobile intelligent network .

  14. 在分析移动智能网SCF(ServiceControlFunction)软件功能模型的基础上,提出了一种通用的SCF排队网络模型。

    Based on the study of service control function ( SCF ) software model in mobile intelligent network , we propose a general queueing network model of SCF .

  15. 该文提出了一种基于J2EE的模式来设计和实现移动智能网SCP监控平台的新方法。

    In this paper , a new method based on J2EE is presented to design and implement the monitor platform on mobile intelligent network SCP .

  16. 基于USSD协议的移动智能网业务管理平台

    A Management Platform for IN Services Based on USSD Protocol

  17. 基于IETM驱动的智能化便携诊断设备一种简单易行的移动智能网容灾备份方案

    Portable Diagnostic Aid Developing Approach Based on IETM-driven A Simple Method of Mobile Intelligent Network Redundancy

  18. 移动智能网建设中,需要对SCP系统的性能进行测试,以保证最终的系统能够符合设计要求。

    It is necessary to have a performance test during the implementation of mobile intelligent network , to ensure the system closed to the design .

  19. 分析了移动智能网中业务控制点(SCP)的硬件结构和软件结构,提出了用于计算分布式SCP最小硬件配置的模型。

    After analyzing the hardware and software architectures of service control point ( SCP ) in mobile intelligent network , a model for computing the minimizing cost hardware configuration of distributed SCP was presented .

  20. ITU-T、ETSI对移动智能网支持MMS并无相应的规范,目前国内计划采用的是SCP(ServiceControlPoint)与MMSC(multimediamessagingservicecenter)互联的解决方案。

    There is no specification of ITU-T or ETSI for supporting of MMS based on MIN. Currently , an interconnection solution between service control point ( SCP ) and multimedia messaging service center ( MMSC ) is scheduled to be used in China .

  21. 提高ARPU值的关键在于业务,而目前移动智能网中存在的多业务触发问题阻碍了智能业务的进一步发展。

    The key to promote ARPU is service . However , the development of intelligent services is held back by multi-service triggering in mobile intelligent network .

  22. 接着通过分析移动智能网的特点和可提供的新功能,在全局功能平面上给出了与移动有关的新SIB,并给出了在分布功能平面的实现。

    Considering the character and new supplied capability of mobile intelli - gent network , the new SIB in global functional plane and its implementation in distributed fun - tional plane are given .

  23. 作为成熟的2G网络的主要业务系统,移动智能网有着大规模的应用,各移动运营商都有大量的智能网用户和投资巨大移动智能网设备。

    As the main service control platform of 2G network , mobile intelligent network was deployed in very large scale . Every mobile carrier has large amount of IN users and has invested large amount of money in IN equipment .

  24. 基于移动智能网的SCP系统,提出了多业务系统的流量控制模型,设计了一种过载控制算法,实现了多业务环境下根据业务优先级分配系统资源,动态控制基于业务的流量。

    A traffic control model in multi-service systems is proposed based on mobile intelligent network SCP systems . An overload control algorithm , which implement to distribute system resources to each service by its priority , and to dynamically control traffic , is designed .

  25. 移动智能网技术及业务实现方案的探讨

    Discussion on Implementation Plan of Wireless Intelligent Network Technology and Service

  26. 容灾技术在移动智能网中的应用研究

    The Research of Applying Disaster Tolerance Technology in Mobile Intelligent Network

  27. 移动智能网与移动互联网的互通研究

    Study on the Interworking of Mobile Intelligent Network and Mobile Internet

  28. 移动智能网独立智能外设的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Independent Intelligent Peripheral of Mobile Intelligent Network

  29. 移动智能网软件自动化测试的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of software automation test for mobile intelligent network

  30. 移动智能网和宽带智能网的研究现状及其展望

    The Study Status and Perspective of Mobile IN and Broadband IN