
  • 网络VOT;IVOT
  1. 董事会周四早上对该交易进行了电话投票。

    The board voted by phone early Thursday morning .

  2. 观众们随后进行电话投票。

    Viewers would then ring in to vote .

  3. 民意调查通过互联网的知识网络进行,调查先是使用传统电话投票方式联系大家,随后进行网上采访。

    The poll was conducted over the Internet by Knowledge Networks , which initially contacted people using traditional telephone polling methods and followed with online interviews .

  4. 西蒙看到的电话、投票、邮件都是被安排的。

    What Simon saw -- the calls , the votes , the emails .

  5. “美国偶像”的整个赛季从2月下旬一直持续到5月,观众们在此期间可拨打全国免费热线电话,投票支持自己喜爱的选手。

    During the show 's season , from late February through May , viewers can call national toll-free numbers to cast their votes for their favorite contestant .

  6. 他打电话来报告投票的结果。

    He phoned in the results of the poll .

  7. 最终的投票是以短信、电子邮件、电话和其他投票方式进行的。本月初选出了十大最受欢迎小说。

    The final vote was conducted by text message , e-mail , telephone , and other voting methods , with the top10 picked earlier this month .

  8. 我知道他的支持者和今天一样也同样参与并一样热情努力地工作,奥巴马在志愿者打更多电话鼓励支持者前来投票时说道。

    I know that his supporters are just as engaged and just as enthusiastic and working just as hard today , Obama said as volunteers made more phone calls encouraging supporters to get to the polls .

  9. 但是,俄罗斯独立的选民权益组织“格罗斯”说,他们接到教师、工人、大学教师等打来的电话,说他们投票时受到压力。

    But Russia 's independent voter rights group , Golos , says the organization received numerous telephone calls on its hotline from teachers , factory workers , university professors and others complaining they were forced to cast ballots .