
  • 网络telecommunication technology;telecom
  1. 手机普及及3G电信技术的应用使手机阅读成为新时尚,小小说以其小而精天然地与手机阅读联姻。

    Thanks to the popularization of cell-phones and the application of3G telecom technologies , cell-phone reading has become an updating vogue nowadays .

  2. VoIP(VoiceOverIP)是电信技术和计算机技术结合的产物,是未来语音技术的发展方向。

    VoIP ( Voice over IP ) is the combination of telecom and computer technology , and it represents the development direction of future voice technology .

  3. 随着电信技术的发展,IP电话已经普遍应用。

    With the development of telecommunication technology , IP telephony has become more and more popular .

  4. 对《中图法》第4版TN类&无线电电子学、电信技术类目修订的分析

    Analysis on the revised categories-TN about wireless electronics , telegraphy in the 4th edition in Chinese library classification

  5. 近年来,电信技术发展迅速,3G牌照的发放也标志着我国开始进入3G时代。

    In recent years , telecommunication technology develops rapidly . The issuance of 3G license indicates that China began to enter the 3G era .

  6. 随着Internet技术的迅速发展,IP技术与传统电信技术不断融合,使得IP传真成为传真发展的必然趋势。

    With the rapid development of the Internet technology , constant merging of IP technology and traditional telecommunication technology has made Facsimile over IP ( FoIP ) an inevitable trend of fax development .

  7. 不过现在威瑞森无线和美国电话电报公司公司都已经致力于长期演进技术(LTE)的研究,这是一种与WiMAX相竞争的第四代电信技术。

    But both Verizon Wireless and at & t have already committed to LTE , a competing fourth-generation technology .

  8. 随着电信技术和计算机技术的迅猛发展,cti技术已成为呼叫中心的核心内容。

    With the rapid development of telecommunications and computer technology , CTI has become the core of the call center .

  9. CTI技术与智能网业务结合的优势在于CTI综合电信技术和计算机技术,在呼叫处理中可以增加数据库服务,实现了呼叫过程的智能化,从而实现智能网业务。

    The advantage of CTI technology is CTI can use Database in call handling , so make the call more intelligent .

  10. 随着电信技术和业务的不断发展,对传输网络带宽的需求不断增加,DWDM技术在电信运营商的传输网络组网中的运用越来越广泛。

    As telecommunications technology and business continues to develop , transmission network bandwidth increasing fast , more and more extensive use of DWDM technology .

  11. 随着电信技术的进步,基于电路交换技术的PSTN正逐步向下一代网络(NGN)过渡。

    With the progress of telecommunication technology , PSTN based on circuit switch technology is carrying out the transition to the Next Generation Network ( NGN ) increasingly .

  12. 华为如今与爱立信、高通(Qualcomm)、诺基亚、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)以及其他很多电信技术厂商有交叉许可协议。

    Huawei now has cross-licensing agreements with Ericsson , Qualcomm , Nokia , Alcatel-Lucent and many other telecoms technology makers .

  13. 为此,论文以西南电子电信技术研究所ERP系统为工程应用背景对研究型企业集成环境下的基于组件技术的成本管理信息系统进行了研究和开发。

    Therefore , the paper discusses and develops the component-based cost management information system for enterprises of research type in integrated environment on the basis of Southwestern Electron and Telecom Technology institution ( SETT ) 's ERP project .

  14. 随着电信技术与业务的发展,固定与移动通信的融合(FMC,Fixed-MobileConvergence)成为了通信行业未来发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of telecommunication technology and telecommunication service , the Fixed-Mobile telecommunication network Convergence ( FMC ) will become true in the very short future .

  15. 然而,金雅拓也承认,该公司2010年遭受的攻击可能给会让某些SIM卡蒙受损失,这些SIM卡采用的是过时的2G电信技术。

    Gemalto did admit , however , that the hacking attempts in 2010 may have given some access to SIM cards based on outdated telecom technology , known as 2G .

  16. 随着电信技术和互联网技术的迅猛发展,语音网和分组数据网的融合已成为网络发展的必然趋势。传统电信网正向以软交换为核心的下一代网络(NGN)演变。

    With the fast development of telecom and internet techniques , it is clear that telephone network and packet data communication network will converge into NGN ( Next Generation Network ) in the near future .

  17. 呼叫中心(CallCenter,CC)是指以电话接入为主的呼叫响应中心,随着电信技术和计算机技术的迅猛发展,基于CTI技术的解决方案已成为呼叫中心的主流解决方案。

    The Call Center ( CC ) is a replying center that deals with the phone call from clients . With the rapid development of telecommunication technology and computer technology , the solution based on CTI has become the primary solution of CC .

  18. 本文讨论了电信技术、网络形态和发展电信技术的指导思想,目的是从技术机理和工程应用方面说明GII网络形态的总体概念。

    This paper discusses the direction idea of the telecommunication technology , network form and its application , so as to introduce the idea of GII .

  19. 中国电信技术公司华为于上周二在肯尼亚推出了华为P10高端智能手机,继续其在当地智能手机市场增加份额的攻势。

    Chinese telecom technology firm Huawei last Tuesday launched its premium Huawei P10 smartphone in Kenya as it continues its aggressive push for an increased stake in the local smartphone market .

  20. 随着电信技术的发展,所有的电信系统也在不断地演变。

    All telecommunications systems are constantly evolving as telecommunications technology improves .

  21. 基于电信技术进步与产品多样化研究

    Study of product diversification based on the technological progress of the telecommunications

  22. 他在电信技术领域获得多项专利。

    He obtained patents in such fields as telegraphy .

  23. 三星随后提出反诉,称苹果侵犯了其与电信技术相关的多项专利。

    Samsung countersued , saying that Apple violates various patents related to telecommunications technology .

  24. 电信技术中最优设计为求全优。

    The optimization design of electrical communication technology is to find out global optimization .

  25. 这种计算机与电信技术的融合的技术为电信业带来了巨大收益。

    The fusion of computer and telecommunication technique brings huge income to telecommunication industry .

  26. 二十一世纪的国际电信技术

    International Telecommunications Technology for the 21st Century

  27. 大气激光通信曾被评为2001年十大热门电信技术之一。

    Free space laser communication is recognized as one of the top10 pop telecom technologies in2001 .

  28. 运营商蓬勃发展的现象迫使电信技术各功能层分离,从而产生了新的业务创新模式。

    The functional separation of layers introduced new innovation business models by Telcos and convergence phenomenon flourished .

  29. 随着电信技术、电信业务和信息技术的发展,电信应用系统越来越复杂。

    As telecom technologies , telecom services and information technique develop , telecom application systems become more complicated .

  30. 在电信技术发展迅猛的今天,需要传输网做更多的事情。

    Transport network has to do much more work than ever before in the rapid development of telecommunications .