
xiàn xìnɡ tiáo zhì
  • linear modulation
  1. 一种减小SVPWM线性调制区损失的方法

    Loss reduction in the SVPWM linear modulation region

  2. 为了让有限的频谱范围能够容纳更多的通信信道,人们提出了一些线性调制技术,如:QAM(quadratureamplitudemodulation)、QPSK(quadraturephaseshiftkeying)等。

    In order to make the limited spectrum range accommodate more communication channels , some linear modulation techniques are proposed , such as QAM ( Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ), QPSK ( Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ), etc.

  3. 通用的新型用户应答机应该采用双模式,既可以适应传统USB体制的PM调制模式,又能够满足新型扩频测控模式的要求(扩频调制和线性调制双工作模式)。

    The new universal transponder should have two modes to adapt to both the PM modulation mode of traditional Unified S Band telemetering and command system and the Spread Spectrum mode .

  4. 针对平坦衰落信道中的线性调制信号的分类问题,提出基于高阶累积量(HOS)的分类器。

    We propose a higher order cumulant ( HOS ) based classifier for linear modulated signals propagated over slowly fading channels .

  5. 电压源型逆变器,根据最大调制系数(MI)的大小逆变器工作在三种不同区域:线性调制、过调制Ⅰ和过调制Ⅱ区,不同的区域对应着不同的算法以实现线性控制逆变器输出电压。

    Voltage source inverter may work in three different regions according to the value of modulation index ( MI ), linear modulation , overmodulation mode (ⅰ) and mode (ⅱ) . Different region requires different algorithm to produce linear output voltage .

  6. 本章还专门针对基于线性调制的OFDM系统提出了一种迭代估计干扰状态信息的算法。通过迭代估计干扰状态信息,其准确性逐渐提高,从而也提高了整个系统的抗干扰性能。

    In this chapter , an algorithm of iterative estimating jamming state information is proposed specially for OFDM systems based on linear modulation so as to gradually improve the correct rate of estimating JSI with the iterative estimation and then improve the performance of the whole system .

  7. 将放大的包络信号作为Class-D载频放大器的电源,根据EER原理,Class-D载频放大器输出载频信号的幅度将受到包络信号的线性调制,达到同时实现对载频信号的放大和AM调制的目的。

    According to the EER theory , using the amplified envelope signal as the power supply of the Class-D amplifier , the envelope will modulate the magnitude of the RF signal .

  8. 基于采样和滤波的线性调制解调方法

    Linear Modulation and Demodulation Method Based on Sampling and Filtering

  9. 双稳铌酸锂电光调制器的超线性调制

    Ultralinear Modulation of the Bistable LiNbo_3 Crystal Electro-Optic Modulator

  10. 线性调制系统的抗噪性能分析

    The Noise Immunity of the Liner Modulation System

  11. 频分复用中的线性调制

    Linear modulation in frequency - division multiplexing

  12. 全数字接收机中插值滤波器的设计&全响应线性调制信号的插值问题

    Design of interpolation filter for all digital RECEIVER-ON the interpolation problem of full response modulation signals

  13. 一种非常规的线性调制解调方法

    A Non-conventional Linear Modem Method

  14. 本文对全响应线性调制信号,给出了一个插值准则。

    In this paper , for full response linear modulation signal , an interpolation criterion has been proposed .

  15. 数值分析结果表明:线性调制区与非线性调制区均可获得振幅均衡的锁模脉冲;

    The numerical result shows that : amplitude equalized pulses were obtained both in the linear region and the nonlinear region .

  16. 本文阐述了未知符号序列经线性调制后,在接收端利用循环相关理论对符号速率进行盲估计的问题。

    This paper considers the problem of blind symbol rate estimation of signals linearly modulated by a sequence of unknown symbols .

  17. 首先,根据线性调制的频谱搬迁原理,将虚拟通信系统等效为基带系统。

    Firstly , according to the theory of linear spectrum shifting , the virtual communication system is equivalent to the baseband system .

  18. 介绍了该技术的理论原理及本实验室建立的基于时域线性调制和光纤迈克耳孙干涉仪的低相干光断层扫描系统并给出了初步的实验结果。

    The principle is introduced , the OCT system based on time linear modulation and Michelson interferometer is given with its initial experimental results .

  19. 由于这些线性调制技术具有非恒定包络的特点,当调制信号通过射频功率放大器后将产生互调信号失真,而这种互调产物无法用滤波去除。

    Modulated signals with varying envelop will generate intermodulation distortion which can not be eliminated by filter when those signal pass the RF power amplifiers .

  20. 用高功率放大器放大线性调制信号(络波动变化),必然会产生失真和互调成分。

    Amplification of linear modulation schemes ,( which exhibit fluctuating envelopes ), by high power amplifiers invariably leads to the generation of distortion and intermodulation products .

  21. 该传感器利用半导体激光器的可调制特性和线性调制外差干涉技术,实现了对光缆人为干涉信号的检测。

    By the nature of modulated Laser diode and the technology of linear modulated heterodyne intervene , the sensor realized the function of detecting intervene singles .

  22. 为了提高频谱利用率,现代无线短波通信广泛采用了非恒包络的线性调制方式和多载波技术,这对短波功率放大器的线性度提出了很高的要求。

    To enhance spectrum efficiency , linear modulation and multicarrier techniques are widely adopted in modem wireless communication systems , these signals be required to amplify linearly .

  23. 通过对未滤波的逆变器输出电压的谐波分析,对不同调制方法在线性调制区的谐波特性进行了比较。

    By the analysis to the unfiltered inverter output voltage , the harmonic characteristics of various multicarriel PWM modulation methods in the linear modulation regions are compared .

  24. 然后给出了低复杂度最佳联合检测算法用以计算此估计子,而且该算法适用于具有二维星座的线性调制方式;

    Then , we present the low complexity partially coherent multi user weight / phase optimal joint detection algorithm which is applicable to linear modulation methods with two dimensional constellation .

  25. 本文针对突发条件下线性调制信号的载波同步进行研究,主要研究了载波频率估计方法和载波相位恢复方法。

    This paper focuses on the carrier synchronization of the linear modulation signal in burst-mode transmission , involving two aspects : carrier frequency estimation methods and carrier phase recovery methods .

  26. 随着通信产业的不断发展,现代无线通信系统中广泛采用高频谱效率线性调制方式,对发射机的线性度提出了越来越高的要求。

    With continuous development of the telecommunications industry , high-efficiency linear modulation is widely used in modern wireless communication system , the linearity of the transmitter is proposed ever-increasing demands .

  27. 高的数据传输率和频谱资源的利用效率是缓解这一问题的有效途径,因此高效率的线性调制技术也应运而生。

    Higher data transfer rate and high utilizing rate of the radio frequency resource are the most effective way to solve this problem , which lead to great change in modulation technique .

  28. 对于线性调制,给出了瞬态耦合波方程的小信号解,并在高转换效率下,通过编程对耦合波方程进行了数值求解。

    For the linear modulation , a solution under the small signal approximation to the equations is given . Under the high conversion efficiency , the coupled-wave equations are numerically solved by a procedure .

  29. 确定了线性调制模式下参考矢量所对应的基本矢量及其作用时间;并提出了极值法对冗余开关状态进行优化选择以降低开关频率。

    The reference vector corresponding to basic vector and its role time under linear modulation mode is decided . As well as redundant switches are optimization selected by extreme value method to reduce the switching frequency .

  30. 随着高频谱效率的数字线性调制体制及多载波技术的广泛应用,为了保证调制保真度及避免干扰相邻信道内通信系统的正常工作,这对功率放大器的线性度提出了更为苛刻的要求。

    The use of spectrum-efficient digital linear modulation techniques and multi-carrier radio communication systems place stringent linearity requirements on the power amplifier , PA , in order to maintain modulation fidelity and avoid interfering with communication systems in the adjacent channels .