
  • 网络line loss
  1. 本文描述了一种线路损耗管理系统的设计与实现技术,该系统的开发采用了分布式数据库,Web和CORBA等一系列相关技术。

    This paper describes the Design and Implementation of a Line Loss Management System . The main techniques applied on the system are Distributed Database , CORBA and Web .

  2. 加强无功电压管理降低电网线路损耗

    Strengthening Reactive Voltage Management to Lower Power Line Loss

  3. OPGW与输电线路损耗之间的关系探讨

    The discussion of the relationship between OPGW and power line transmitting loss

  4. 提出先分析已考虑了线路损耗及参数频率特性后的输电线路前向脉冲响应与特征阻抗的频域变化规律,然后利用最小二乘法参数拟合原理与Z变换原理,给出了它们的Z域近似表达式。

    The frequency domain variation of the practical forward impulse response and characteristic impedance of transmission line is studied in consideration of the line-loss and parameter frequency response .

  5. 功率因数校正(PFC)技术不仅可以降低线路损耗、节约能源,还可以减小电网的谐波污染,提高电网的供电质量。

    Power factor correction ( PFC ) technology can not only reduce power line losses , energy conservation , it can also reduce the harmonic pollution and improve the quality of the power supply .

  6. 降低线损是供电部门的一项重要工作,而大部分线路损耗是在10kV以下的配电线路上。

    Lower line loss is an important work for power supply section . But most line loss is on the 10 kV below distribution line .

  7. 为了提高电力系统电压质量和降低线路损耗,对安全约束下的500kV南方电力系统最优无功功率调整方法进行了研究。

    In order to improve the voltage quality and lower line losses of power system , a research is made on the optimal reactive power regulation method under safety limiting for 500 kV south power system .

  8. 本文综合分析DG在降低线路损耗、环境效益、降低电价、延缓网络升级换代、减少购电费用、增强供电可靠性、改善气候等方面的效益并且对其产生的效益进行量化。

    In this paper , a comprehensive analysis of DG to reduce network losses , environmental benefits , lower electricity prices , slow network upgrading , reduce power purchase costs , enhance supply reliability , improve the climate and other aspects of effectiveness and to quantify its benefits generated .

  9. 浅析通过强化管理降低配电线路损耗

    Analysis how to Strengthen Management to Reduce Distribution Line Losses

  10. 电力系统线路损耗管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Line Loss Management System

  11. 降低低压电网线路损耗的几项措施

    How to Reduce Low Voltage Circuit 's Loss

  12. 单根线路损耗的近似处理方法

    Approximate disposal method of single line attrition

  13. 降低煤矿风井供电线路损耗的几种有效措施

    Some Effective Measures to Reduce the Losing Energy of the Supplying Electricity Line of the Coal Mine Wind-well

  14. 该算法以电压和线路损耗功率交替迭代进行。

    In computing process , the voltages of nodes and the losses power of lines were iterated by turns .

  15. 并网太阳能光伏系统可缓解白天电力紧张的局面,提高电网功率因素和降低线路损耗。

    Grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems can alleviate daytime power tense situation , raise grid power factor and reduce the loss of line .

  16. 实行电动机无功就地补偿,对改变电动机低功率因数运行、减少线路损耗、提高变压器带载能力,有明显效果。

    It has evident effect on low power factor working of motor , decreasing line loss and improving load ability of transformer .

  17. 介绍了采用并联电容器进行无功补偿的三种方式推荐采用就地补偿,降低线路损耗,最大程度节约能源。

    Field compensation are suitable to reactive power compensation by shunt capacitor , which are helpful to low line loss and save energy .

  18. 随着配电网中各种电力电子设备的大量应用,其产生的谐波电流注入电网,使得线路损耗增加,造成发配电设备利用率的下降。

    Due to the wide use of power electronic equipments in industrial applications , the harmonic current that produced pours into electrical network .

  19. 仿真结果表明,无功补偿和谐波治理可以提高功率因数,改善电压质量,降低线路损耗。

    Simulation results show that the reactive power compensation and harmonic control can improve the power factor , voltage quality and reduce the power losses .

  20. 在农村电网改造中,存在着偏远农户的用电管理、用电安全、线路损耗等问题。

    In the reconstruction of rural power network , there exist the problems of power consumption management , power consumption safety and line losses , etc.

  21. 中压电缆布置及接地方式关系着系统传输容量、线路损耗及安全问题,影响到建设成本和运营费用。

    The arrangement and grounding mode of medium voltage cable concerns the transmission system capacity , line fosses and safe problem , and affects construction and operation cost .

  22. 但长期以来,电容器无功补偿提高功率因数仅考虑了变压器和电力线路损耗的降低,却忽略了电容器介质损耗的增加。

    However , regarding to the function of compensated capacitors only loss reduction of transformers and lines are considered , the power loss increase result from capacitor medium is ignored .

  23. 配电网自动化技术对于提高供电可靠性、扩大供电能力、降低线路损耗和减轻劳动强度具有重要的意义。

    The technique of distribution automation system plays an important role in increasing reliability of power supply 、 extending power supply capacity and decrease the line loss 、 lightening labor intensity .

  24. 随着经济的不断发展,用电容量也不断增加,为了减少线路损耗,必须提高输电线路电压等级。

    With the increase demand of electricity continually , it is expected to develop higher distribution voltage grade in our country and developed countries , focusing on reducing the transmission loss .

  25. 所以它将适用于各类中低压配电网络,起到降低线路损耗,提高电网运行质量和稳定性的作用。

    So it will be applicable to different kinds of low-voltage distribution networks and plays its role of reducing line depletion and improving the quality and stability of the power grid operation .

  26. 推导出规划网架的线路损耗和配变负载损耗的等值电阻,利用馈线容量比值估算馈线最大电流。

    The equivalent resistance is derived for distribution transformer load loss and line loss of planning grid , and the maximum current is calculated for each feeder according to their capacity ratios .

  27. 第一步用线路损耗对支路导纳的灵敏度来近似计算打开开关引起的网络有功损耗增量,以此确定应打开的环路上的支路开关;

    First step , it uses the real power loss sensitivity with respect to the conductance of candidate branches to decide the real power loss which decides which loop switch should be opened .

  28. 其中,直流微电网是一种使用直流配电方式的微电网,它不需要控制电压相位和频率,具有可靠性高、转换效率高和线路损耗少等优点。

    DC micro-grid is a system using DC distribution , which has the advantages of high reliability , high efficiency and low line loss , with no need for controlling voltage amplitude and phase .

  29. 文中还专门对低压线损计算的方法进行了研究,讨论了由电表损耗和线路损耗组成的低压理论线损计算方法,以及实际线损率的计算方法。

    This paper studied the method of low voltage line loss computation , it discussed calculate method of actual line loss rate , method of theory which consisted of meter loss and line loss .

  30. 然而,这种并联方式会引入较为严重的零序环流问题,增加开关管应力和线路损耗,对控制电路也会带来不必要的电磁干扰。

    However , the parallel approach leads into serious zero-sequence circulating current , which increases the switch stress and the wire losses , and can also produce the Electromagnetic Interference ( EMI ) to the control system .