
  • 网络main control room;master control room;MCR;cockpit
  1. DIAS系统可以为核电厂主控室人机界面的设计及改进提供很好的技术支持。

    DIAS system can provide good technical supports to the design and improvement of man-machine interfaces of the main control room of a ( nuclear ) power plant .

  2. 核电厂主控室人因工程设计分析

    Human Factor Engineering Design Analysis of Main Control Room in a Nuclear Power Plant

  3. 系统采用PPI通信协议,主控室IPC为系统上级,通过主从式网络与下级的PLC通讯,获取生产过程的数据。

    IPC is superior of the system , communicating with subordinate PLC through PPI protocol .

  4. CARR堆主控室通风空调及空气净化系统设计

    Design of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems for Main Control Room for China Advanced Research Reactor

  5. 在变电站主控室设置服务器,服务器与GIS外壳多台微水在线监测单元进行通信。

    The server is set up in the main control room in the distribution substation , and the communications between the moisture on-line monitoring units on the GIS shell and the server are established .

  6. 住户终端搭载Android操作系统,住户终端还可向楼口终端发送开锁消息,接收主控室消息。

    Household terminal uses Android operating system , and it can also send unlocking message to the ground-floor terminal , receive message from main controlling room .

  7. 方法对发电机组主控室、网控室、变电设备、高压输出(TB)区等作业场所的工频电场场强和高压输出电线下的电场分布情况进行了测量。

    Methods Electric field intensities were measured at the controlling center of generating sets , netting control rooms , transformer equipments and high voltage transmitting TB region also in transmission line with different voltage grade .

  8. 以港口变电所为对象,研究了以可编程控制器(以下简称PC)控制主控室事故信号系统,故障信号系统和灯光显示系统,使得信号动作的准确性和可靠性得以保证。

    This paper investigates the control of the accident signal system , fault signal system and light display system in the main control room of the port transformer substation by using the programmable controller . As a result , the accuracy and reliability of the signal action can be ensured .

  9. 主控室人因工程设计可以有效地避免故障和事故的发生.应如何去防范事件的发生?

    It can efficiently avoid occurrence of failures and events .

  10. 请一定让我把主控室导演炒了。

    You 've got to let me fire the control room director .

  11. 在主控室应用微机准同期装置的一种方案

    One scheme of using micro-computer full synchronizing device in main control room

  12. 你在抽烟吗?在主控室?

    Are you smoking ? In the drive room ?

  13. 主控室里怎么了?

    What went on in the control room ?

  14. 里默在主控室看到的不是你,而是贝克斯利。

    It wasn 't you Rimmer saw in the drive room , it was bexley .

  15. 核电厂主控室通信系统可靠性改进技术方案

    Technical Plan for Improving Reliability of Main Control Room Communication System in Nuclear Power Plants

  16. 大亚湾核电站主控室报警处理计算机辅助系统的研究和开发

    Researching and Exploring of MCR Alarm Process Computer Aided System of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

  17. 有形控制屏的布置与实际主控室中的布置相同。

    The arrangement of the physical panel is the same as in an actual main control room .

  18. 良好的核电厂主控室人机界面设计对减少人因失误、保障核电厂的安全运行具有十分重要的作用。

    The well designed human-machine interface plays an important role in reducing human error and ensuring the safe operation of nuclear power .

  19. 该工程模拟器已应用于核电站安全分析,以及为核电站先进主控室设计提供软件支持和验证服务。

    The simu-lator has been used for NPP safety analysis and to provide support and validation service for the design of advanced main control room .

  20. 本文应用人机工程学准则结合人机界面布局原则对主控室人机界面二维空间布局优化进行了研究。

    Based on layout design principles and ergonomic standards of human machine interface ( HMI ) of main control room , optimization on two dimension layout of HMI is studied .

  21. 本文以核电厂主控室人机界面评价为研究对象,分析了人机界面评价研究的必要性,回顾了评价理论的研究现状,研究了具有多层次、多属性、不完全信息的复杂系统评价问题。

    The necessary of human-machine interface study was analyzed . The status of evaluation theory was reviewed . The evaluation problem of complicated system with multi-attribute , multi-hierarchy and incomplete information was studied .

  22. 该仿真系统不仅对高温气冷堆的工程设计、安全分析和人员培训有重要作用,且可对HTR10主控室的操作人员进行现场支持及各项研究提供帮助。

    The system can be used as an educational tool to understand the design and operational characteristics of HTR-10 , and can also provide online supports for operators in the main control room .

  23. 提出了进一步加强人因工程的应用,可以提高主控室人&机系统的交互作用效果,并能够为反应堆更加安全、可靠地运行提供条件保证。

    It is concluded that the further application of human engineering can increase interaction of the human and machine in the control room and provide assurances for the safe and reliable operation of reactor .

  24. 造访埃及国家铁路的主控室,你会发现主控员也如此不务正业。这和去年那个面对半路“抛锚”的火车而惊慌失措的信号工有的一比。

    Call in to the main control room of Egyptian State Railways and you may find the chief operator similarly disengaged , as one panicked signalman did last year when a train stalled on the tracks .

  25. 机器人很快就报告主控室,在这个所有可能的世界中最美好的世界里,一切都已经达到了最佳状态,警报声很快平息下来,生活又回到了正常的轨道上。

    The robot rapidly reported back to its central control that everything was now for the best in this best of all possible worlds , the alarms rapidly quelled themselves , and life returned to normal .

  26. 主控室人机界面是操纵员监视和控制系统安全运行的主要场所,是操作员从事操纵过程,认知过程,决策过程及负责整个系统安全监督控制的核心地方。

    The human-machine interface of main control room is the main place of the monitoring and controlling system safe running process for operators , main manipulating process , cognitive process , decision-making process and safe controlling center of whole system for operators .

  27. 利用TCP/IP网络通信协议和Client/Server编程模式,编程实现了采集机与主控室的网络数据传输,直至控制室可以监视、操纵整个功率测量过程。

    Using TCP / IP network communication protocol and Client / Server programme mode , network data transmission between acquisition PC and main-control room is realized , so that the whole power measurement process can be monitored and manipulated from the main-control room .

  28. 核电站的主控室有三种类型:全硬盘台控制室、数字化和硬盘台兼有的控制室以及保留后备盘台的全数字化控制室。

    There are three types of main control room of NPP , the hard panel control room , digital and hard panel combined control room and full digital control room with hard panel as back-up to prevent the digital equipment fail in common-mode situation .

  29. 在电力系统铁路电网电参数监测系统中,我们采用了基于单片机A/D采样的新型无线通讯方式,成功地实现了远端20个监测点与本地主控室之间的数据传输。

    This paper introduces the monitor and detector system of parameter in railroad electric power network which by utilizing wireless communication mode based on single-chip computer A / D sample , successfully achieves the data transmission between twenty remote monitor stations and central control unit .

  30. 高炉主控室局域网上运行的智能化软件包的集成应用,对高炉炼铁过程的参数优化起到了重要作用,达到了炉温预测控制和低硅节能操作的工艺目标。

    Integrated application of intelligent software packs , which was run on LAN in BF main control room , is proven to be of great value to parameter optimization of BF ironmaking process . Technological goal of predictive control for BF temperature and low silicon operation was achieved .