
tuī zi
  • clippers;hairclippers
推子 [tuī zǐ]
  • [hair-clippers] 理发工具,有上下重叠的两排带刃的齿儿,使用时上面的一排齿儿左右移动,把头发剪下来

推子[tuī zi]
  1. 要不要我用理发推子推一下后面的头发?

    Shall I use the clippers on the back ?

  2. 我要用推子吗?

    Shall I use the clippers ?

  3. 新的功能是主控功能和推子。

    New are the controller functions and sliders .

  4. 基于双边迭代奇异值分解的递推子空间辨识方法

    Bi-Iteration Singular Value Decompose Based Subspace Identification Method

  5. 递推子空间模型辨识算法的研究与仿真

    Study on Recursive Subspace Model Identification

  6. 电理发推子或剃刀头要不要我用理发推子理后面的头发?

    Head for electric hair clippers or shavers should I use the clipper on the back ?

  7. 用于线性时变系统辨识的固定长度平移窗投影估计递推子空间方法

    Using recursive subspace method based on projection approximation with moving window to estimate parameters of linear time-varying strucrure

  8. 基于投影估计子空间跟踪算法提出了一种新的可用于时变结构模态参数识别的递推子空间方法。

    A novel recursive subspace method is presented for pseudo-modal parameter identification of time-varying structures based on projection approximation subspace tracking algorithm .

  9. 文摘:翻车机中的铁牛和重推子系统是翻车机系统全线实现自动化的关键。

    Abstract : The iron bull transmission and heavy pusher system in a turn over truck are vital to the full automation of the turn over truck system .

  10. 对使用模态试验数据的线性时变机械结构系统的动态模型辨识的整体方法和递推子空间方法,给出了详细的比较。

    A detailed comparison study on the global method and the recursive identification methods for identifying linear time-varying dynamic models of mechanical structures with modal experimental data is presented .

  11. 如果你宁愿使用音量推子去控制输出,我们建议你直接在音源和调音台的输入通道中设置压缩器。

    If you would rather have this volume fader control output , we suggest that you set up the compressor directly between the source and the mixer channel 's input .

  12. 给出了一个新的用于线性时变参数结构系统模态参数识别的基于固定长度平移窗投影估计的递推子空间方法。

    A novel recursive subspace method is developed based on fixed length moving window ( FLMW ) projection approximation used for estimating the modal parameter of linear time-varying structural system .

  13. 主要论述了焦化厂铁牛和重推子系统的改造及其构成和软件系统。

    The present paper mainly described the revamp on the iron bull transmission and heavy pusher system in the Coking Plant as well as the composition of the new system and its software .

  14. 鸟鸣声,树倒地声。蜂鸣发型是一种非常短的、贴头皮的发型,其名称来源于理这种发型时推子所发出的声音。

    Birds singing , trees falling to the ground . A buzz cut is a very short , tight haircut that is so named because of the sound the razor makes when getting it done .

  15. 对于在较宽随机涨落范围内大型复杂结构的随机特征值问题,相对于摄动随机子结构方法而言,递推子结构结合法的结果能够更好地逼近蒙特卡罗模拟解。

    Compared with perturbation stochastic component method , results of recursive combining with component method to random eigenvalue problems of large-scale and complicated structural systems involving random variables of large fluctuation levels can better approximate those of Monte-Carlo simulation .

  16. 仿真结果表明,该方法在闭环系统控制器未知的情形下,不依赖任何待辨识对象的先验知识,较其他闭环递推子空间辨识方法得到了更为准确的模型估计。

    The simulation results show that the proposed method dose not require any information of the controller and a priori knowledge of the identified object in the closed-loop system and can obtain more accurate estimates of the identified model than other closed-loop recursive subspace identification methods . 3 .