
tuī fǎ
  • pushing manipulation
推法[tuī fǎ]
  1. 目的:探讨手推法对肝脏CT增强效果的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the hepatic CT dynamic contrast-enhanced effect with the hand bolus injection method .

  2. 前言:目的:探讨静脉双通道手推法注射造影剂在上腹部螺旋CT增强扫描中的应用。

    Purpose : To investigate the usage of dual pathways vein injection by hand in spiral CT epigastric enhancement scanning .

  3. 递推法求一元n次实系数多项式函数的完全等价n次Bezier参数曲线

    Bezier curve absolutely equaling to an unitary real parameter function DESIGN OF VARIABLE NUMBER PARAMETER FUNCTION

  4. 本文采用逆推法与遗传算法相结合的PID控制器的设计方法可以有效地控制变风量空调系统。

    This thesis presents an effective way to design PID controller through a combination of adverse deduce and genetic algorithm .

  5. 用DSC以外推法求复杂反应的动力学参数EMI2.4固化环氧树脂的研究

    Dynamic Parameters of a Complex Reaction of EMI-2 . 4 and Epoxy Resin obtained by DSC and Extrapolation

  6. 搜集16例(21个病灶)经临床和病理证实的小肝癌MR扫描资料,包括平扫及人工手推法动态增强扫描。

    Methods scan date by MRI of16 cases ( 21 lesions ) with SHCC confirmed by pathology clinic were reviewed , include plain scan and dynamic contrast-enhanced scan by manual injection .

  7. 等幂和与Bernoulli数的循环递推法

    Recursive method of the sum of equal powers and Bernoulli 's numbers

  8. 分划递推法在Hanoi塔问题上的应用

    The Application of PAR Method in Solving the Problem of Tower of Hanoi

  9. 从头计算中Fm(z)积分系列计算的最优方案&向上和向下结合的递推法

    Optimal Scheme of Fm ( z ) Integral Sequence Calculations in ab initio Method & Combination of Upward with Downward Recurrence Method

  10. LQ问题逆推法及其应用

    Inverse method for LQ problems and it 's application

  11. 利用蓄电池的充电电压和充电状态之间的关系,用蓄电池的状态估计法和倒推法,解决了均衡器中开关器件的PWM脉冲占空比的计算问题。

    Taking advantage of the relationship between the state of charges and the voltage of batteries , the duty ratio of switching device in the CEC can be calculated by using measured voltage of battery .

  12. Leontief模型中的递推法

    Recursion in Leontief Model

  13. 递推法推引j-j耦合谱项的研究

    Study of Deducing the jj Coupling Spectroscopic Terms by the Progressive Deduction Method

  14. 以一维Helmholtz方程为背景,运用反向递推法和奇偶分解法建立了Legendre谱τ方法的快速算法,其运算量仅为O(N)。

    The one-dimensional Helmholtz equation is considered . A fast direct Legendre spectral Tau algorithm is achieved by using the Galerkin differential recurrence formula which leads to a system with sparse matrix .

  15. 提出了两种polling方式的追踪状态估计算法&最小二乘递推法逐次追踪状态估计和灵敏度分析法逐次追踪状态估计。

    Then two tracking SE algorithms of polling type are put forward , which are recursive least squares method sequential tracking SE algorithm and sensitivity analysis method sequential tracking state estimation algorithm .

  16. 根据JR阻力曲线确定金属材料延性断裂韧度的试验方法测得JR曲线,并与递推法比较,结果令人满意。

    According to the experiment method of determination of metal fracture toughness , J R - curves are obtained and compared with that calculated using recursion .

  17. 本文提出了两种Mie散射程序算法:改进连分式方法和修正倒推法。

    Two improved Mie scattering numerical algorithms are presented in this paper , which are Improved Continued Fraction Method ( ICFM ) and Modified Downward Recurrence Method ( MDRM ) .

  18. 在对几种基于固定结构IMM的自适应采样周期算法介绍的基础上,针对传统递推法的不足提出了改进算法。

    Several adaptive update interval algorithms based on fixed structure IMM are introduced , and a modified algorithm is proposed to overcome the shortage of recursive adaptive update interval method .

  19. 以COD为控制指标,根据逆推法的河流水环境容量模式,计算了污水达标排放情况下的污水允许排放量,从而对河流控制断面指定的标准功能进行了可达性分析。

    Using COD as control index , according to the river water environmental capacity model of converse inference method , this paper calculated the permited discharge capacity of the standard reached wastewater ; and analysised the appointed standard functional achievability of the river controlled sections .

  20. 使用诸如“倒推法”(hindcasting)这类的技术能够提高模型的精确性。倒推法利用化石记录重建物种分布来测试模型。

    Techniques such as'hindcasting ' in which models are tested with reconstructed species distributions from the fossil record could improve accuracy .

  21. 运用Burg递推法做了ECG信号的功率谱,Burg递推法功率谱估计是平稳信号的算法,将这种方法运用到非平稳信号ECG信号中,求出了频率的变化点。

    Besides , the paper makes the power spectrum of ECG signal by Burg recursive method . Burg recursive method power spectrum may be a stationary signal and was applied to the non-stationary signals of ECG signal , and finally calculate the change point of frequency .

  22. 根据地形地貌的情况,西引桥8×42m预应力连续箱梁采用多点顶推法施工。

    The incremental launching method ( SSY ) is employed by the continuous prestressed box girder of the west bank approach bridge , with spans of 8 × 42m in light of the ground circumstance .

  23. 在Longstaff和Schwartz(LS,2001)提出的基于多项式函数逼近的美式期权仿真定价基础上,给出美式期权重要性抽样仿真方法&顺推法及其具体算法,同时给出重要性与分层抽样相结合的算法。

    Based on polynomial function-based pricing method of Longstaff and Schwartz ( LS , 2001 ), one importance sampling for pricing American option & forward tracking and its arithmetic was proposed . And the importance sampling arithmetic combining with stratification sampling was proposed , too .

  24. 论证了一种数据的分析方法&洛推法,用该法处理MOV试验数据,得到不同幅值工频电压下去噪后的全电流和阻性电流的波形及峰值随电压的变化趋势。

    This paper analyzes and proves the Method of Synthesizing Vector , and take its advantage in dealing with testing data in MOV experiment . From these data , all the leakage current wave , resistance leakage current wave and its peak value of MOV under different voltage are given .

  25. 用递推法计算锂原子的能量

    Calculation of the energy levels of lithium atom with recursive method

  26. 斜交箱梁桥顶推法架设施工技术

    Erection Technique for Skew Box Girder Bridge by Incremental Launching Method

  27. 浅谈递推法在程序设计中的应用

    Discussion on the application of the recursion law in the programming

  28. 中值定理中逆推法构造辅助函数

    Constructing Auxilliary Function by Inverse Inference in Using Mean Value Theorem

  29. 基于逐步倒推法的多阶段输电网络规划

    A backward step by step method for multistage transmission network planning

  30. 用逆推法进行平面复杂机构的运动分析

    A New Method for Analyzing Kinematics of the Planar Complicated Mechanism