
tuī jǔ
  • elect;choose;slate;clean and press
推举 [tuī jǔ]
  • (1) [elect]∶推选,举荐

  • 与会者一致推举他为主席

  • (2) [clean and press]∶举重运动的项目之一,利用推力将重物举起

推举[tuī jǔ]
  1. 吞吐大幅度下降.在我们的观测中,zookeeper只花费不到200ms来推举一个新的leader;

    In our observations , ZooKeeper takes less than200ms to elect a new leader .

  2. 他被推举为党的领导。

    He is elect to the leadership of the party .

  3. 她被推举为伍德格林选区的议员候选人。

    She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green .

  4. 拒绝推举一名领导者对此项事业毫无帮助。

    Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause .

  5. 他以民主党人的身份推举自己。

    He was putting himself forward as a Democrat

  6. 有迹象表明新党意欲推举候选人参加定于明年2月举行的选举。

    There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year .

  7. 如果你告诉这些人实情,他们是不会选你的。但是如果你耍点儿伎俩,他们会不止一次推举你。

    If you tell those folks the truth , they won 't vote for you . But if you sucker them , they 'll vote for you twice over

  8. 大家都推举他当代表。

    We all voted for him as our representative .

  9. 尼日利亚前财政部长恩戈齐·奥孔乔-伊韦阿拉被推举为世界贸易组织(简称WTO)新任总干事。

    Nigeria 's former finance minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is proposed to become the new director-general of the World Trade Organization .

  10. 分布式哈希表算法,构建了P2P环境中的服务推举网络,并给出了服务选择的算法和框架。

    In this paper , we construct a scalable distributed referral network in P2P and propose a heuristic algorithm f.

  11. 他们出的点子包括,让中国在国际金融体系中扮演更重要的角色,或承诺推举一位中国人担任下届IMF总裁。

    Ideas include offering a bigger role in the international financial system or pledging that a Chinese candidate becomes the next head of the IMF .

  12. 美国甲状腺学会(ATA)推举对所有甲状腺结节行超声检查。

    The American Thyroid Association ( ATA ) elected underwent ultrasound examination of all thyroid nodules .

  13. 本文基于一种广为应用的高效的P2P路由算法.分布式哈希表算法,构建了P2P环境中的服务推举网络,并给出了服务选择的算法和框架。

    In this paper , we construct a scalable distributed referral network in P2P and propose a heuristic algorithm for Web services selection through distributed hash table method , which is the most popular and efficient P2P routing algorithm .

  14. 他要求由运动员、球迷以及每一个人公开选举巴西足球协会(BrazilianFootballConfederation)的高层官员,也闪现过推举队友济科(Zico)与丑闻缠身的足协主席一争高下的念头。

    He demanded open elections - by players , fans , everyone - for the top job in the Brazilian Football Confederation , and toyed with fielding his team-mate Zico against the scandal-tangled president .

  15. 首位推举他为候选人的是DannyAkin,北卡罗拉威客森林()南方浸信会神学院的院长,他告诉记者:路特的当选是因为德才,与种族肤色无关。

    The man who first suggested his candidacy , Danny Akin , president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest , North Carolina , told a reporter then that he believed Mr Luter would be elected " on merit , regardless of race or colour . "

  16. 这些模型包括服务质量向量和服务推举可信度。

    The model includes the quality vector and the referral reliability .

  17. 用推举法吊装老鼠山固定消防炮塔

    Fixed Fire Monitoring Tower Hoisting on Mouse Mountain by Push Method

  18. 蒙台梭利被推举为参加此会议的义大利代表。

    Montessori was selected as italy 's delegate to this conference .

  19. 然而,她却把我推举为优胜者。

    Instead , she held me up like a champion .

  20. 你们所有的人都可以根据一些原因推举其它语言。

    You all can vote for different countries according to some reasons .

  21. 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样。

    His son was held up as a model of hard work .

  22. 他们推举她进委员会作他们的代表。

    They elected her to represent them on the committee .

  23. 所有的人都同意推举他为我们的主席。

    All the people agreed to elect him our chairman .

  24. 角色认知大体有两种类型,一是主动认知,一是被推举认知。

    Active cognitive and passive cognitive are two main type of role-perception .

  25. 相比之下,体重300磅(约为136公斤)的美国国家足球联盟前锋,腿部推举力只有1300磅(约590公斤)。

    For reference , 300-pound NFL linemen leg press about 1,300 pounds .

  26. 她被推举为模范工作者。

    She has been held up as a model worker .

  27. 他被推举为军队的新领袖。

    He was proposed as the new chief of the military forces .

  28. 5.:参加竞选每个组推举出候选人参加总统和副总统竞选。

    eg. Each group selected candidates to run for president and vice-president .

  29. 她被伦敦剧评家推举为崭露头角的、最有希望的女演员。

    She was voted most promising new actress by the London theatre critics .

  30. 威廉?莎士比亚被公众以投票方式推举为英国的千年风云人物。

    William Shakespeare has been voted the Man of the Millennium for Britain .