
  • 网络push-pull circuit;push-pull converter
  1. 提出了一种消除PWM逆变器输出共模电压的前馈有源滤波器,包括无源共模电压检测网络,推挽电路以及四绕组共模变压器。

    A novel feed-forward-type active filter , which consists of a passive common-mode voltage detection network , a push-pull circuit , and a four-winding transformer , is presented to eliminate common-mode voltage generated by a PWM inverter .

  2. 为抑制由PWM逆变器输出的共模电压而导致电机轴承的损坏,提出了前馈有源滤波器。滤波器包括无源共模电压检测网络,推挽电路以及四绕组共模变压器。

    Feed-Forward-Type active filter is proposed in this paper , which consists of a passive common-mode voltage detection network , a push-pull circuit , and a four-winding transformer to eliminate the negative effects of shaft voltage and bearing current in a PWM inverter drives .

  3. 同时运用ClassAB推挽电路作输出级,获得高驱动能力和低谐波失真。

    Meanwhile , a class AB output stage is also developed to ensure large dynamic range , strong driving capability and low harmonic distortion .

  4. 提出了正激推挽电路的ZCS方案。

    A ZCS push pull forward converter using resonant elements is proposed .

  5. 正激推挽电路的ZCS方案

    ZCS Scheme of Push-pull Forward Converter

  6. 根据超声电机调频、调压和调相的调速要求,提出了Boost与推挽电路级联的主电路方案,并介绍了Boost升压电路和推挽逆变电路的原理以及设计了电路的各参数。

    Based on frequency modulation , voltage regulator , and phase modulation for the speed control requirements , it was proposed to obtain boost circuit and push-pull inverting circuit , contributing to a cascade circuit . 3 .

  7. 推挽电路中变压器偏磁机理及抑制方法的研究

    Research on Transformer Magnetic Bias and Eliminating Method in Push-Pull PWM Converter

  8. 应用于推挽电路的同步整流的研究

    The Research on Synchronous Rectification for Push - pull Circuit

  9. 文章还对应用在串联谐振软开关推挽电路中的变压器作了一定研究分析。

    The transformer , used in the serial resonant soft-switching push-pull circuit , is also analyzed .

  10. 主电路采用推挽电路拓扑,驱动简单,变压器磁通可以双向复位;

    Push-pull circuit topology is used for the main circuit , together with simple drive and dual-direction reset of transformer flux .

  11. 通过在传统推挽电路的变压器原边增加箝位电容,抑制了开关管电压尖峰和电路的偏磁。

    PPF can suppress switch 's drop-out peak-voltage and magnetic biasing by adding a clamping capacitor on primary side of the traditional push-pull converter 's transformer .

  12. 缓冲电容器的电压被钳位,使得推挽电路特有的倍压不会在吸收电路上造成额外的损耗。

    Due to the voltage clamp on the capacitor , there is , for the doubled voltage of the push-pull circuit , no additional loss in the snubber .

  13. 本文在电源主电路方面选用推挽电路,其输出整流方面采用倍流整流方式,可以拓宽电源的应用范围和降低变压器的制造难度,实现高效率的电源。

    Based on the push-pull topology , using double-current rectification in secondary part , it can wide the appliance scope , decrease the difficulty of manufacturing transformers and achieve high efficiency converters .

  14. 为此,本文提出采用推挽电路+高频升压+全桥逆变的逆变电源设计方案,有助于降低系统体积并提高系统效率。

    Therefore , this article developed an inverter by using the " push-pull circuit + high frequency transformer + single_phase full_bridge inverter " design proposal , which help to reduce system volume and increase system efficiency .

  15. 根据需要可设计成单端或推挽电路,频率稳定度高于10~(-5)。该电路体积小,结构简单,易于调整,价格低廉。

    It may be built in single or push-pull circuits for different applications . The frequency stability can be higher than 10-3 . The circuit is simple and compact , easy to adjust and low in cost .

  16. 设计的DC/DC变换器选用推挽电路,其拓扑结构简单,与半桥电路和全桥电路相比,具有开关功率损耗较小,输出电压稳定和软启动等功能。

    The designed DC / DC converter employs the push-pull circuit , which has simple topological structure and features lower switch power loss , more stable output voltage , softer start-up , etc. , compared with the half-bridge circuit and full-bridge circuit .

  17. 通过对三种电路方案的比较,ZVS推挽谐振电路具有输出电压稳定、效率高的特点,是模板化航空静止变流器直流环节的优选拓扑方案之一。

    Through the comparison of three schemes , the ZVS push-pull resonant converter is one of the best DC link topology for the modularization aviation static converter .

  18. 采用高效的推挽式电路作为中低压电源的主电路,并以PWM控制电路、隔离式驱动电路、过流保护电路、MOSFET缓冲电路、软启动电路、稳压电路等作为辅助电路。

    The push-pull mode switch power supply is chosen as the main circuit of the other voltages with PWM control circuit , over-current protection circuit , insulated drive circuit , mosfet buffer circuit and so on .

  19. 该离子源采用电子管推挽式电路、电感耦合方式,振荡频率为20~50MHz。

    It adopts the push-pull circuit of electron tube in the inductance coupling way . Its oscillating frequency is 20 50 MHz .

  20. 一种推挽式电路故障诊断方法的仿真研究

    Simulation Study on a Sort of Fault Diagnosis Method of Push-pull Circuits

  21. 超声波电机推挽驱动电路的动态仿真与优化

    Simulation and Optimization for Driving Circuit of Ultrasonic Motor

  22. 化学反应动力学对超声速燃烧的影响超声波电机推挽驱动电路的动态仿真与优化

    Numerical study on supersonic combustion using different chemical reaction dynamics Simulation and Optimization for Driving Circuit of Ultrasonic Motor

  23. 本电源采用推挽逆变电路来实现功率转换,效率高、体积小。

    The source with the inverter improves efficiency of transmission power , and it 's volume is reduced , with the control circuit using the PWM integrated chip .

  24. 由于10%调制信号解调相对困难,设计了工作在亚阈区的两级推挽放大电路来解调10%调制信号;

    Because the design of 10 % signal demodulation circuit is more difficult , the two stage push-pull amplified circuit is designed to demodulate the 10 % modulate signal .

  25. 本设计依照普通实验室用户对电源参数的要求,提出了一种基于脉冲宽度调制(PWM)高效率、低功耗开关电源直流电压转换器的设计方法,采用全桥、降压、推挽回路为主电路拓扑。

    The design of power in accordance with ordinary laboratory user requirements , parameters of the proposed based on pulse width modulation ( PWM ) high efficiency , low power switch power dc voltage converter design method , adopts full bridge , step-down , mainly push-pull loop circuit topology .

  26. 试验结果表明,推挽正激电路在低电压大电流场合具有一定的应用优势。

    Experimental results prove that push-pull forward topology has some superiority in low voltage and high current situation .

  27. 本实用新型涉及双极电凝器,属于医疗仪器,由晶体管构成双管推挽主振电路。

    The utility model relates to a bipolar electrocoagulator which belongs to a medical apparatus . A double tube push-pull principal oscillation circuit is composed of a transistor .

  28. 本文详细地介绍了推挽正激电路的工作原理,分析了环流过程和变压器漏感、箝位电容对电路工作的影响,给出了箝位电容的选取方法。

    Analysis and simulation is performed , with the results that , the proper selection of clamping capacitor , transformer leakage inductance are critical to the proper working of the converter .

  29. 介绍了一种新颖的正激推挽变换器。详细分析了它的工作原理,并和推挽电路作对比。

    A novel push pull forward converter is proposed and its principle is analyzed .