
  • 网络Permanent magnet synchronous motor;PMSM;Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine;ipmsm
  1. 利用MATLAB仿真工具验证高转矩控制方法的正确性,构造永磁同步电机高转矩控制加新型电流滞环比较控制调速系统仿真模型,验证了控制方案的正确性。

    Then equations of high torque control method are proved with MATLAB simulation software . The simulation model of PMSM under high dynamic torque control plus new hysteretic current control with MATLAB is described .

  2. 然后研究了交流永磁同步电机控制系统及其基于前馈神经网络的系统辨识。

    Then the PMSM control system and its identification based on neural network are researched .

  3. 永磁同步电机系统线性化H∞鲁棒控制

    Robust control with linearization technique for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor servo system

  4. 永磁同步电机单神经元自适应PID控制

    Adaptive PID controller based on single neuron for permanent magnet synchronous machine

  5. 一种基于DSP的电力推进永磁同步电机控制系统

    A Ship Electric Propulsion Control System based on DSP

  6. 基于DSP的无轴承永磁同步电机检测系统设计

    Design of Detect System for Bearingless Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motors Based on DSP

  7. 永磁同步电机神经元积分分离PID控制的建模与仿真

    Modeling and simulation of neuron integral-separated PID control for permanent magnet synchronous motor

  8. 永磁同步电机多开关HALL的微步进标定方法及其矢量控制系统

    Multiple Hall Calibration Method and Vector Control System for PMSM

  9. 基于DSP永磁同步电机模糊PI控制系统研究

    Research on PMSM Fuzzy PI Control System Based on DSP

  10. 基于DSP的永磁同步电机磁场定向控制器设计

    Directional Controller of Magnetic Field of Synchronous Electrical Machinery of Permanent Magnetism Based on DSP

  11. 交流永磁同步电机二自由度PID控制

    Two Degree-of-freedom PID Control for AC PMSM

  12. 基于双CPU的永磁同步电机全数字伺服系统设计

    Design of PMSM Full-Digital Servo System Based on Two CPU

  13. 采用DSP处理器实现永磁同步电机变频调速系统。

    The DSP processor was adopted to realize the permanent magnetic synchronism motor frequency conversion timing system .

  14. 仿真和实验表明本文所采用的单神经元PID控制器能够提高系统的转速响应性能,一定程度上改善了永磁同步电机伺服系统动静态特性。

    And to some extent the dynamic and steady characteristic of PMSM servo control system was improved .

  15. 抗同步攻击鲁棒性数字水印技术研究永磁同步电机系统线性化H∞鲁棒控制

    Digital Watermarking Robust Against Synchronization Attacks ; Robust control with linearization technique for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor servo system

  16. 提出一种神经网络和模糊理论相结合的控制算法,用于永磁同步电机的控制。该算法用基于BP神经网络的PID算法作为速度控制器,实现控制系统的在线自适应调整;

    A hybrid controller of artificial neural network and fuzzy algorithm to control permanent magnet synchronous motors was presented in this paper .

  17. 基于SVPWM的高转速永磁同步电机控制系统的研究

    Simulating of high speed PMSM control system based on SVPWM

  18. Fuzzy-PID多模态控制器在永磁同步电机中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy-PID multi-controller in permanent magnet synchronous motor

  19. 针对永磁同步电机的特点,提出了基于模糊决策和继电自整定的模糊PI控制方法。

    Considering the characteristics of PMSM , a fuzzy-PI control method based on the fuzzy decision and relay self-tuning was proposed .

  20. 基于CMAC学习控制的永磁同步电机仿真研究

    Study on Simulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on CMAC Learning Control

  21. 基于RLS的嵌入式永磁同步电机参数辨识技术

    Parameter Estimation Technique for Vector Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on RLS

  22. 永磁同步电机变频调速采用空间电压矢量PWM方法,并与斩波器协调控制达到良好控制效果。

    The SVPWM method has been adopted in the PMSM speed control , also to obtain the good results in cooperation with the chopper control .

  23. 基于dSPACE无速度传感器永磁同步电机伺服控制器设计

    Nonvelocity sensor servo controller design for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on dSPACE

  24. 基于SVPWM永磁同步电机磁场定向控制算法的仿真永磁同步电动机磁钢的多目标微粒群算法优化

    Simulation of PMSM Field-Oriented Control Based on SVPWM Multi-objective particle swarm optimization of alnico in permanent magnet synchronous motor

  25. 永磁同步电机ISG系统的全数字控制研究

    Research on PMSM 's Fully Digital Control in System of ISG

  26. 本文是对永磁同步电机的扩展卡尔曼无位置算法(EKF)的矢量控制系统的研究。

    The dissertation researches on the PMSM vector control system using Extended Kalman Filtering ( EKF ) algorithm .

  27. 基于dSPACE永磁同步电机模型参考模糊自适应方法研究

    Study on the Model Reference Fuzzy Adaptive Methods of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on dSPACE

  28. 主要分析了用模糊自适应PI控制构成永磁同步电机交流伺服系统的位置环。

    The position control loop composed of self-adjusting PI control based on Fuzzy inferences in AC servo system of permanent magnet synchronous motor was discussed emphaticaly in this paper .

  29. 本文在深入分析混合式小型永磁同步电机结构和磁路特点的基础上,提出了关键参数xd,xq和E0的磁路计算法。

    Based on the analysis of the structure and magnetic circuit of the hybrid permanent magnet synchronous motor , a magnetic network method of calculating X_d , X_q and E_o of the machine is proposed .

  30. 对交流永磁同步电机进行数学建模,并用实验验证了DSP控制的交流伺服系统具有调速范围宽、转子定位准确、响应速度快、智能水平高,以及良好动、静态性能等优点。

    It is mathematically ( modeled ), and the experimental results show that the system has the advantages like wide speed range , accurate positioning , quick response , high intelligence and both dynamic and static performances .