
  • 网络always-on;Always online;always on line
  1. 移动通信节点要做到永远在线(alwaysonline),需要大量的IP地址。

    The mobile communication nodes require large numbers of IP address as they need to be always online .

  2. GPRS网络具有网络覆盖率高、永远在线等优势。

    There has the advantage of wide coverage , always online characteristics on GPRS technology .

  3. 利用GPRS系统“永远在线”、“按量计费”等优点,研发了远程无线监测热工仪表系统。

    The remote wireless system for monitoring thermal meters based on GPRS was developed due to its good features of always-online and charge-by-byte etc.

  4. GPRS无线网络数据传输有着比有线传输方式稳定可靠、永远在线、价格低廉的优势。

    GPRS wireless network in data transferring has an advantage over traditional data transferring . It has the characteristics of stabilization , always on line , low price .

  5. GPRS具有高速传输、永远在线、按流量计费、语音数据自由切换、快速登录等特点,将移动互联网推入商用阶段。

    GPRS features with high-speed transmission , always-on-line , billing by flow , automatic voice data switch , fast login , etc. It drives mobile Internet to enter commercial stage .

  6. 而GPRS技术以其永远在线和数据流量记费的特点,使得集抄系统的数据可以接入Internet,实现广域范围的集中管理和控制。

    Besides , by right of the speciality of online forever and charge on data flux , the technology of GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service ) can make AMRS connect into Internet and complete centralized management and control in very wide area .

  7. 数据高速传输和永远在线特点,配合按流量收费的资费方式,使GPRS通信方式在智能仪器仪表的远程通信领域具有无可比拟的性价比优势。

    GPRS is high-speed and permanent online , as well as its expense can be counted with the flux data , so GPRS communication mode has high capability and low price in the field of intelligent instrument 's long-distance communication .

  8. 利用GPRS可实现穿戴式生理参数检测和通讯,且具有数据传输速率高、永远在线、按流量计费的特点,在开发面向社区的新型移动医疗系统中具有重要的作用。

    GPRS can be employed for wearable physiological parameter detection and communication . As GPRS has the characteristics of high data transmission rate , always-on , accounting according to traffic , it plays a significant role in exploiting late-model medical system for communities .

  9. 该系统的核心部分GPRS具有永远在线、快速登录、按量收费和自由切换等优点,保证了系统的稳定性,并且大大减少了系统的建设投资和运营费用。

    The hard core of this system GPRS has so many advantages such as always on-line , logging on promptly , charging on quantity , switching freely and so on that it ensures the stability and greatly reduces the investment and running expenditure .

  10. 随着移动信息技术的发展,GPRS网络技术已逐渐成熟,具有覆盖范围广、通信质量高、通信费用低和永远在线等优点,为数据无线传输提供了一种良好的技术方法。

    With the development of mobile communication technology , GPRS network technology was gradual maturity . It has the advantage of wide coverage , high communication quality , low telecommunication cost , always-on-line . It provided a good technical method of wireless data transmission .

  11. 我需要将我的家庭生活与工作分开:由于永远在线的移动设备,现在本来就很难做到这一点。

    I needed to separate my domestic and work lives physically : thanks to always-on mobile devices this is hard to achieve anyhow .

  12. 尽管如此,随着智能手机变得日益复杂,它们也催生出一系列能够利用它们的永远在线网络连接、传感器和处理能力的新电子产品。

    Yet as smartphones increase in sophistication , they are also enabling new categories of gadget that harness their always-on connection , sensors and processing power .

  13. 这种永远在线的环境将我们的孩子训练成要靠通过他们获得的点赞数量和收到的评论来肯定自己的价值。

    This always-on environment is training our kids to value themselves based on the number of likes they get and the types of comments that they receive .

  14. 我们已经很少能获得这种亲密感,因为永远在线的生活,让我们在大多数体验中有很多退出选项。

    We rarely obtain this sense of thickness anymore , because our ever-connected lives are designed for giving us an abundance of exit options for most of our experiences .

  15. 实际运行情况表明,系统具有组网简单、运行成本低、永远在线、易于扩展和便于维护等优点。

    The practical operation indicates that the system has the merits of simple to build up , low running cost , always on line , easy to extend and maintain .

  16. 而且,一个青少年认为他们需要永远保持“在线”(或处于表演状态)的时代,似乎只能产生非常肤浅的对话。

    And an era when kids assume that they need to be permanently " online , " or in performance mode , also seems a place that breeds very shallow conversations .