
  • 网络Smart Home;intelligent home
  1. 智能家庭是指一个连接了通信网络的家庭。

    A smart home is a home with a communication network .

  2. 智能家庭网络中多Agent通信与协作机制研究

    The Research of Multi-agent Communication and Cooperation in Smart Home Network

  3. 一些智能家庭可以接待访客,迎客进屋并且为客人奉上饮品。

    Some smart homes can receive a visitor , allowing him to come in and offering him a drink .

  4. 基于Web的虚拟仪器技术在智能家庭中的应用

    Intelligent home Based on Web VI Technology

  5. 智能家庭空间是一个分布式多Agent系统。

    Smart Home space is a distributed multi-Agent system .

  6. 智能家庭中基于Agent的应用无缝迁移研究

    Research of Agent-Based Application Seamless Migration in Smart Home

  7. 论文重点研究了智能家庭网络中的多Agent通信与协作机制。

    This paper emphasizes the communication and cooperation of Multi-agent in intelligent home networks .

  8. 而鉴于WebServices在应用系统集成上的优异表现,他完全符合智能家庭网络中系统集成的特点。

    But Web services ' perfect representation in Internet Appliance integrations has indicated that it is fit to Home Network .

  9. 基于嵌入式Linux的智能家庭监控系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Home Monitoring System Based on Embedded Linux

  10. 家庭网关是智能家庭网络的关键设备,是家庭网络设备与Internet沟通的桥梁。

    Smart Home Gateway is the key to the Home Network , and is a bridge between Internet and the home network devices .

  11. 基于RFID无线传感网的智能家庭安防巡逻定位系统的设计

    Design of Smart Home Safe-Guard System Based on RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks

  12. 家庭网关是嵌入式Internet技术应用于智能家庭网络的产物,它是一种连接于家庭网络和外部Internet网络之间的嵌入式设备,使得家庭网络能够实现低成本的Internet接入。

    Home network gateway is the production of embedded Internet technology applied on Home network , which connects Home Network and Internet in low cost .

  13. 基于SIP的智能家庭网络的移动访问实现

    SIP-based implementation for mobile access to intelligent home network

  14. 通过分析家庭网络的现状与发展趋势,提出了基于Internet的分布式智能家庭网络控制系统,致力于建立稳定、可靠的家庭网络的体系结构。

    In this paper , the status quo and trend of home network are described , a distributed intelligent home network systems based on Internet is developed .

  15. 基于SNMP的智能家庭网络管理端的设计

    Design of SNMP based manager in home smart network system

  16. PLC应用广泛:Internet的接入、智能家庭组建、自动远程抄表等等。

    There are many PLC applications , such as internet access , Home-Bus for making the intelligent building , automatic meter reading and so on .

  17. 介绍了嵌入式Internet技术,分析了该技术的工作原理及组成,并详细描述了该技术在智能家庭局域网系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces briefly embedded Internet technology and analyses mainly principle and components . At the same time , the paper describes application of intelligent residential LAN based on embedded Internet .

  18. 文中提出了智能家庭网关的整体设计方案(包括硬件和软件),对家庭内部网络(localnet)的各个接口进行了设计。

    It presents the entire framework design of the Intelligent Home Gateway , including both hardware and software . It also covers the design of the each interface of the local net .

  19. 基于HBS协议的智能家庭控制网络设计

    Design of Home Intelligent Control Network Based on HBS Protocol

  20. 智能家庭网关的OSGiR3实现

    Implementation of intelligent home gateway based on OSGi R3

  21. 随着Internet技术的发展,尤其是无线网络技术的发展,智能家庭网络(IHN,IntelligentHomeNetworks)的组网模式呈现出多样性。

    With the development of Internet , especially the development of wireless technology , the set model of IHN ( Intelligent Home Networks ) has become various .

  22. 一种CBR与RBR相结合的智能家庭推理系统

    Smart home inference system combining CBR and RBR

  23. 同时用户可以使用家庭设备提供的服务,但是在一个智能家庭这样多用户的多Agent系统中,用户使用资源的情况必须进行预测,这样避免资源利用的冲突。

    Users can also use the services of home devices , but such an intelligent family of multi-Agent system , users must use the resources to predict , so to avoid resource use conflicts .

  24. 基于1-Wire的智能家庭RTU研究

    The Research on Intelligent Home RTU Based on 1-wire

  25. 在简述智能家庭控制网络发展现状的基础上,提出基于ArmLinux的EIB网关的硬件软件实现方法。

    The hardware and software method of developing EIB gateway based on Arm Linux is addressed after some summary of the smart home development .

  26. 智能家庭网络是集计算机、通信、消费技术于一体的3C系统,它通过家庭网关实现了家庭内部智能设备之间的信息交换和远程监控,家庭网关是家庭网络物理上与逻辑上的核心。

    Intelligent Home Network is called 3C system , which includes computer 、 communication and consumer technology .

  27. 基于UPnP的智能家庭网络的研究和实现

    Research and Realize Digital Home Network Based on UPnP

  28. 智能家庭网络技术综合了操作系统、Internet接入、微电子等多门学科,使家用电器构成一个协同工作和方便管理的网络。

    Intelligent Home Network System technology , which is emerging to satisfy the needs , consists of operating system technology , Internet technology and micro-electronics technology . It makes household appliances a co-operated network , which is easy to manage .

  29. 家庭网关是智能家庭局域网的核心部分,各个不同协议子网之间的互连和信息共享都需要通过网关进行,而且网关还负责家庭局域网的Internet的接入。

    Home gateway is the core of the smart home local area network . Interconnection between the sub-networks of various protocols and information-sharing are done through the gateway . Besides , the gateway is responsible for the Internet access of household LAN .

  30. 结果建立了基于RS-232的串口通讯模型,实现了智能家庭网关与模拟节点之间的相互通讯。

    Results The serial communication model based on the RS-232 is established , and communication between the intelligent home gateway and the information appliance is realized .