
  • 网络Conference System
  1. 电子智能会议系统

    Electronic intelligent conference system

  2. 基于MaSE和JADE的智能会议系统研究与设计

    Research and design of intelligent meeting scheduler system based on MaSE and JADE

  3. 智能会议系统在工程实际中的综合应用

    The Integrated Application of Intelligent Meeting System in the Engineering

  4. 智能会议通知系统是利用ASP技术开发的Web数据库应用系统。

    The System of intelligent Meeting Notice is a Web database application system base on ASP technique .

  5. 通过利用多Agent、语义Web、上下文觉察和逻辑推理等技术,参考早期的普适计算系统,提出了一个新的智能会议室系统模型。

    Taking advantages of the technologies of multi-agent system , Semantic Web , context-aware and logical inference , consulting earlier pervasive computing system , a new model of Smart Meeting Room ( SMR ) was presented .

  6. 互连网上智能会议通知系统的研制

    The Development of Intelligent Meeting Notice System on Internet

  7. 有上下文觉察能力的智能会议室系统模型的研究

    Research on the model of smart meeting room with context - aware capacity

  8. 论文实现了一整套会议终端设备解决方案,对构建功能更加强大的智能数字会议系统具有很高的参考价值。

    The results provide high reference value for constructing more powerful digital conferencing systems .

  9. 谷歌日历最新开放的新功能&智能会议管理系统,也许能解决这个难题。

    A new Google Calendar Labs feature called the Smart Rescheduler brings some search smarts to the problem .

  10. 本文在分析智能数字会议系统的基础上,结合嵌入式技术,设计了一款功能强大界面友好的数字会议终端设备。

    In this thesis , a powerful and user-friendly conferencing terminal device is designed and implemented , which is based on detailed analysis for intelligent digital conferencing system and embedded technology .

  11. 在完成智能会议控制系统总体设计后,本文针对会议系统终端控制器的具体实现进行了详细讨论,包括主流程以及接口软件的设计与嵌入式网络的设计。

    Upon completion of Intelligent Design conference control system , this paper for the conference system terminal controller , the specific implementations discussed in detail , including the main processes , and interface software design and embedded network design .