
  • 网络Intelligent shooting;Nokia Smart Shoot;Smart Camera;Smart Shoot;Intelligent Camera;Smart Auto
  1. 柯达独有的智能拍摄功能,场景分析和调整相机设置,提供美丽的图画更加频繁;

    Kodak 's exclusive Smart Capture feature , which analyzes scenes and adjusts camera settings to deliver beautiful pictures more often ;

  2. 全自动高清录播系统采用了先进的图像智能拍摄技术、全自动导播技术、高清多轨录像技术、实时刻录技术和网络技术[4]。

    This system has taken many technologies , which is consist of advanced image intelligent photography technology , full automatic director technology , HD multi-track video technology , real-time recording technology and network technology .

  3. Instagram允许用户用智能手机拍摄的普通照片,再透过滤镜处理,并称之为艺术。

    Instagram made a name for itself by letting users take mundane smartphone photos , place a filter on them , and call it art .

  4. Slingshot用户也可以发送智能手机拍摄的视频,还可以在照片上添加评论信息或者以绘图的形式进行回复。

    Users can also send videos from a smartphone camera , add a message commenting on a photo , or draw an image in response .

  5. 这段用智能手机拍摄的视频有一分钟长,上周在中国网络上疯传。

    The minute-long video , which was shot on a smartphone , swamped the Internet in China last week .

  6. 但是,经过几条专业点拨,业余美食摄影师也可以让他们用智能手机拍摄的美食照跃升一个档次。

    With a few professional tweaks , though , amateur food photographers can give their smartphone-captured meals a major upgrade .

  7. 例如,有一种新技术可以让健康护理工作者用一部智能手机拍摄高质量的视网膜图像。

    Just one example is a new technology that allows health care workers to take high quality retinal images using a smart phone .

  8. 业余爱好者用他们兜里的智能手机拍摄的东西,可以给人深刻印象,并不逊于较小成本制作的奥斯卡提名影片。

    No less impressive than the Oscar-nominated films being made for relatively small sums is what amateurs are able to capture with the smartphones in their pockets .

  9. 特殊光圈效果还不够可靠,足以让单反用户将单反相机留在家里,但习惯于用智能手机拍摄单调图像的人们将会注意到其中的不同。

    The special aperture effects do not work reliably enough for SLR users to leave their standalone camera at home but people accustomed to flat-looking images taken on smartphones will notice a difference .

  10. 华盛顿&据一份独立报告称,调查表明俄罗斯仍在不顾西方反对,在乌克兰境内开展旷日持久的军事行动。这项异乎寻常的调查使用了公开的视频、智能手机拍摄的照片和卫星图片。

    WASHINGTON & An unusual investigation using publicly available videos , smartphone photographs and satellite images shows that Russia is continuing to defy the West by conducting protracted military operations inside Ukraine , according to an independent report .

  11. 客人用智能手机拍摄的同时,一名服务员紧紧抓住蛇身,另一人则在它的腹部摸索,确定了心脏的位置之后,再用一把剪刀剖开,徒手取出这颗还在跳动的脏器。

    As the customers film with their smartphones , one server holds the snake taut . The other carefully feels along the animal 's abdomen until he locates the heart , then opens it up with a pair of scissors and removes the beating organ with his bare fingers .

  12. Instagram的用户在智能手机上拍摄和分享图片,并且“关注”其他人发布的图片。

    Instagram users take and share pictures on their smartphones and " follow " other users ' photostreams .

  13. 加载来自电脑地收藏照片,或者存储管理你用智能手机照相拍摄地诸多照片。

    Load your favorite photos from your PC or store and manage photos you 've taken with your smartphone 's camera .

  14. TinyMOS还表示,这款相机拍摄出来的天文照片要比使用普通智能手机的拍摄效果好许多,而且它的体积非常小,与传统天文摄影使用的专业单反相机和三脚架组合相比,更加方便携带。

    TinyMOS claims that these features will lead to better results than using your smartphone , but with a smaller form factor and more ease-of-use than a traditional full-size DSLR rig intended for astrophotography .

  15. 晚上,章子怡和另一位韩国导演leechang-dong一同亮相,同样吸引了云台海滩的粉丝,他们拥至舞台底部,试图用手中的智能手机和照相机拍摄这名中国演员。

    In the evening , Zhang Ziyi also wooed fans at the Haeundae beach , by appearing with another South Korean director , Lee Chang-dong . Fans swarmed to the bottom of the stage , in an attempt to capture the Chinese star on their smartphones and cameras .

  16. 人们使用智能机进行照片拍摄,美化,管理。

    Intelligent machines people use photoshoot , landscaping , management .